
12 most relevant work on Digital architecture

  1. Gordon Pask, The cybernetics of Architecture, in: Architectural design
  2. Nicholas Negroponte, The architecture machine: toward a more human environment, Canbridge:  MIT Press, 1970.
  3. William Mitchell
  4. John Frazer
  5. Mark Burry
  6. Bernard Cache, Earth moves: the furnishing of territories, Cambridge: MIT Press
  7. Greg Lynn, Folds, bodies & blobs: collected essays, Bruxeles: La Lettre Volée, 1998
  8. Neil Spiller
  9. Branko Kolarevic, Architecture in the digital age: designing and manufacturing, NY: Taylor & Francis, 2003.
  10. Patrik Schumacher, The autopoiesis of architecture, volume 1: a new framework for architecture, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.+ Patrik Schumacher , The autopoiesis of architecture, volume 2: a new agenda for architecture, Chichester: JohnWiley & Sons, 2012. 
  11. Cecil Balmond, Informal, London: Prestel, 2007
  12. Michael hensel, Achim Menges (eds.), Morpho-ecologies, London: AA Publications, 2006.

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