22 Setembro 2008
14.00-14.30h - Sessão de Abertura
14.30-15.30h - Conferência 1 (Gonçalo Furtado e Rui Póvoas)
15.30-16.30h - Sessão de comunicações 1 (“Perspectivas no ensino e na investigação”)
16.30-17.00h - Mesa Redonda 1 (“Perspectivas no ensino e na investigação”)
17.00-18.00h - Sessão de comunicações 2 (Perspectivas no ensino e na investigação)
18.00-18.30h - Mesa Redonda 2 - (Perspectivas no ensino e na investigação)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Conferência 2 (Josep M. Montaner)
23 Setembro 2008
14.30-15.30h - Conferência 3 (Pau Solà-Morales i Serra)
15.30-16.30h - Sessão de comunicações 3 (Concepção e Produção)
16.30-17.00h - Mesa Redonda 3 (Concepção e Produção)
17.00-18.00h - Sessão de comunicações 4 (Concepção e Produção)
18.00-18.30h - Mesa redonda 4 (Concepção e Produção)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Conferência 4 (Neil Leach)
24 Setembro 2008
14.30-15.30h - Conferência 5 (Ted Krueger)
15.30-16.30 - Sessão de comunicações 5 (Concepção e Performance)
16.30-17.00h - Mesa Redonda 5 (Concepção e Performance)
17.00-18.00h - Sessão de comunicações 6 (Concepção e Performance)
18.00-18.30h - Mesa Redonda 6 (Concepção e Performance)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Conferência 6 (Jasia Reichardt)
20.00-20.30h - Sessão de Encerramento
17 a 24 de Setembro 2008 - Workshop “Projectar e Construir Geometrias Complexas” ministrado por ReD
1 Julho 2008 - Mesa redonda “Homenagem ao Professor Fernando Lisboa” com Isabel Lisboa, Fernanda Lisboa, Francisco Barata, Rui Póvoas, Gonçalo Furtado, Vasco Branco, Domingos Tavares, Marco Ginoulhiac, Andreia Soutinho, José P. Sousa, Francisco G. de Carvalho, António Meireles e João P. Moura; e actuação do Arquicouro.
22 a 24 de Setembro 2008 - Mostra de trabalhos de CAD-CAM comissariada por José Pinto Duarte.
22 de Setembro a 2 de Outubro de 2008 - Exposição “Cedric Price’s Generator: The Frazers’ Collection” comissariada por Gonçalo Furtado e Rui Póvoas.
writings on architecture, design and cultural studies (incl. oporto school, portuguese architecture, critical project, drawings and photografphy, cedric price, gordon pask, and other stuff...)
CAC 2008 (computation, complexity and emergence)
The department of architecture of the Oporto University will hold, in September 2008, the “Contemporary Architectural Challenges: Conception, Production and Performance”, an international meeting of scientific and cultural foundation that intends to encase the challenges faced nowadays by the project and construction of architectural work in the face of the present techno-cultural context. The afore mentioned event will be organized by Professor Doutor Rui Povoas and Professor Doutor Gonçalo Furtado and will enclose several platforms involving teachers, researchers as well as national and international critics.
This initiative arises in the sequence of previous similar projects such as the international colloquium “Architecture and the Information Society” (FAUP 2002) and the corresponding release of the publishing of “Architecture: Machine and Body” (Faup Publications, 2006). The afore mentioned colloquium arose a debate about the impact of the Information Society on the discipline concerning Project, Architectural Construction and the City; and benefited from the contribution of national and international protagonists such as Alessandro Aurigi, João Camacho, Ted Krueger, Eurico Carrapatoso, António Costa, Xavier Costa, José Pinto Duarte, Manuel Duarte, Borges Gouveia, Luís Guardão, Marco Guilloniac, Fernando Lisboa, José Mamede, Francesc Munoz, Paulo Silva, Alfredo Soeiro e José Pedro Sousa. The afore mentioned publication includes the endowments of Ted Kruger, Ignási Sola Morales, Neil Spiller, Neil Leach, Josep Maria Montaner, José Bragança de Miranda e Adrian Forty and was envisaged “in order to offer a sustained contribution regarding the technological dimension of our multidiscursive reality”.
We have been observing, nowadays, a strong input of the new information technologies as far as conception and production of architecture are concerned as well as what regards to the new conceptual challenges including the issue of complexity, source and sustainability, making it paramount to promote the continuity of an up to date scientific debate on such matters. With the goal of giving progression and renovating the debate aroused by the afore said initiatives and thus contributing to a careful thought of the Project and Production of the Contemporary Architecture we now depict the CAC 2008.
The event will count with the attendance of spokesmen such as Sola-Morales, Jasia Reichardt, Ted Krueger, Josep Maria Montaner, Neil Leach, among others. The three conference tables will count with the attendance of various public names such as Rui Povoas, Gonçalo Furtado, João Pedro Xavier, Joaquim Vieira, Vitor Silva, Marco Guinoulhiac, José Pedro Sousa, Borges Gouveia, Luís Pinto Faria, Bragança de Miranda, Alfredo Soeiro, João Rocha, Pedro Martins, José Pinto Duarte, Jorge Lino Alves, Dirk Loyens, Nancy Diniz, Pedro Leão, João Pedro Xavier, Vitor Silva, Vasco Branco, Nuno Pinheiro, João Moura, Miguel Serra, and others.
The colloquium will be accompanied by the publishing of the relating speeches. Parallel to this, a workshop for students will also take place, the tuition of it under the supervision of the nationally and internationally known (ReD Research + Design Studio), with the aim of revealing recent potentialities regarding the field of the architectonic projects and production. It is likely that an exhibition will also take place. The event was associated to a previous homage to the work of the recently deceased professor Fernando Lisboa in the domain of the architectonical project upheld by computer and semiotics.
This initiative arises in the sequence of previous similar projects such as the international colloquium “Architecture and the Information Society” (FAUP 2002) and the corresponding release of the publishing of “Architecture: Machine and Body” (Faup Publications, 2006). The afore mentioned colloquium arose a debate about the impact of the Information Society on the discipline concerning Project, Architectural Construction and the City; and benefited from the contribution of national and international protagonists such as Alessandro Aurigi, João Camacho, Ted Krueger, Eurico Carrapatoso, António Costa, Xavier Costa, José Pinto Duarte, Manuel Duarte, Borges Gouveia, Luís Guardão, Marco Guilloniac, Fernando Lisboa, José Mamede, Francesc Munoz, Paulo Silva, Alfredo Soeiro e José Pedro Sousa. The afore mentioned publication includes the endowments of Ted Kruger, Ignási Sola Morales, Neil Spiller, Neil Leach, Josep Maria Montaner, José Bragança de Miranda e Adrian Forty and was envisaged “in order to offer a sustained contribution regarding the technological dimension of our multidiscursive reality”.
We have been observing, nowadays, a strong input of the new information technologies as far as conception and production of architecture are concerned as well as what regards to the new conceptual challenges including the issue of complexity, source and sustainability, making it paramount to promote the continuity of an up to date scientific debate on such matters. With the goal of giving progression and renovating the debate aroused by the afore said initiatives and thus contributing to a careful thought of the Project and Production of the Contemporary Architecture we now depict the CAC 2008.
The event will count with the attendance of spokesmen such as Sola-Morales, Jasia Reichardt, Ted Krueger, Josep Maria Montaner, Neil Leach, among others. The three conference tables will count with the attendance of various public names such as Rui Povoas, Gonçalo Furtado, João Pedro Xavier, Joaquim Vieira, Vitor Silva, Marco Guinoulhiac, José Pedro Sousa, Borges Gouveia, Luís Pinto Faria, Bragança de Miranda, Alfredo Soeiro, João Rocha, Pedro Martins, José Pinto Duarte, Jorge Lino Alves, Dirk Loyens, Nancy Diniz, Pedro Leão, João Pedro Xavier, Vitor Silva, Vasco Branco, Nuno Pinheiro, João Moura, Miguel Serra, and others.
The colloquium will be accompanied by the publishing of the relating speeches. Parallel to this, a workshop for students will also take place, the tuition of it under the supervision of the nationally and internationally known (ReD Research + Design Studio), with the aim of revealing recent potentialities regarding the field of the architectonic projects and production. It is likely that an exhibition will also take place. The event was associated to a previous homage to the work of the recently deceased professor Fernando Lisboa in the domain of the architectonical project upheld by computer and semiotics.
Festival for Art, Technology and Locality.
August 30 - september 21
“Under the title of ‘Constructing Place’ Dislocate’s symposium will bring together artists, designers, architects, urban planners in the exploration of our conceptualization of space and the impact of emerging technologies upon our relationship with our surroundings. In a debate upon the components which formulate place and the shift in definitions which these are undergoing we will explore the terms under which we realize location and how technology can further ‘locate’ us.
participants: Hirakawa norimichi / Shikata yukiko / Exonemo / Blast Theory / Drew Hemment/ Venzha Christ / Georg Russegger / Opencity / Gonçalo Furtado / Taki Kentaro.”
(in:, available 08/2008.
“In the Dislocate Symposium Furtado will make an overview of Price and Pask’s design envisionings of the so call “Informational environment” - in which our society currently lives - and after discuss them with the audience in relation to contemporary perspectives. He will specifically focus in what is one of the most interesting design envisionings of the IE – i.e. Price’s Japan Net. It consists in an architectural-urban proposal, curiously made to a Japanese City about two about decades ago, in collaboration with the internationally awarded cybernetician Gordon Pask.“ (in:, available 08/2008)
Festival for Art, Technology and Locality.
August 30 - september 21
“Under the title of ‘Constructing Place’ Dislocate’s symposium will bring together artists, designers, architects, urban planners in the exploration of our conceptualization of space and the impact of emerging technologies upon our relationship with our surroundings. In a debate upon the components which formulate place and the shift in definitions which these are undergoing we will explore the terms under which we realize location and how technology can further ‘locate’ us.
participants: Hirakawa norimichi / Shikata yukiko / Exonemo / Blast Theory / Drew Hemment/ Venzha Christ / Georg Russegger / Opencity / Gonçalo Furtado / Taki Kentaro.”
(in:, available 08/2008.
“In the Dislocate Symposium Furtado will make an overview of Price and Pask’s design envisionings of the so call “Informational environment” - in which our society currently lives - and after discuss them with the audience in relation to contemporary perspectives. He will specifically focus in what is one of the most interesting design envisionings of the IE – i.e. Price’s Japan Net. It consists in an architectural-urban proposal, curiously made to a Japanese City about two about decades ago, in collaboration with the internationally awarded cybernetician Gordon Pask.“ (in:, available 08/2008)
CAC 2008 Provisory Program
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, 22 to 24 September 2008 Organization: Gonçalo Furtado and Rui Póvoas
22 SETEMBRO 2008
14.00-14.30h - Opening Session
Jorge Gonçalves (UP)
Francisco Barata (CD FAUP
Alexandre Alves Costa (CC FAUP)
Rui Povoas e Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 08)
Manuel Fernandes Sá (CEAU)
14.30-15.30h - Key Note Speaker 1
Gonçalo Furtado / Rui Povoas (FAUP)
“Cedric Price’s Generator: The Frazers’ Private Collection”
15.30-16.30h - Talks 1: Perspectives on Teaching and Research
Vítor Silva (FUAP)
“Domínio das imagens”
Joaquim Vieira (FAUP)
“A imagem na “Concepção, produção e performance”, nos desafios da Arquitectura Contemporânea”
Pedro Leão (CCRE/FAUP)
“CCRE: digital platform for public participation and collaborative learning”
João Pedro Xavier (FAUP)
“A question of grammar…”
16.30-17.00h - Round Table 1: Perspectives on Teaching and Research
Moderator: Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 2008)
17.00-18.00h - Talks 2: Perspectives on Teaching and Research
Marco Ginoulhiac (FAUP)
”From design on time to the design of time“
João Paul Moura (Architect, France)
Information pending
Nuno Pinheiro (FAUP)
“CAD and creativity - obstacle or encouragement?”
José Pedro Sousa (ReD, IAAC)
Information pending
18.00-18.30h - Round table: Perspectives on teaching and research
Moderator: Rui Povoas (CAC 2008)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Key Note Speaker 2
Josep Montaner (ETSAB, Spain)
Information pending
23 SETEMBRO 2008
14.30-15.30h - Key Note Speaker 3
Pau Solà-Morales i Serra
Information pending
15.30-16.30h - Talks 3: Conception and Production
José Pinto Duarte (FAUTL)
“New Technologies in the teaching and practice of architecture”
Jorge Lino Alves
“Rapid Product Development”
Luís Romão (FAUTL)
Information pending
Dirk Loyens (ESAD; WITH Paulo Mendonça, Ferrie van Hattum)
“Digital Design, Optimisation and Manufacturing of Architectural Components”
Teresa Heitor (IST)
Information pending
16.30-17.00h - Round Table 4: Conception and Production
Moderator: Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 2008)
17.00-18.00h - Talks 4: Conception and Production
Artur Pimenta Alves (INESC)
Information pending
Alfredo Soeiro (FEUP)
“The Importance of Architectural Design in Preventing Accidents”
Eugénio Oliveira (LIACC-FEUP)
Information pending
Nancy Diniz (UCL/Lusiada)
“Experiments in Evolving Spatial Interactions”
Carla Leitão (Cornell Univ.)
To be confirmed
18.00-18.30h - Round Table 4: Conception and Production
Moderator: Rui Povoas (CAC 2008)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Key Note Speaker 4
Neil Leach (Brighton University)
“New Materialism”
24 SETEMBRO 2008
14.30-15.30h - Key Note Speaker 5
Ted Krueger (Renfellaer Polytechnic Institute - USA)
“Computation, Embodiment and Architecture”
15.30-16.30 - Talks 4: Conception and Performance
Mário Kruger (Universidade de Coimbra) nceitos e Pré-Conceitos
“Originality, Relevance and Disciplinarity in Architectural Research: Concepts and Pre-Concepts”
Pedro Martins (PT)
“The Natural History of a Human Alien: From Birth to the Toddler' Stage”
João Rocha (Universidade de Évora)
“Digital dialectics”
Bragança de Miranda (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
“Electrónica e Tectónica”
16.30-17.00h - Round Table 5: Conception and Performance
Moderator: Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 2008)
17.00-18.00h - Talks 6: Conception and Performance
Miguel Serra (Architect, Master Feup)
“Suburban spatial Dynamics”
Luís Borges Gouveia (Universidade Fernando Pessoa)
“Intelligent cities: from digital to social analogic”
Ricardo Morla (INESC)
To be confirmed
Luís Pinto Faria (Universidade Fernando Pessoa)
“The Ecological Challenge”
18.00-18.30h - Mesa Redonda 6 (Concepção e Performance)
Moderator: Rui Povoas (CAC 2008)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Key Note Speaker 6
Jasia Reichardt (Curator, UK)
“'Our dreams change, we don't'.”
20.00h-20.30h - Closing Session
Rui Povoas e Gonçalo Furtado (Organização CAC 2008)
Rui Braz (FAUP)
Nuno Portas (FAUP)
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, 22 to 24 September 2008 Organization: Gonçalo Furtado and Rui Póvoas
22 SETEMBRO 2008
14.00-14.30h - Opening Session
Jorge Gonçalves (UP)
Francisco Barata (CD FAUP
Alexandre Alves Costa (CC FAUP)
Rui Povoas e Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 08)
Manuel Fernandes Sá (CEAU)
14.30-15.30h - Key Note Speaker 1
Gonçalo Furtado / Rui Povoas (FAUP)
“Cedric Price’s Generator: The Frazers’ Private Collection”
15.30-16.30h - Talks 1: Perspectives on Teaching and Research
Vítor Silva (FUAP)
“Domínio das imagens”
Joaquim Vieira (FAUP)
“A imagem na “Concepção, produção e performance”, nos desafios da Arquitectura Contemporânea”
Pedro Leão (CCRE/FAUP)
“CCRE: digital platform for public participation and collaborative learning”
João Pedro Xavier (FAUP)
“A question of grammar…”
16.30-17.00h - Round Table 1: Perspectives on Teaching and Research
Moderator: Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 2008)
17.00-18.00h - Talks 2: Perspectives on Teaching and Research
Marco Ginoulhiac (FAUP)
”From design on time to the design of time“
João Paul Moura (Architect, France)
Information pending
Nuno Pinheiro (FAUP)
“CAD and creativity - obstacle or encouragement?”
José Pedro Sousa (ReD, IAAC)
Information pending
18.00-18.30h - Round table: Perspectives on teaching and research
Moderator: Rui Povoas (CAC 2008)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Key Note Speaker 2
Josep Montaner (ETSAB, Spain)
Information pending
23 SETEMBRO 2008
14.30-15.30h - Key Note Speaker 3
Pau Solà-Morales i Serra
Information pending
15.30-16.30h - Talks 3: Conception and Production
José Pinto Duarte (FAUTL)
“New Technologies in the teaching and practice of architecture”
Jorge Lino Alves
“Rapid Product Development”
Luís Romão (FAUTL)
Information pending
Dirk Loyens (ESAD; WITH Paulo Mendonça, Ferrie van Hattum)
“Digital Design, Optimisation and Manufacturing of Architectural Components”
Teresa Heitor (IST)
Information pending
16.30-17.00h - Round Table 4: Conception and Production
Moderator: Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 2008)
17.00-18.00h - Talks 4: Conception and Production
Artur Pimenta Alves (INESC)
Information pending
Alfredo Soeiro (FEUP)
“The Importance of Architectural Design in Preventing Accidents”
Eugénio Oliveira (LIACC-FEUP)
Information pending
Nancy Diniz (UCL/Lusiada)
“Experiments in Evolving Spatial Interactions”
Carla Leitão (Cornell Univ.)
To be confirmed
18.00-18.30h - Round Table 4: Conception and Production
Moderator: Rui Povoas (CAC 2008)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Key Note Speaker 4
Neil Leach (Brighton University)
“New Materialism”
24 SETEMBRO 2008
14.30-15.30h - Key Note Speaker 5
Ted Krueger (Renfellaer Polytechnic Institute - USA)
“Computation, Embodiment and Architecture”
15.30-16.30 - Talks 4: Conception and Performance
Mário Kruger (Universidade de Coimbra) nceitos e Pré-Conceitos
“Originality, Relevance and Disciplinarity in Architectural Research: Concepts and Pre-Concepts”
Pedro Martins (PT)
“The Natural History of a Human Alien: From Birth to the Toddler' Stage”
João Rocha (Universidade de Évora)
“Digital dialectics”
Bragança de Miranda (Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
“Electrónica e Tectónica”
16.30-17.00h - Round Table 5: Conception and Performance
Moderator: Gonçalo Furtado (CAC 2008)
17.00-18.00h - Talks 6: Conception and Performance
Miguel Serra (Architect, Master Feup)
“Suburban spatial Dynamics”
Luís Borges Gouveia (Universidade Fernando Pessoa)
“Intelligent cities: from digital to social analogic”
Ricardo Morla (INESC)
To be confirmed
Luís Pinto Faria (Universidade Fernando Pessoa)
“The Ecological Challenge”
18.00-18.30h - Mesa Redonda 6 (Concepção e Performance)
Moderator: Rui Povoas (CAC 2008)
18.30-19.00h - Coffee Break
19.00-20.00h - Key Note Speaker 6
Jasia Reichardt (Curator, UK)
“'Our dreams change, we don't'.”
20.00h-20.30h - Closing Session
Rui Povoas e Gonçalo Furtado (Organização CAC 2008)
Rui Braz (FAUP)
Nuno Portas (FAUP)
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