writings on architecture, design and cultural studies (incl. oporto school, portuguese architecture, critical project, drawings and photografphy, cedric price, gordon pask, and other stuff...)
Natália Correia e as "três marias"
Natália Coreeia, n. 13 de Setembro de 1923
Centenário do nascimentod e uma grande poetisa e mulher
Interessa dissertações com: temas internacionais, redacção em também em inglês cientifico, metodologias de investigação mistas (quantitativas/qualitativas),
As sissertaçoes devem ter orinaidade, contribuirem para o conhecimento, apliquem coerentemente metodlogia/metodos de análise, e resultados claros.
A space sintax remete a tecnica desenvovlida na UCL por Hiller e Hanson nos 80s. Possui uma história que remete aos design methdos desde pg, dedsenvovidos na EUropa e EUA.
A história recente da FAUP possui relaçao com: Nuno Portas (que desenvolveu trabalho no LNEC baseado em Alexander etc), com o SAAL nos 1970s, sendo que a habitação está presente desde o 3º ano do MIARQ, a perfil do PDA; até este ano a relaçao com o "Mais casas":
A investigação deve ambicionar impacto. Mais importante é, como dizia Távora, a relação com a vida.
America and the three urban utopias_abstract
America and the three urban utopias
Gonçalo Furtado, PhD
America has always been seen as an Eldorado, a virgin landscape where the most utopian dreams could be realized. Today, North America is a "universal machine" that continues to normalize the world's imagination, so to address it is to reflect on the cultural model that we are absorbing on the Old Continent.
America was initially based on the myth of freedom, then on that of progress and today on that of globalization. But the idea of freedom has often translated into a uniformity that excludes what is different. The idea of progress, which was only slightly shaken during the Great Wars, was reflected in the acceleration of fashion and consumerism as phenomena necessary for the survival of production itself. The idea of globalization is currently sliding towards Americanization, since it is from this geography that the focus of power in this process emanates. We are dealing with a progressive ideological colonization that, in the case of Europe, dates back to the post-war period, when, through the Marshall Plan, a moral happiness for citizens was constructed based on middle-class consumption.
In this paper we analyse three urban utopian models: the horizontality of the suburb, the verticality of the suburb, and the digital city
The social adequacy of housing: relations betwee space, culture and behaviour
The social adequacy of housing: relations betwee space, culture and behaviour
Susana Saraiva
14.9.2023, FAUP
Juri: Carlos Machado, Teresa Heitor, Vergilio Borges, Joáo Rocha, Gonçalo Furtado
(Co-corientaçao com Miguel Serra)
Projecto musical CLOUD
Projecto musical Cloud (Ruy, Sarno, Gonçalo Furtado et al)
'Cantus latino' Verão 2023
1 - Blues b (3.21 min)
2 - Cantus latino (5.18 min)
3 - Conimbriga (
4 - Dream I (28.35 min)
5 - Delirium (6.51 min)
6 -Jg blues (4.51 min)
7 - Neesi (4.31 min)
8 - Only love (2.36 min)
9 - Sade note (3.23 min)
10 -Sun rising (28.10 min)
11 -Sunny day (3.20 min)
12 - The sicilian clan (2.53 min)
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