Gonçalo M. Furtado C. Lopes
Área de actividade científica
As suas áreas de actividade científica, mediante a prática do ensino, investigação e publicação são: Projecto, Teoria e Crítica de Arquitectura.
Domínio de especialização
Domínio de especialização nas áreas: do Projecto, Teoria e Crítica do Design, Arquitectura e Urbanismo.
A sua especialização está relacionada com a sua formação e Mestrado em Arquitectura, com a sua prática profissional e experiência no domínio do ensino e da teoria.
Exerceu prática profissional de projecto de arquitectura e de design industrial em vários ateliers. Exerceu docência em instituições na área do projecto de Arquitectura e Teoria de Design. Experiência também na área da teoria e critica de Arquitectura contemporânea, sendo autor de vários livros e dezenas de artigos em revistas da especialidade. Experiência ainda na organização de colóquios e comissariado de exposições.
Actuais interesses de investigação
Os seus interesses actuais de investigação relacionam-se em termos latos com a Investigação sobre acultura do projecto, relativamente ao período de transição Moderno-Pósmoderno com especial ênfase no impacto de novas tecnologias.
Outras competências/actividades
As suas competências relacionam-se também com: Crítica cultural, Cultura digital e Cultura urbana.
A sua actividade anterior relacionou-se frequentemente com o domínio das Novas tecnologias e com toda a teorização sobre a Sociedade da Informação.
writings on architecture, design and cultural studies (incl. oporto school, portuguese architecture, critical project, drawings and photografphy, cedric price, gordon pask, and other stuff...)
Cadeira em curso de Doutoramento
Produção Teórica e Projectual Pós-Moderna e Contemporânea
Cadeira em curso de Doutoramento
Gonçalo Furtado
as sessões serão organizadas segundo a seguinte sequência:
a) Concepção do Habitar: Projecto, Teoria e Construção.
b) Modernidade Larga: Produção Teórica-Historiográfica e sua Reconceptualização
c) Transição do Pós-guerra: Positivismo, Existencialismo e Fenomenologia
d) Apresentação de Casos de Estudo
e) Pós-Modernidade I: O Salto Pós-Moderno e as novas posturas Teórico-Práticas
f) Pós-Modernidade I: Estruturalismo e Teoria de Arquitectura
g) Pós Modernidade I: A Superação do Estilo Internacional e os Ecletismos Historicistas
h) Apresentação de Casos de Estudo
i) PósModernidade II: Neo-Modernismo e Regionalismos Críticos
j) Pós-Modernidade II: Pós-estruturalismo e Teoria de Arquitectura
k) Pós-Modernidade II: Arquitectura Desconstrutivista e a Abertura Holandesa
l) Apresentação de Casos de Estudo
m) Pós-Modernidade III: Arquitectura Virtual e Evolucionária
n) Pós-Modernidade III: Arquitectura Emergente e o Sindroma Pós-Moderno
Cadeira em curso de Doutoramento
Gonçalo Furtado
as sessões serão organizadas segundo a seguinte sequência:
a) Concepção do Habitar: Projecto, Teoria e Construção.
b) Modernidade Larga: Produção Teórica-Historiográfica e sua Reconceptualização
c) Transição do Pós-guerra: Positivismo, Existencialismo e Fenomenologia
d) Apresentação de Casos de Estudo
e) Pós-Modernidade I: O Salto Pós-Moderno e as novas posturas Teórico-Práticas
f) Pós-Modernidade I: Estruturalismo e Teoria de Arquitectura
g) Pós Modernidade I: A Superação do Estilo Internacional e os Ecletismos Historicistas
h) Apresentação de Casos de Estudo
i) PósModernidade II: Neo-Modernismo e Regionalismos Críticos
j) Pós-Modernidade II: Pós-estruturalismo e Teoria de Arquitectura
k) Pós-Modernidade II: Arquitectura Desconstrutivista e a Abertura Holandesa
l) Apresentação de Casos de Estudo
m) Pós-Modernidade III: Arquitectura Virtual e Evolucionária
n) Pós-Modernidade III: Arquitectura Emergente e o Sindroma Pós-Moderno
Lecture on pask
Lectures on Pask and Price
“Gordon Pask: Musicolour, FPCC, Colloquium of Mobiles and other evolving experiments"
by G.Furtado
Master “Industrial Design”,
30 May and 6 June 2008
Base in my 2005 Research conducted in Richmond
“Gordon Pask: Musicolour, FPCC, Colloquium of Mobiles and other evolving experiments"
by G.Furtado
Master “Industrial Design”,
30 May and 6 June 2008
Base in my 2005 Research conducted in Richmond
Capsule's prototype
Capsule for living in an augmented reality
Gonçalo M Furtado C Lopes (with collaboration of João Pedro Saleiro)
Work description:
The design envisioned a capsule for living in an augmented reality; The 3 technical drawings and 3 computational perspectives that illustrated the design were printed in tracing paper at real scale (Approximate size of each drawing 300 x 150 cm.)
In addition We intend to develop a real prototype.
Capsule for living in an augmented reality
Gonçalo M Furtado C Lopes (with collaboration of João Pedro Saleiro)
Work description:
The design envisioned a capsule for living in an augmented reality; The 3 technical drawings and 3 computational perspectives that illustrated the design were printed in tracing paper at real scale (Approximate size of each drawing 300 x 150 cm.)
In addition We intend to develop a real prototype.
Objecto: Envolventes Arquitectónicas Evolutiveis
Objectivo: Parametrização-visualização.
Descrição: Espaços em que habitaremos num futuro próximo. Ie espaços mutli-escalares, de natureza híbrida fisico-virtual, criativamente reactivos e evolutiveís.
Gonçalo Furtado, Brief notes on two inf inite scales, in: Technoetic Arts, Volume 5 Issue 2, April 2007
digital and biotechnology, interface, meta-space and sciences of complexity
"This text includes a series of considerations which were detailed during the event1 organized in 2006 by Emanuel Dimas Pimenta, on the subject of ‘The Spirit of Discovery’. These considerations relate to the present situation of contemporary architecture, which has gradually been marked first by the phenomenon of digital information and, more recently, by a biotechnological vision. Although the influence of the former has been firmly established, the latter serves as the inspiration for a mutant generative architecture, and leads us to consider the interface between body, technology and space. Initially this text points out the cultural interference and spatial resonance of the well-established Information Society, reflecting the current life of an urban-architectural space marked by the omnipresence of networks and informational-digital phenomena. Subsequently, the minute scale of the interface and the interaction between the body and technological space become critical questions. On a larger scale, complex, self-organizational dynamics will come to dominate our understanding of the meta-territory of the future. Therefore, the contemporary condition suggests the need for a dialogue between the infinitely large and the infinitely small, within a ‘spirit of discovery’ regulated by the incompleteness of knowledge within a Godelian consciousness.
Gonçalo M. Furtado C. Lopes, Towards an Evolving Arch. Aesthetics (Part A: Today’s Techno-scientific interests and the earlier Enabling of the Emergent) , In: Arq./a, Nº Jan, 2008, pp.20-23.
"In the 1990s, the establishment of a new techno-cultural order - known as the Digital or Post-Post-Modern Society (and which beginnings lay far back in WWII) - occurred. Today we clearly live in it and it seems necessary to point to an advancement towards evolving architectural aesthetics which acknowledge complexity and the role of time and change.
it should be emphasized that the still ongoing shift in post-modern architecture, to embrace issues of complexity and emergence, was impulsed by the impassiveness and nihilism in which post-modernism itself falls, after decades of engagement with the issues of language and meaning (from the structural appeal of the 1960s to the 1980s’ post-structural trend of Deconstruction) in trying to challenge a stricter Modernist credo largely marked by predetermined aims, linear thought, and static principles-canons. However, it must also be seen as something parallel to the progressive establishment of a new techno-cultural order - the Digital Society - (a post-post-modern moment, in which we find ourselves currently). Digital Society has evolved since the post-war period, and, in many respects (of both conceptual and technological order), has a direct connection with the earlier areas of cybernetics, systems research and computation."
Objecto: Envolventes Arquitectónicas Evolutiveis
Objectivo: Parametrização-visualização.
Descrição: Espaços em que habitaremos num futuro próximo. Ie espaços mutli-escalares, de natureza híbrida fisico-virtual, criativamente reactivos e evolutiveís.
Gonçalo Furtado, Brief notes on two inf inite scales, in: Technoetic Arts, Volume 5 Issue 2, April 2007
digital and biotechnology, interface, meta-space and sciences of complexity
"This text includes a series of considerations which were detailed during the event1 organized in 2006 by Emanuel Dimas Pimenta, on the subject of ‘The Spirit of Discovery’. These considerations relate to the present situation of contemporary architecture, which has gradually been marked first by the phenomenon of digital information and, more recently, by a biotechnological vision. Although the influence of the former has been firmly established, the latter serves as the inspiration for a mutant generative architecture, and leads us to consider the interface between body, technology and space. Initially this text points out the cultural interference and spatial resonance of the well-established Information Society, reflecting the current life of an urban-architectural space marked by the omnipresence of networks and informational-digital phenomena. Subsequently, the minute scale of the interface and the interaction between the body and technological space become critical questions. On a larger scale, complex, self-organizational dynamics will come to dominate our understanding of the meta-territory of the future. Therefore, the contemporary condition suggests the need for a dialogue between the infinitely large and the infinitely small, within a ‘spirit of discovery’ regulated by the incompleteness of knowledge within a Godelian consciousness.
Gonçalo M. Furtado C. Lopes, Towards an Evolving Arch. Aesthetics (Part A: Today’s Techno-scientific interests and the earlier Enabling of the Emergent) , In: Arq./a, Nº Jan, 2008, pp.20-23.
"In the 1990s, the establishment of a new techno-cultural order - known as the Digital or Post-Post-Modern Society (and which beginnings lay far back in WWII) - occurred. Today we clearly live in it and it seems necessary to point to an advancement towards evolving architectural aesthetics which acknowledge complexity and the role of time and change.
it should be emphasized that the still ongoing shift in post-modern architecture, to embrace issues of complexity and emergence, was impulsed by the impassiveness and nihilism in which post-modernism itself falls, after decades of engagement with the issues of language and meaning (from the structural appeal of the 1960s to the 1980s’ post-structural trend of Deconstruction) in trying to challenge a stricter Modernist credo largely marked by predetermined aims, linear thought, and static principles-canons. However, it must also be seen as something parallel to the progressive establishment of a new techno-cultural order - the Digital Society - (a post-post-modern moment, in which we find ourselves currently). Digital Society has evolved since the post-war period, and, in many respects (of both conceptual and technological order), has a direct connection with the earlier areas of cybernetics, systems research and computation."
“Graduation in Architecture, FA-UP (Architecture School – Porto University) 1990. Arch. at Porto. Lecturer FA-UP.
Research interests: architectural drawing; semiotic; computer graphics. Mainly: drawing as method of knowledge, architecture as Art.
Currently: PhD student, FA-UP, since May 2000. Dissertation preliminary title: "Architectural Drawings: Objects and Images of Architecture within the Semiotics of C. S. Peirce. Supervisors: Domingos Tavares, FA-UP, e Vasco Branco, CA-UAveiro.
Director of Computer Graphics Laboratory, FA-UP, 1992-1999. Lecturer of CAAD I & CAAD II, FA-UP, 1992-1999. Lecturer of Project III, FA-UP, 1998-2000. Author of Desenho de Arquitectura Assistido por Computador (Porto, FA-UP Publicações, 1997), "www.arquitectura" in O Futuro da Internet – Estado da arte e tendências de evolução (ed. José Augusto Alves, Pedro Campos e Pedro Quelhas Brito, Edições Centro Atlântico, 1999) "Drawing Bits – Media Technology and Architectural Representation" in The Lisbon Charrette, Remote Collaborative Design (ed. William Mitchell, João Bento e José Pinto Duarte, IST Press, Lisboa, 1999). Sept & Dec 1994: invited to Alberti Euroconference on Precedents in Creative Design, St. Michael, Cambridge University, & Dept. of Architecture, Delft University, Delft. May 1995: Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Understanding Creativity, British Society for Aesthetics, coord. Prof. Andrew Harrison, Centre for Cognitive Issues in the Arts, University of Bristol, Bristol. Member of Peirce-L Telecommunity – Philosophical Forum on Charles Sanders Peirce. Eurographics 2001 Member.”(Fernando Lisboa, “cv resumido”, in: http://home.kqnet.pt/id010313/index.html, acessed 1-5-2008)
FERNANDO LISBOA, “SHORT OUTLINE BY ESSENTIAL READINGS”“Short Outline followed by Essential Readings
Which are Peirce's key concepts? Hard question since
Peirce's philosophy is so large and complex that each of
us will refract his discourse according to our own
concerns. Anyway, there is the concept of Sign and
Semiosis and Interpretant and Immediate Object and
Dynamic Object , the latter one seeming to re-ference, to re-interpret, the classic notion of Substance. Nevertheless, I and You, I'm sure, we would want to choose this one: INQUIRY, meaning Research, Investigation, Questioning. It is
all about stressing doubt, endless doubt, our fallible
and lonely condition as individuals towards an uneasy world
to live in -- `vae soli'. The harassment of Reality or, as
Peirce puts it, the Outward Clash, does not abandon us
never. Indeed, Reality has the eccentric habit of
reacting or resisting upon our conveniences or
pleasures. How can one deals with the clash, the
affluence of reality? Battling for truth, I suppose. Now:
what is Truth? Like Pilatos facing Jesus, before waching
his hands. Is this truth?, I ask myself against anything
that seems unreal. But then, what is Reality? Peirce
offers us precious insights on these questions by
proposing other kind of questions: first, not what is
Truth, but how can we get it; second, not what is
Reality but how can we surround it and appease it.
Regarding the former: never. Regarding the latter:
never. Since: ``The cognitions which thus reach us by
[...] infinite series of inductions and hypotheses […] are
of two kinds, the true and the untrue, or cognitions
whose objects are real and those whose objects are
unreal. And what do we mean by the real? [...] It is a
conception which we must first have had when we
discovered that there was an unreal, an illusion; that is,
when we first corrected ourselves. Now the distinction
for which alone this fact logically called, was between
an ens relative to private inward determinations, to the
negations belonging to idiosyncrasy, and an ens such as
would stand in the long run. The real, then, is that
which, sooner or later, information and reasoning would
finally result in, and which is therefore independent of
the vagaries of me and you" (On Some Consequences of
Four Incapacities Claimed For Man, 1868, CP 5.311). Peirce was quite outsanding as a scientist, as a mathematician and s a philosopher -- also as someone that endured the bitter taste of living. His discovery that reasoning can be thought of as having three basic modes -- deductive, inductive, and abductive -- is only one of many several proposals he made. Comparing Peirce with Aristotle, Aquina and Kant: equal among equals.”(Fernando Lisboa, “Short Outline by essential readings”, in: http://home.kqnet.pt/id010313/html/peirce.html)
“Graduation in Architecture, FA-UP (Architecture School – Porto University) 1990. Arch. at Porto. Lecturer FA-UP.
Research interests: architectural drawing; semiotic; computer graphics. Mainly: drawing as method of knowledge, architecture as Art.
Currently: PhD student, FA-UP, since May 2000. Dissertation preliminary title: "Architectural Drawings: Objects and Images of Architecture within the Semiotics of C. S. Peirce. Supervisors: Domingos Tavares, FA-UP, e Vasco Branco, CA-UAveiro.
Director of Computer Graphics Laboratory, FA-UP, 1992-1999. Lecturer of CAAD I & CAAD II, FA-UP, 1992-1999. Lecturer of Project III, FA-UP, 1998-2000. Author of Desenho de Arquitectura Assistido por Computador (Porto, FA-UP Publicações, 1997), "www.arquitectura" in O Futuro da Internet – Estado da arte e tendências de evolução (ed. José Augusto Alves, Pedro Campos e Pedro Quelhas Brito, Edições Centro Atlântico, 1999) "Drawing Bits – Media Technology and Architectural Representation" in The Lisbon Charrette, Remote Collaborative Design (ed. William Mitchell, João Bento e José Pinto Duarte, IST Press, Lisboa, 1999). Sept & Dec 1994: invited to Alberti Euroconference on Precedents in Creative Design, St. Michael, Cambridge University, & Dept. of Architecture, Delft University, Delft. May 1995: Inter-Disciplinary Conference on Understanding Creativity, British Society for Aesthetics, coord. Prof. Andrew Harrison, Centre for Cognitive Issues in the Arts, University of Bristol, Bristol. Member of Peirce-L Telecommunity – Philosophical Forum on Charles Sanders Peirce. Eurographics 2001 Member.”(Fernando Lisboa, “cv resumido”, in: http://home.kqnet.pt/id010313/index.html, acessed 1-5-2008)
FERNANDO LISBOA, “SHORT OUTLINE BY ESSENTIAL READINGS”“Short Outline followed by Essential Readings
Which are Peirce's key concepts? Hard question since
Peirce's philosophy is so large and complex that each of
us will refract his discourse according to our own
concerns. Anyway, there is the concept of Sign and
Semiosis and Interpretant and Immediate Object and
Dynamic Object , the latter one seeming to re-ference, to re-interpret, the classic notion of Substance. Nevertheless, I and You, I'm sure, we would want to choose this one: INQUIRY, meaning Research, Investigation, Questioning. It is
all about stressing doubt, endless doubt, our fallible
and lonely condition as individuals towards an uneasy world
to live in -- `vae soli'. The harassment of Reality or, as
Peirce puts it, the Outward Clash, does not abandon us
never. Indeed, Reality has the eccentric habit of
reacting or resisting upon our conveniences or
pleasures. How can one deals with the clash, the
affluence of reality? Battling for truth, I suppose. Now:
what is Truth? Like Pilatos facing Jesus, before waching
his hands. Is this truth?, I ask myself against anything
that seems unreal. But then, what is Reality? Peirce
offers us precious insights on these questions by
proposing other kind of questions: first, not what is
Truth, but how can we get it; second, not what is
Reality but how can we surround it and appease it.
Regarding the former: never. Regarding the latter:
never. Since: ``The cognitions which thus reach us by
[...] infinite series of inductions and hypotheses […] are
of two kinds, the true and the untrue, or cognitions
whose objects are real and those whose objects are
unreal. And what do we mean by the real? [...] It is a
conception which we must first have had when we
discovered that there was an unreal, an illusion; that is,
when we first corrected ourselves. Now the distinction
for which alone this fact logically called, was between
an ens relative to private inward determinations, to the
negations belonging to idiosyncrasy, and an ens such as
would stand in the long run. The real, then, is that
which, sooner or later, information and reasoning would
finally result in, and which is therefore independent of
the vagaries of me and you" (On Some Consequences of
Four Incapacities Claimed For Man, 1868, CP 5.311). Peirce was quite outsanding as a scientist, as a mathematician and s a philosopher -- also as someone that endured the bitter taste of living. His discovery that reasoning can be thought of as having three basic modes -- deductive, inductive, and abductive -- is only one of many several proposals he made. Comparing Peirce with Aristotle, Aquina and Kant: equal among equals.”(Fernando Lisboa, “Short Outline by essential readings”, in: http://home.kqnet.pt/id010313/html/peirce.html)
Charles Peirce
Fernando Lisboa was a former Member of Peirce-L Telecommunity – Philosophical Forum on Charles Sanders Peirce. He authored: LISBOA, Fernando. 2005. A Ideia de Projecto em Charles S. Peirce ou da teoria do projecto considerada como uma semiótica. Porto: FAUP Publicações.
A publication focusing Lisboa's work on semiotics and CAD is being prepared by myself and others.
A publication focusing Lisboa's work on semiotics and CAD is being prepared by myself and others.
Conference ASC 2008
“ASC 2008 Conference and BCL […] 50th Anniversary
May 11th to 15th, 2008
2008 sees the 50th anniversary of the founding, by Heinz von Foerster, of the BCL at the University of Illinois, Urbana / Champaign.…Our conference will celebrate this remarkable laboratory in joint festival with the Department of Electrical Engineering at UIUC, which was the umbrella under which the BCL sheltered. This activity is being organized to coincide with the 8th Understanding Complex Systems (UCS) Symposium […].”(In http://www.asc-cybernetics.org/organization/events.htm, accessed 1-5-2008).
Allena Leonard
Andy Hilgartner
David Apgar
Goncalo Furtado
Jan Mueggenburg
Jeff Glassman
John Zelinski
Judy Lombardi
Karl Mueller
Klaus Krippendorf
Larry Richards
Larry Wexler
Laura Anderson
Lee Worden
Lucas Pawlik
Paul Schroeder
Paul Weston
Philip Guddemi
Philip Lewin
Pille Bunnell
Qilo Matzen
Randy Whittaker
Ranulph Glanville
Ricardo Uribe
Rob Scott
Robert Martin
Stuart Umpleby
Susan Parenti
Thomas Fischer
May 11th to 15th, 2008
2008 sees the 50th anniversary of the founding, by Heinz von Foerster, of the BCL at the University of Illinois, Urbana / Champaign.…Our conference will celebrate this remarkable laboratory in joint festival with the Department of Electrical Engineering at UIUC, which was the umbrella under which the BCL sheltered. This activity is being organized to coincide with the 8th Understanding Complex Systems (UCS) Symposium […].”(In http://www.asc-cybernetics.org/organization/events.htm, accessed 1-5-2008).
Allena Leonard
Andy Hilgartner
David Apgar
Goncalo Furtado
Jan Mueggenburg
Jeff Glassman
John Zelinski
Judy Lombardi
Karl Mueller
Klaus Krippendorf
Larry Richards
Larry Wexler
Laura Anderson
Lee Worden
Lucas Pawlik
Paul Schroeder
Paul Weston
Philip Guddemi
Philip Lewin
Pille Bunnell
Qilo Matzen
Randy Whittaker
Ranulph Glanville
Ricardo Uribe
Rob Scott
Robert Martin
Stuart Umpleby
Susan Parenti
Thomas Fischer
Conference ASC 2008
University of Illinois at Urbana
11-15 May 2008
Gordon Pask and the Envisioning of an Evolving Environment: A visual Overview
Gonçalo M Furtado C Lopes

"Abstract: This [...] provides a visual overview of exchanges between the fields of cybernetics and architecture throughout the last five decades. In particular, it points to events related with the life and career of Gordon Pask (1928-1996), as well as to the promotion of the notion of an evolving environment."
It is based on my long and exhaustive PhD research on Gordon Pask and Cedric Price
University of Illinois at Urbana
11-15 May 2008
Gordon Pask and the Envisioning of an Evolving Environment: A visual Overview
Gonçalo M Furtado C Lopes
"Abstract: This [...] provides a visual overview of exchanges between the fields of cybernetics and architecture throughout the last five decades. In particular, it points to events related with the life and career of Gordon Pask (1928-1996), as well as to the promotion of the notion of an evolving environment."
It is based on my long and exhaustive PhD research on Gordon Pask and Cedric Price
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