PhD Presentation
J.German, “Estrategias operativas en el proyecto arquitectónico: Processos, herramientas y protocolos”,
ETSAM, Madrid, 28 Setembro 2010, 10.30h
(Jury: J.Baldeweg, G.Furtado, E.Tunon, J.Herreris et alt)
writings on architecture, design and cultural studies (incl. oporto school, portuguese architecture, critical project, drawings and photografphy, cedric price, gordon pask, and other stuff...)
SSA, KLH et al
PhD Presentation
S.Strum, “Correlations: Instrumental architectures of the SSA and Knud Lonberg-Holm 1927-1953”,
ETSAB-Departamento Composició Arquitectónica,
23-11-2010, 16.30h
(Jury: Sambricio, M.McLeod, Lahuerta, J.Montaner, G.Furtado)
S.Strum, “Correlations: Instrumental architectures of the SSA and Knud Lonberg-Holm 1927-1953”,
ETSAB-Departamento Composició Arquitectónica,
23-11-2010, 16.30h
(Jury: Sambricio, M.McLeod, Lahuerta, J.Montaner, G.Furtado)
Colóquio de Segurança e Saúde Ocupacionais 5º Debate
INCL. Gonçalo Furtado, “Ergonomia, análise espaço-funcional e abrigos de emergência”
FEUP/DemSSO, 7-10-2010, 18H
Colóquio de Segurança e Saúde Ocupacionais 5º Debate
INCL. Gonçalo Furtado, “Ergonomia, análise espaço-funcional e abrigos de emergência”
FEUP/DemSSO, 7-10-2010, 18H
in: Cicle de CONFERÈNCIES dels cursos d'ESTÈTICA, SALA de GRAUS de la FCEE
TARRAGONA, 24 November 2010, 11.00H.
in: Cicle de CONFERÈNCIES dels cursos d'ESTÈTICA, SALA de GRAUS de la FCEE
TARRAGONA, 24 November 2010, 11.00H.
Kenneth Frampton
Gonçalo Furtado, Cistina Silva,
“História, Resistência Crítica e Interesses Actuais: Um conversa com Kenneth Frampton”, in: Arq./a, Nº86-87, Novembro-Dezembro 2010, p.112-115.
“História, Resistência Crítica e Interesses Actuais: Um conversa com Kenneth Frampton”, in: Arq./a, Nº86-87, Novembro-Dezembro 2010, p.112-115.
Arquitectura e Género
Márcia S C Cunha, “Arquitectura e corpo: O lugar do género”
29 Novembro 2010. Casa cor de rosa, 16.50h.
Juri: Nuno Lacerda, Teresa Fonseca, Gonçalo Furtado
Márcia S C Cunha, “Arquitectura e corpo: O lugar do género”
29 Novembro 2010. Casa cor de rosa, 16.50h.
Juri: Nuno Lacerda, Teresa Fonseca, Gonçalo Furtado
Fernando Lisboa
António Carlos Houy de Queirós Martins, “Investigando a representação e semiótica do projecto. Uma abordagem à obra escrita de Fernando Lisboa”
FAUP, Casa cor de rosa, 2-12-2010, 15.40h.
Juri: Álvaro Domingues, Marco Ginoulhiac, Gonçalo Furtado.
António Carlos Houy de Queirós Martins, “Investigando a representação e semiótica do projecto. Uma abordagem à obra escrita de Fernando Lisboa”
FAUP, Casa cor de rosa, 2-12-2010, 15.40h.
Juri: Álvaro Domingues, Marco Ginoulhiac, Gonçalo Furtado.
COURSE "TEORIA 1" (Prof. Gonçalo Furtado)
by Andrew Bellantyne (Newcastle University),
“Shells and habits”,
FAUP, 9 september, 11.h
by Andrew Bellantyne (Newcastle University),
“Shells and habits”,
FAUP, 9 september, 11.h
Pask, Architecture and early cybernetics
Gonçalo Furtado, “Brief notes on Gordon Pask’s early exchanges within cybernetics and before CT”, in: G. Lasker (ed.), “ACTA Systemica”, V.10, N.1, 2010, Canada, p.55-62.
Gonçalo Furtado, Brief notes on Gordon Pask, Architecture and Conversation Theory, in: Karel Boullart et alt (eds.), “Art and Science”, Vol. 8, Tecumseh-Canada: IIAS, 2010, p.15-24
Gonçalo Furtado, Brief notes on Gordon Pask, Architecture and Conversation Theory, in: Karel Boullart et alt (eds.), “Art and Science”, Vol. 8, Tecumseh-Canada: IIAS, 2010, p.15-24
“Outstading Scholarly Contribution Award”
Professor da FAUP premiado com o “Outstading Scholarly Contribution Award” 2010
O Professor Gonçalo Furtado da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, foi premiado com o “Outstading Scholarly Contribution Award” 2010 do IIAS - “International Institute for Advanced Studies…” com sede no Canada.
Este prestigioso prémio internacional foi atribuido ao Professor Gonçalo Furtado “…for his outstading scholarly work and in recognition of his contribution to the advancement of knowledge…”. O Prémio foi entregue por altura do Colóquio Internacional Anual do IIAS, que decorreu este ano na Alemanha, onde o professor foi convidado a proferir um keyonte adress.
O Professor Gonçalo Furtado da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, foi premiado com o “Outstading Scholarly Contribution Award” 2010 do IIAS - “International Institute for Advanced Studies…” com sede no Canada.
Este prestigioso prémio internacional foi atribuido ao Professor Gonçalo Furtado “…for his outstading scholarly work and in recognition of his contribution to the advancement of knowledge…”. O Prémio foi entregue por altura do Colóquio Internacional Anual do IIAS, que decorreu este ano na Alemanha, onde o professor foi convidado a proferir um keyonte adress.
Doctoral Dissertation
Frederico Lerner, “Espacios relatados: Descripciones contemporâneas desde la arquitectura”,
ETSAB-Departamento Composició Arquitectónica, Sala C-B11, 15-102010, 12h
Jury:Josep Muntanola Thornberg, Fernando Agrasar Quiroga, Josep Maria Montaner, Gonçalo Furtado, et alt
Frederico Lerner, “Espacios relatados: Descripciones contemporâneas desde la arquitectura”,
ETSAB-Departamento Composició Arquitectónica, Sala C-B11, 15-102010, 12h
Jury:Josep Muntanola Thornberg, Fernando Agrasar Quiroga, Josep Maria Montaner, Gonçalo Furtado, et alt
Artes performativas vs Cenografia
Marta Oliveira e Gonçalo Furtado, "Joana Providência: Espaços da coreografia do corpo (1989 - 2009)", in: Sinais de Cena, N.13, APCT-Associacao Portuguesa de Criticos de Teatro, Junho 2010,45-49.
BARCELONA, 14 OUTUBRO 2010, 19.30 H
BARCELONA, 14 OUTUBRO 2010, 19.30 H
Gonçalo Furtado, “Revisitando Matérias: A diluição de distâncias na pós-modernidade digital (1999-2009)”, in: Arq./a, Nº84-85, Setembro-Outubro 2010, p.108-113.
Goonçalo Furtado, Jorge Lino e André Chaves, “Projecto pluridisciplinar 97”, in: Arq./a, Nº84-85, Setembro-Outubro 2010, p.147-154.
Goonçalo Furtado, Jorge Lino e André Chaves, “Projecto pluridisciplinar 97”, in: Arq./a, Nº84-85, Setembro-Outubro 2010, p.147-154.
Dissertação de MIARQ
Dissertação de MIARQ
Ana Raquel Lopes dos Santos, “Valsas da Vanguarda Vienense: A continuidade dos mecanismos de ruptura”, FAUP, 24 Setembro 2010.
Juri (Presidente: Rui Póvoas, Arguente: Carlos Machado, Orientador Gonçalo Furtado) -
Ana Raquel Lopes dos Santos, “Valsas da Vanguarda Vienense: A continuidade dos mecanismos de ruptura”, FAUP, 24 Setembro 2010.
Juri (Presidente: Rui Póvoas, Arguente: Carlos Machado, Orientador Gonçalo Furtado) -
Gonçalo Furtado e Rosa Macedo, "Ecolução de paradigmas no século XX: Da conservação à reabilitação urbana", in: Arq./a, Nº82-83, Julho Agosto 2010, p.112-113
Exposição “Abrigo /Temporary” na Galeria dos Leões
Sexta - feira, dia 17 de Julho de 2010, às 16h, a Faculdade de Belas Artes apresenta uma nova exposição na Galeria dos Leões, situada no edifício da Reitoria, denominada “Abrigo /Shelter”.
O projecto da exposição envolveu os alunos de Belas Artes, Design, Arquitectura e outras áreas, e foi coordenado pelos comissários da exposição, Professora Graciela Machado da FBAUP e Professor Gonçalo Furtado da FAUP.
A instalação resulta da interacção de itens provenientes do projecto de investigação pluridisciplinar nº 97 intitulado “Modelação de componentes Arquitectónicos em materiais compostos para instalações de abrigos temporários”, actualmente em curso na UP, e de itens realizados nas oficinas de técnicas de impressão da FBAUP. Muitos destes items estendem o conceito de construção em camadas também à gravura como processo de acumulação, tendo sido ensaiadas várias impressões e considerados distintos materiais e técnicas de registo.
O ambiente expositivo descreve um processo e encontro, mais do que resultados, compondo-se de desenhos de projecto, materiais e protótipos, documentos escritos e audiovisuais, e gravuras de diversas naturezas.
A exposição oferecerá ao público académico e geral um ambiente híbrido entre a investigação académica e o projecto arquitectónico e artístico. Segundo os comissários “enaltece-se a necessidade de cooperação entre a ciência e a arte, assim como entre investigação e participação social ao versar sobre a reincidente necessidade por parte da nossa sociedade de estruturas que temporariamente ofereçam abrigo tanto em situações quotidiano como de emergência.”
Patente até ao dia 29 de Julho de 2010, a exposição “Abrigo / Shelter” pode ser visitada no mesmo horário da Loja da Universidade do Porto, de segunda a sexta-feira, das 10 às 19 horas. A entrada é livre.
Gabinete de Comunicação e Imagem (FBAUP/UP)
Porto, 9 de Julho de 2010
Para mais informações, contactar a Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto:
Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 265
4049-021 Porto
Tlf.: +351 225 192 400
Fax: +351 225 367 036
Exposição “Abrigo /Temporary” na Galeria dos Leões
Sexta - feira, dia 17 de Julho de 2010, às 16h, a Faculdade de Belas Artes apresenta uma nova exposição na Galeria dos Leões, situada no edifício da Reitoria, denominada “Abrigo /Shelter”.
O projecto da exposição envolveu os alunos de Belas Artes, Design, Arquitectura e outras áreas, e foi coordenado pelos comissários da exposição, Professora Graciela Machado da FBAUP e Professor Gonçalo Furtado da FAUP.
A instalação resulta da interacção de itens provenientes do projecto de investigação pluridisciplinar nº 97 intitulado “Modelação de componentes Arquitectónicos em materiais compostos para instalações de abrigos temporários”, actualmente em curso na UP, e de itens realizados nas oficinas de técnicas de impressão da FBAUP. Muitos destes items estendem o conceito de construção em camadas também à gravura como processo de acumulação, tendo sido ensaiadas várias impressões e considerados distintos materiais e técnicas de registo.
O ambiente expositivo descreve um processo e encontro, mais do que resultados, compondo-se de desenhos de projecto, materiais e protótipos, documentos escritos e audiovisuais, e gravuras de diversas naturezas.
A exposição oferecerá ao público académico e geral um ambiente híbrido entre a investigação académica e o projecto arquitectónico e artístico. Segundo os comissários “enaltece-se a necessidade de cooperação entre a ciência e a arte, assim como entre investigação e participação social ao versar sobre a reincidente necessidade por parte da nossa sociedade de estruturas que temporariamente ofereçam abrigo tanto em situações quotidiano como de emergência.”
Patente até ao dia 29 de Julho de 2010, a exposição “Abrigo / Shelter” pode ser visitada no mesmo horário da Loja da Universidade do Porto, de segunda a sexta-feira, das 10 às 19 horas. A entrada é livre.
Gabinete de Comunicação e Imagem (FBAUP/UP)
Porto, 9 de Julho de 2010
Para mais informações, contactar a Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto:
Av. Rodrigues de Freitas, 265
4049-021 Porto
Tlf.: +351 225 192 400
Fax: +351 225 367 036
- Angeliki Zervou, “The perception of the city through television series: Anthens 2007-2009”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 6 July 2010
- Rotem Bem Sosham, “Solo: Urban Lonliness”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 6 July 2010
- Vassilis Kyriakopoulos, “City wander”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 6 July 2010
- Zelia da Costa, “City Play agency”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
- Jefferson Poole, “Layers of temporality and the urban moment”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
- José Martins, The place narrative”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
- Joao O, “Chronicles of the Barcelona Pavilion: Facts, Interpretations, Misunderstandings and Fictions”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
- Angeliki Zervou, “The perception of the city through television series: Anthens 2007-2009”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 6 July 2010
- Rotem Bem Sosham, “Solo: Urban Lonliness”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 6 July 2010
- Vassilis Kyriakopoulos, “City wander”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 6 July 2010
- Zelia da Costa, “City Play agency”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
- Jefferson Poole, “Layers of temporality and the urban moment”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
- José Martins, The place narrative”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
- Joao O, “Chronicles of the Barcelona Pavilion: Facts, Interpretations, Misunderstandings and Fictions”, Metropolis: Mastre Program - UPC, Barcelona - 7 July 2010
C. Veríssimo (Comissariado)
MUDE (Museu do Design e da Moda), Lisboa, 1, 2 e 9 de Julho 2010, 18-20h.
Confirmados : Gonçalo Furtado, Ternullomelo, Blaac Borderless Architecture
(ANTERIORES SESSÕes - 2 JULHO: Ana Cristina Fonseca, Castela / Caetano Arquitectos, Ivo Henriques, João Ferrão e João Ribeiro , João Prates Ruivo e Raquel Maria Oliveira , Marco Paz e Vasco Brandão, Nuno Valentim e Frederico Eça, Project O, OPENLAB Architects / 1 JULHO: Amadeu Magalhães, André Tavares, Filipa Guerreiro e Tiago Correia, Fernando Pinheiro, Hélio Boto, Inês Cabrita e Miguel Fevereiro, Jorge Graça Costa, José Luís Cadilhe, Paulo Moreira, Rita Braga Alves.)
C. Veríssimo (Comissariado)
MUDE (Museu do Design e da Moda), Lisboa, 1, 2 e 9 de Julho 2010, 18-20h.
Confirmados : Gonçalo Furtado, Ternullomelo, Blaac Borderless Architecture
(ANTERIORES SESSÕes - 2 JULHO: Ana Cristina Fonseca, Castela / Caetano Arquitectos, Ivo Henriques, João Ferrão e João Ribeiro , João Prates Ruivo e Raquel Maria Oliveira , Marco Paz e Vasco Brandão, Nuno Valentim e Frederico Eça, Project O, OPENLAB Architects / 1 JULHO: Amadeu Magalhães, André Tavares, Filipa Guerreiro e Tiago Correia, Fernando Pinheiro, Hélio Boto, Inês Cabrita e Miguel Fevereiro, Jorge Graça Costa, José Luís Cadilhe, Paulo Moreira, Rita Braga Alves.)
Futuro - Mexico
- Gonçalo Furtado, “El futuro aqui, utopia al dia: Entrevista con Gonçalo Furtado”, in: Magazine”, México, June 2010.
Lincoln University
Cristina Silva e Gonçalo Furtado, “Architecture’s Reflexivity and the Construction of Indentity”, in: International Colloquium “The cultural role of architecture”, University of Lincoln, 23/25 Junho 2010)
Sandra Alves e Gonçalo Furtado, “The potential role of architecture in Creative cities”, International Colloquium “The cultural role of architecture”, University of Lincoln, 23/25 Junho 2010)
Sandra Alves e Gonçalo Furtado, “The potential role of architecture in Creative cities”, International Colloquium “The cultural role of architecture”, University of Lincoln, 23/25 Junho 2010)
Coreografia do corpo
- Artigo - Marta Oliveira e Gonçalo Furtado, "Joana Providência: Espaços da coreografia do corpo (1989 - 2009)", in: Sinais de Cena, N.13, APCT-Associacao Portuguesa de Criticos de Teatro, Junho 2010
Biomimetics e Genero
Cristina Lemos, Gonçalo Furtado, António Carvalho, André Chaves, Frederico Martins, Lia Moreira, Luis Caló, Luis Ferro, Pedro Flores, "Biomimetics: New Materials and Spatial Aesthetics", in: 3rd Seminar on Human Kinetics/Performing Arts/Dance", Faculdade de Motricidade Humana / TULisbon, 23 June 2010.
Gonçalo Furtado e Márcia Cunha, "Concepção do Género e Morfologias espaciais", in: 3rd Seminar on Human Kinetics/Performing Arts/Dance", Faculdade de Motricidade Humana / TULisbon, 23 June 2010.
Gonçalo Furtado e Márcia Cunha, "Concepção do Género e Morfologias espaciais", in: 3rd Seminar on Human Kinetics/Performing Arts/Dance", Faculdade de Motricidade Humana / TULisbon, 23 June 2010.
Compiste materials
- André Chaves, Gonçalo Furtado, Jorge Lino, “Modelling architectural components in composite materials for temporary shelter facility” (Poster), in: 8TH International Conference “Nexus 2010: Relationships Between Architecture and Mathematics” (Universidade do Porto, 13 Junho 2010.
Continuação: PR e Space syntax
Frederico Martins (Lider), Pedro Flores, André Chaves, António Carvalho, Lia Moreira, Luís Caló, Cristina Lemos; e Gonçalo Furtado (supervisor) et alt, “U.P.R. - Unidade de Prototipagem Rápida (Parte 2)” (1º Relatório de progresso Lidera), Universidade do Porto, Junho 2010.
Pedro Antunes (Lider), Tatiana Nunes; e Gonçalo Furtado e Miguel Serra (supervisores), “Caracterização espaço-funcional de Pólo da UP e áreas adjacentes [Parte 2: Espaços do Pólo 3 e 2” (1º Relatório de progresso Lidera), Universidade do Porto, Junho 2010.
Pedro Antunes (Lider), Tatiana Nunes; e Gonçalo Furtado e Miguel Serra (supervisores), “Caracterização espaço-funcional de Pólo da UP e áreas adjacentes [Parte 2: Espaços do Pólo 3 e 2” (1º Relatório de progresso Lidera), Universidade do Porto, Junho 2010.
on place
Gonçalo Furtado, [Notes on “place”], in: Jorge Correia, “Project and Place: Eight Talks”, AAVV, Dédalo 7, FAUP, Porto May 2010, pp.36-37.
Pedro Santos e Gonçalo Furtado, “To think place’s competition”, in: AAVV, Dédalo 7, FAUP, Porto, May 2010, pp.44-47.
Pedro Santos e Gonçalo Furtado, “To think place’s competition”, in: AAVV, Dédalo 7, FAUP, Porto, May 2010, pp.44-47.
A conversation with Neil Leach
Gonçalo Furtado, “Construções Escritas e Nova Política: Uma Conversa de Neil Leach com Gonçalo Furtado” (2003), in: Arq./a, Maio-Junho 2010, N.80-81, pp.108-113.
Revistas Portuguesas de Arquitectura
Angela Lei e Gonçalo Furtado, “Revistas Portuguesas de Arquitectura: Evolução nos últimos dois decénios (1988-2008) e revisão dos seus antecedentes” (2009), in: AAVV, Resdomus (Grupo I&D Atlas da Casa-Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo, 2010 (acessível online)
Creative cities: Oporto and the role of Architecture
Sandra Alves and Gonçalo Furtado, “Creative cities: The role of architecture in Oporto creative city”, in: “ CITTA 2010: Bringing city form back into Planning” (Panel “Urban Planning and Housing 3”, 14 May 2010
See: Sandra Alves and Gonçalo Furtado, “Creative cities: The role of architecture in Oporto creative city”, in: “ CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research - Bringing city form back into Planning: Book of Abstracts", CITTA, Porto, 2010, p.33
See also:
Ivo Martins and Gonçalo Furtado, “A reflection based on Sérgio Fernandez’s residential projects”, in: “ CITTA 2010: Bringing city form back into Planning” (Panel “Urban Planning and Housing 2”, 14 May 2010
See: Ivo Martins and Gonçalo Furtado, “A reflection based on Sérgio Fernandez’s residential projects”, in: “ CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research - Bringing city form back into Planning: Book of Abstracts", CITTA, Porto, 2010, p.26
See: Sandra Alves and Gonçalo Furtado, “Creative cities: The role of architecture in Oporto creative city”, in: “ CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research - Bringing city form back into Planning: Book of Abstracts", CITTA, Porto, 2010, p.33
See also:
Ivo Martins and Gonçalo Furtado, “A reflection based on Sérgio Fernandez’s residential projects”, in: “ CITTA 2010: Bringing city form back into Planning” (Panel “Urban Planning and Housing 2”, 14 May 2010
See: Ivo Martins and Gonçalo Furtado, “A reflection based on Sérgio Fernandez’s residential projects”, in: “ CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research - Bringing city form back into Planning: Book of Abstracts", CITTA, Porto, 2010, p.26
Space sintax and faup
- Tatiana Trindade, Gonçalo Furtado and Miguel Serra, “Analyzing the configurational impacts of architectural intentions”, in: “ CITTA 2010: Bringing city form back into Planning” (Panel “Urban Planning and Housing 2”, 14 May 2010
- See: Tatiana Trindade, Gonçalo Furtado and Miguel Serra, “Analyzing the configurational impacts of architectural intentions”, in: “ CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research - Bringing city form back into Planning: Book of Abstracts", CITTA, Porto, 2010, p.24
- See: Tatiana Trindade, Gonçalo Furtado and Miguel Serra, “Analyzing the configurational impacts of architectural intentions”, in: “ CITTA 3rd Annual Conference on Planning Research - Bringing city form back into Planning: Book of Abstracts", CITTA, Porto, 2010, p.24
Research Project
Modelling architectural components in composite materials for temporary shelter facilities
André Chaves 1, Gonçalo Furtado2, Jorge Lino3
"This study relates to research conceived within the multidisciplinary project "modulation of architectural components in composite materials for temporary shelter facilities." "The project includes major areas such as architecture, design and engineering." The expected results are to have a prototype visible at the level of possible configurations, durable and aesthetically appealing.
The aim is to obtain a guiding principle that presupposes a use of mathematical language of forms and productive level conceptional objects to architectural components. For such components as the idea of mathematical elements that will organize a theme throughout the study in terms of a taxonomic language to project design and production manufacturing, with the conclusion by evaluating and marketing the product to achieve.
The work is based on the idea that some matter of civil constructions can reuse household waste and inorganic materials abundant in nature and in everyday life, to build temporary shelters, using construction techniques expeditiously. First it will proceed to the dematerialization of the materials in the basic constituents and then the recombination of new materials with desired properties for the manufacture of components necessary to shelters. Proceeds to the modeling of components and their assembly in accordance with procedures optimized for various configurations and applying computational techniques.
The project defines itself at the crossroads between the natural and artificial, between the artisanal and industrial, with procedures in the digital and analog component modeling."
Modelação de componentes arquitectónicos em materiais compostos para instalações de abrigos temporários
A. Chaves, G. Furtado, J. Lino
"O presente estudo relaciona-se com a investigação idealizada no âmbito do projecto pluridisciplinar “modulação de componentes arquitectónicos em materiais compostos para instalações de abrigos temporários”. “O projecto compreende como áreas principais a arquitectura, o design e a engenharia” . Os resultados esperados são a obtenção de um protótipo visível ao nível das configurações possíveis, resistente e esteticamente apelativo.
Pretende-se obter um princípio orientador que pressuponha um uso da linguagem matemática das formas ao nível conceptivo e produtivo de objectos para componentes arquitectónicos. Para tal a ideia de componentes como elementos matemáticos será um tema que organizará todo o estudo em termos de uma linguagem taxonómica para a concepção do projecto e a produção da manufactura, com a conclusão através da avaliação e da comercialização do produto a alcançar.
O trabalho assenta na ideia de que a alguma matéria das construções civis poderá reaproveitar resíduos inorgânicos domésticos e materiais abundantes na natureza e no quotidiano, para a construção de abrigos temporários, através de técnicas de construção expedita. Primeiro proceder-se-á à desmaterialização dos materiais em constituintes básicos e depois à recombinação deste em novos materiais com as propriedades desejadas para a manufactura dos componentes necessários aos abrigos. Procede-se à modelação de componentes e sua assemblagem segundo procedimentos optimizados para obter várias configurações e aplicando técnicas computacionais.
O projecto define-se na charneira entre o natural e o artificial, entre o artesanal e o industrial, com procedimentos analógicos e digitais na modelação de componentes."
Modelling architectural components in composite materials for temporary shelter facilities
André Chaves 1, Gonçalo Furtado2, Jorge Lino3
"This study relates to research conceived within the multidisciplinary project "modulation of architectural components in composite materials for temporary shelter facilities." "The project includes major areas such as architecture, design and engineering." The expected results are to have a prototype visible at the level of possible configurations, durable and aesthetically appealing.
The aim is to obtain a guiding principle that presupposes a use of mathematical language of forms and productive level conceptional objects to architectural components. For such components as the idea of mathematical elements that will organize a theme throughout the study in terms of a taxonomic language to project design and production manufacturing, with the conclusion by evaluating and marketing the product to achieve.
The work is based on the idea that some matter of civil constructions can reuse household waste and inorganic materials abundant in nature and in everyday life, to build temporary shelters, using construction techniques expeditiously. First it will proceed to the dematerialization of the materials in the basic constituents and then the recombination of new materials with desired properties for the manufacture of components necessary to shelters. Proceeds to the modeling of components and their assembly in accordance with procedures optimized for various configurations and applying computational techniques.
The project defines itself at the crossroads between the natural and artificial, between the artisanal and industrial, with procedures in the digital and analog component modeling."
Modelação de componentes arquitectónicos em materiais compostos para instalações de abrigos temporários
A. Chaves, G. Furtado, J. Lino
"O presente estudo relaciona-se com a investigação idealizada no âmbito do projecto pluridisciplinar “modulação de componentes arquitectónicos em materiais compostos para instalações de abrigos temporários”. “O projecto compreende como áreas principais a arquitectura, o design e a engenharia” . Os resultados esperados são a obtenção de um protótipo visível ao nível das configurações possíveis, resistente e esteticamente apelativo.
Pretende-se obter um princípio orientador que pressuponha um uso da linguagem matemática das formas ao nível conceptivo e produtivo de objectos para componentes arquitectónicos. Para tal a ideia de componentes como elementos matemáticos será um tema que organizará todo o estudo em termos de uma linguagem taxonómica para a concepção do projecto e a produção da manufactura, com a conclusão através da avaliação e da comercialização do produto a alcançar.
O trabalho assenta na ideia de que a alguma matéria das construções civis poderá reaproveitar resíduos inorgânicos domésticos e materiais abundantes na natureza e no quotidiano, para a construção de abrigos temporários, através de técnicas de construção expedita. Primeiro proceder-se-á à desmaterialização dos materiais em constituintes básicos e depois à recombinação deste em novos materiais com as propriedades desejadas para a manufactura dos componentes necessários aos abrigos. Procede-se à modelação de componentes e sua assemblagem segundo procedimentos optimizados para obter várias configurações e aplicando técnicas computacionais.
O projecto define-se na charneira entre o natural e o artificial, entre o artesanal e o industrial, com procedimentos analógicos e digitais na modelação de componentes."
Rapid Prototyping
Luis Caló, Lia Moreira, António Carvalho, Pedro Santos and Gonçalo Furtado, “Estudo para a instalação de unidade de prototipagem rápida”, in: Leonel Valbom (ed.), “Artech 2010: Envisioning Digital Spaces: Proceedings of th 5th International Conference on Digital Arts”, Guimaraes: Universidade do Minho, 2010, p.118-119.
Recursos digitais
José Vasco Silva, “Do desenho à concepção arquitectónica: Recursos digitais” (Dissertaçao MIARQ), FAUP, 28 Abril 2010.
Juri: Rui Póvoias, Pedro Leão, e Gonçalo Furtado.
Juri: Rui Póvoias, Pedro Leão, e Gonçalo Furtado.
MÉXICO SUR, 28 APRIL 2010, 10h-11.30h
(Videoconference / Presented by Gonçalo Furtado)
MÉXICO SUR, 28 APRIL 2010, 10h-11.30h
(Videoconference / Presented by Gonçalo Furtado)
NEXUS 2010
Segunda-feira 14 Junho 2010
Morning session
Session III: Architecture, Systems Research and Computational Sciences
Gonçalo Furtado, moderator
10:00-10:10 Gonçalo Furtado, Session Introduction
Gonçalo M Furtado C L is graduated in Architecture (Oporto University, Portugal), Master in Architecture (UPC, Spain), and PhD in Theory and History of Architecture (UCL, England). He won prizes such as the “Florêncio de Carvalho Award” (1999), a “Highly Commended-paper” at the last World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, and scholarships from the FCT and the Luso-British Foundation.
Furtado teaches at Oporto University (Master and PhD Program) and at the master in Industrial Design of FEUP.
He was involved in the organization on many events, exhibitions and alike; and he acted as reviewer to eg the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s Colloquium in Helsinky (2003) and the International editorial board of “The Radical Designist” (2006-…).
Furtado gave lectures in Portugal, United Kingdom, United States of America, Spain, Brazil, Poland, Germany, Colombia, Austria and Mexico, Germany and Austria
He is the author or editor of books such as: “Arquitectura: Prótese do Corpo” (2002; eds. Furtado et alts); “Architecture and Information Society”,(2002; eds. Furtado and Braz); “Notes on the Space of Digital Technique” (2002) ; “Marcos Cruz: Unpredictable Flesh (2004); “Off Fourm: Postglobal City and Marginal Design Discourses” (2004; ed. Furtado and Hernandez); “Interferencias: Conformação, Implementação e Futuro da Cultura Digital” (2005); “The Construction of the Critical Project” (2005); “Architecture: Machine and Body” (2006; eds. Furtado e Braz); “Generator and Beyond: Encounters of Cedric Price and John Frazer” (Jan.2008) etc.
Recent publications included eg:
- “Envisioning an Evolving Environment-Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer: A Brief Account”, in: Roy Ascott, Wolfgang Fiel, Gerald Bast, Margarete Jahrmann (eds.), “New Realities. Being Syncretic, NewYork-Wien: SpringerWienNewYork, 2009, pp.118-122.
- “Gordon Pask (1928-1996): Seminal Experiments on Cybernetic Art and Design (From a Childhood Curiosity and Mobiles to the I.E.’s Symbiosis”), in: Álvaro Barbosa (ed.), "Artech 2008: IVth International Conference on Digital Arts", Porto: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2008, pp. 191-200.
- “Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture and the Envisioning of the ‘Informational Environment’”, in: J.Józefczyk, W.Thomas, M.Turowska (eds.), XIVth International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC: Prodeedings, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej / World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics, 2008, p.910-921,
- "Towards an Evolutionary Archiectural Aesthetics (Part A: Today’s techno-scientific interests and the earlier enabling of the emergent”, in: Furtado e Póvoas (eds.), “Contemporary Architectural Challenges”, Oporto: FAUP, 2008, p.15-18.
- "Cedric Price and Gordon Pask: The Japan Net Experiment (1986)", in: Robert Trapll (ed.), Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, EMCSR 2008, pp.138-143.
- "Cedric Price's Generator and the Frazers' System Research 1", in: Technoetic Arts (edited by Roy Ascott), Vol. 6, N.1, March-May 2008.
- “Brief notes on two infinite scales”, in: "Technoetic arts: A Journal of speculative research", v.5, N.2, Great Britain, 2007, pp.87-96.
This session is dedicated to exploring the exchanges between architecture and the fields of systems research and computational sciences, highlighting the relationships between architecture and mathematics.
Systems research goes back to the war period, and it is concerned with 'organization' from an approach of complexity. The history of the field recalls an expansion of attention up to the level of the planet with the Club of Rome's systemic approach to the global problem (e.g. De Rosbay, 1978) but this dealing with issues of complexity was also paralleled by the acknowledgement of 'uncertainty'.
Systems research embraced a wide field of application; and, as Cybernetics, it became influential throughout the post-war period. There was, undoubtedly, a later 'backlash' against the latter; however, as Scott has mentioned, its concepts permeated such areas as AI, Systems and Emergence Sciences. (Scott, ca.1996) Moreover, a 'second-order cybernetics' arose around the 1970s, acknowledging the presence of the observer in Systems, and leading to theoretical developments such as 'Autopoiesis’, ‘Conversation Theory’ etc. At the time, computation became ubiquitous, and its later connection with telecommunications led to cyberspace and to the Information Society in which we now live.
At an early date, systems research, cybernetics and computational sciences, went on to interfere in the fields of Art and Architecture. Early occurrences included the work of Schoffer, Pask, Jones, Alexander and Negroponte work, and they were fuelled by a desire to overcome the rigid architecture and planning of modernism, by representing the dynamics of time. Progressively, digital space and life also constituted an architectural challenge, at the levels of the city's building and design practice. The earliest approaches date back to the early 1990s, and advanced explorations were made by architects such as Novak (on ‘Transvergence’) and Frazer (on ‘Evolutionary Architecture’).
To a certain extent, the current digital architectural culture is rooted in cybernetics, and the systems approach enables a systemic focus of contemporary cities, and the ecological global problem. Today, Architecture's desire for a more evolving environment is leading to interest in the new sciences of Emergence and Complexity, which Jencks even associates to a ‘New Paradigm in Architecture’.
The session will consists of small presentations focusing important experiences related to architecture and mathematics. The main areas of interest are: systems research, second-order cybernetics, computational sciences, architectural morphogenesis and sustainability. (Presentation focused on topics such as complex systems, self-organization, emergence, topology, CAD-CAM, virtual environments and cyberspace, as well as on architects, designs and buildings which illustrate the relationship between architecture and mathematics will be welcome.) They are the roots sources of a future, effective built environment that could evolve.
Note: This text include some excerpts of Gonçalo Furtado’s article “Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture and the Envisioning of the I.E. (‘Informational Environment’), in: Kybernetes, V.38, N.7-8, 2009. One suggest a reading of it, as well as J.De Rosnay’s 'History of Cybernetics and Systems Science”, 1978 (and modified in 2000), in: F.Heylighen, C.Joslyn and V.Turchin (eds), Principia Cybernetica Web, Brussels (available at: and B.Scott’s “Obituary for Professor Gordon Pask”, in: The Independent, London, 1996.
10:10-10:40 Pau Solá-Morales, Information, Architecture, Complexity
Pau Solá-Morales
Born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1968
1997-2000 - Doctor of Design. Harvard Design School.
1996-97 - Master of Design (MDesS). Harvard Design School.
1986-1994 - Licensed in Architecture and Urban Design. ETSAB, UPC.
2006 - Escola d’Arquitectura de Reus. URV, Spain.
2004 - Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio. USI, Switzerland.
2002-04 - Harvard Design School, Cambridge, MA. USA.
2006-2008 - Máster de Arquitecturas Genéticas. UIC, Barcelona, Spain.
2001-2004 - Universitad Internacional de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain.
2009 - “Generative or Genetic? Two approaches to design and planning”. Philotope magazine, n.7. (2009)
2008 - Contemporary Architectural Chalenges 2008: Conception, Production And Performance. Keynote speaker. FAUP, Porto, September 22-24, 2008.
2008 - Université Paris-Malaquais. Paris, France
2005 - “La Ciudad Organizada”. Capítulo/artículo en el libro Carme Fiol, (ed.): Barcelona Periferia Cubista. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2005.
2004 - “Genético versus generativo, o de la generación automática de formas”. First prize of the “IV AJAC Young Architect’s Prize. To be published (2005).
2003 - “A new data model for CAAD”. 1st DOM Conference, Ars Electronica Center, Linz (Austria). Coference particpant. To be published (2004).
The study of the relationship between Information, Architecture and Complexity can be accomplished through the study of patterns of relationships, opening up the field for the understanding of architecture as organization.
The study of Organization has not been part of the program of science until the discovery of systems of particles and the development of thermodynamics. The understanding of complex systems is parallel to the definition of two major concepts related to organization: on the one side, the concept of Entropy (S) is a measure of the order or disorder in the internal structure of systems of objects, and therefore of its internal complexity; on the other side, the notion of Information (loosely derived from the concept of entropy) expresses the internal organization of a communication system, or the internal order or disorder of a message. The relationship of Entropy to Information must not be underestimated, for it is the key to grasp the little details at play in the game of complex systems.
While the Universe and its constituents tend to a state of maximum entropy or disorder (following the 2nd law of Thermodynamics) there are local enclaves where there is a limited and temporary tendency for organization to increase. Complex Adaptive Systems, such as living organisms but not limited to them, are some of these enclaves: non-linear, dynamic and open, these systems exchange matter and energy (hence information) with their environment, acting as rudimentary information systems. While reacting to the uncertainties of their environment (noise), they increase their internal organization to absorb and respond to it: “order out of noise” in Atlan’s words. In so doing, they defy the 2nd law, creating organization instead of evolving towards a greater state of disorder.
Architecture (that is, the technological production of structures, from its inception to its construction) is also an act of creating order out of disorder, and maintaining it against all odds: a transformation of information into organization. Considered as a complex system, architecture represents the transformation of a certain state of the environment into a more organized one, using energy and raw materials, and the exchange of information with the environment.
Architecture, buildings and cities, has traditionally been seen as a static aggregation of objects, (objects above objects, objects next to objects), while its organization has usually been disregarded. First observed and proposed by Christopher Alexander, Patterns of Relationships are a way to view the built environment from an organizational perspective. Fully understanding this idea and all its consequences can be the first step towards an understanding of architecture as organization. Patterns offer the clue to identify organized structures and distinguish them from bare materials, as we are able to distinguish a cell from the molecules than compose or surround it.
Now widely used to cope with the complexity of information systems, Patterns of Relationships offer an affordable method to capture the organization of architectural objects, understand and decode their internal structure, and upgrade the study of the built environment to the new paradigm of complexity.
10:40-11:20 Lora Dikova, After the Paradigm of Contemporary Physics in Architecture: Spatial Possibilities and Variations
Lora Dikova
Master of Architecture, 2006
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia-Bulgaria
Thesis: The design of the exhibition space
Master of Architecture, 2010
Miami University, USA
Member of the Union of Architects of Bulgaria
Teaching assistant, 2008-2010
Miami University
Course – History and Philosophy of Environmental Design
Official representative of the Union of Architects of Bulgaria to the International Union of Architects, 2007-to present
Architect, 206 – to present
Freelance practice
Architect Assistant, 2004-2005
Bisera Ribarova Ltd
Architect, 2005
Amfion Ltd
Project Manager, 2003-2004
Properties in Bulgaria Ltd
The Singing Bertha-Concert Hall Design Project at the Vizar – The European Architectural Awards of Bulgarian Architecture, 2007
The Exhibition Place – Multipurpose exhibition hall Design Project at Interarch 2006 – XI World architectural Triennial, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006 and the Outstanding thesis projects Exhibition, 2006.
Honours and Awards:
1st prize for commercial building design at the National Bulgarian Competition Archidea 2007.
Dimitar Boganov Academic Award for outstanding commercial building design Project, 2006.
Union of architects in Bulgaria, Award for commercial building design, 2006.
Highest graduation academic record award, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2006.
Skills and Qualifications:
Final stages in National Olympiads in Mathematics and Physics Piano player, Poetry writer.
Living in the age of scientific, technological and
digital revolution changes our attitude towards information. It
is inevitable to start approaching information not only as a
product of fashionable digital media behavior, but also as a
particular accumulation of facts and activities, transferable bits
of matter, which influence our environment. Architecture not
only exerts spatial influence on our environment, but also it
structures its processes. Acting as such, architecture is
involved into direct representation of informational flows via
organizing spatial systems. Therefore, in the digital era, design
gets more related to transforming different informational
modes into spatial structures.
Transformations of information provide rich
possibilities for conceptualizing space; such transformations
could be achieved by different methodologies. This paper uses
the concept of physical space in contemporary physics, namely
the self-organizational behavior of the space-time framework,
in order to explore various ways of coding information in
design. Analyzing String Theory and its follower M – theory,
the research derives a method for spatial organization of cause
and effect activities resulting in a unified approach towards
design methodology.
This paper explores the concept of movement in the
space-time framework, namely the movement in various
dimensions and in non-Euclidean geometry, in order to develop
a system for achieving a particular design control over
informational activities. Using the topology of space-time in
String Theory and M-theory, a topology produced as an
outcome from that particular movement behavior, the research
proposes a way to handle an informational status in the
environment spatially. Such a design approach, becoming
more and more necessary in the age of the digital, opens room
not only for mere spatial variations, but also for a direction
towards new design morphology; a morphology in which
architecture obtains new spatial value reaching beyond the
label of visionary design.
11:20-11:40 Suzanne Strum, The International Architectures of the SSA and Informational Designer Knud Lonberg-Holm
Suzanne Strum is an American architect, a graduate of Columbia University Graduate School for Architecture and Urban Planning in New York. She holds a Masters from the Metropolis Program in Architecture and Urban Culture, Foundation of the Polytechnique University of Catalonia and the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, where she is currently a professor as well as Head of Studies. She is a doctoral candidate at the ETSAB, UPC in the Department of Theory and Composition. She is a professor at the Elisava Design School in Barcelona and an adjunct for Texas A&M University´s architecture program in Barcelona. She has been a professor for many international programs in Barcelona, including Carleton University, Calgary University, Universidad Tecnologica de Monterrey, among others. She has been a researcher at the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. She is co-editor of Metropolis, GG and author of two books, Barcelona: A Guide to Recent Architecture, Elipsis, and Barcelona Architecture, Watermark press, as well as articles in Bauwelt and Scapes. In 2005 she was awarded a Graham Foundation grant.
This paper is concerned with Modernist information systems extending from the pre-war to postwar eras, via the little known Danish émigré architect Knud Lonberg Holm who considered himself an information architect already in the 1920´s. ie someone who organizes the patterns inherent in data, making the complex clear; who views the organization, retrieval and presentation of information as analogous to the problems in designing a building.
After arriving in the US in 1923, Lonberg-Holm expanded his connections to European vanguards, as he entered into a series of parallel professional affiliations in the US, serving as CIAM´s east coast delegate, and in 1932, joining Structural Study Associates: technocratic, anti-aesthetic architects surrounding Buckminster Fuller in the magazine Shelter: “A correlating medium for the forces of architecture”. With the motto: “To do the most with the least”, they encouraged harnessing the Forces Expressive of the Technical Age based on ephemeralization, ecology, and emergence. At the same time he became a staff member of the leading professional journal of the time, Architectural Record, with its family of publications including Sweets Catalog, an essential interface between architects, manufactures and contractors, a compendium of industrially evoluting building materials. In this context he urged city planning based on the organic functions of a community and its culturally based space organizing process. He called for the creation of an economically independent research institute to deal with problems of architecture in an industrial age, and he restructured Sweets Catalog, as an anonymous ideological project authoring a number of books on the design of information with Czech graphic designer Ladislav Sutnar.
He presented an alternative to Sweets to CIAM, a proposal for a dynamic, integrated research and information system dealing with all aspects of environmental controls that would allow for advanced productivity. “Planning for Productivity” 1940, was updated in 1953 as “Development Index: a proposed pattern for organizing and facilitating the flow of information needed by man to further in his own development with particular reference to the development of buildings, communities and other forms of environmental controls”, which offered correlations between cosmos, man and culture, closely aligned with Buckminster Fuller´s systems thinking and his vision of the comprehensive anticipatory designer as “a Harvester of potentials” outside beaurocratic systems, yet able to analyze and deploy technocracy’s products to serve the world’s needs. Lonberg Holm´s master switchboard for data flow was to be updated constantly in line with “new expansions in human knowledge”.
As a class of project that processes data and indexes knowledge, these proposals share an affinity with early modern “world” projects. As Information technologies were subject to the processes of scientific management, such projects aimed to centralize and standardize all knowledge in a single location or to unify norms for international use. The World Brain, World Encyclopedia, World Auxiliary Languages, the International System of Typographic Picture Education were put forth by such diverse figures as H.G. Wells, Paul Otlet,Otto Neurath, up to the 30´s. The Development Index might be situated between those World projects and the later more multimedia Geoscope by Fuller 1962, a floating informational globe, with constantly updated real time broadcasted data about the earth.
11:40-12:10 Maycon Sedrez, Alice Pereira, Fractal Architecture
CV 1:
Maycon Ricardo Sedrez
- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina UFSC – Brazil
Master in Architecture and Urban Planning, 2009.
- Universidade Regional de Blumenau FURB – Brazil
Architect and Urban Planner, 2002.
- Estúdio M2 Arquitetos – Blumenau – SC – Brazil
- Instituto Brasileiro de Design de Interiores IBDI – Blumenau – SC – Brazil
Professor – Computer-Aided Design
Workshop - SEDREZ, M. R. . Arquitetura Fractal. In: XXIV Semana da Matemática, 2009,
Blumenau. XXIV Semana da Matemática.
Article - SEDREZ, M. R. ; SANTIAGO, A. G. ; PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Paisagem fractal: uma análise
da conectividade na escala humana. In: Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Paisagismo em Escolas de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2008, Curitiba. 9 ENEPEA, 2008.
Article - BAIER, T. ; SEDREZ, M. R. . Uso de gráficos de funções matemáticas, construídos com
recurso computacional, na elaboração de projetos arquitetônicos: uma proposta pedagógica.. In:
XXX CNMAC - Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 2007,
Florianópolis. XXX CNMAC - Trabalhos e Resumos, 2007.
CV 2:
Alice T. Cybis Pereira
- Sheffield University – England
Doctor in Architecture, 1993.
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS – Brazil
Architect and Urban Planner, 1982.
- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC – Florianópolis – SC – Brazil
Book – PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem em diferentes contextos. Rio de Janeiro: Ciência Moderna, 2007.
Article - DALLA VECHIA, L. F. ; PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Utilização de ambiente virtual de aprendizagem em disciplinas de projeto arquitetônico. PARC - Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, v. 1 n.3., p. 1-14, 2009.
Article - SEDREZ, M. R. ; SANTIAGO, A. G. ; PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Paisagem fractal: uma análise da conectividade na escala humana. In: Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Paisagismo em Escolas de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2008, Curitiba. 9 ENEPEA, 2008
This article deals with the fractal geometry applied in architecture. The fractals generative rules can be used to develop the student’ shape grammar. Students use that knowledge to increase their own
shape vocabulary in the architectural design early stages.
What have the fractals to offer to contemporary architecture? Since Moving Arrows, Eros
and other Errors, 1985’ Peter Eisenman project, some architects continually have used fractal
geometry as shape design instrument. Previously architects included aspects such as fractal
recursiveness, to take an example, in an intuitively way. Nowadays some studies have pointed
appropriate models to use the potential of fractals in architecture.
This study was realized with architecture students and tried to bring the fractal geometry to
the computer-aided architectural design - CAAD. We have elaborated a content called ‘Fractal
Shape’ and it was guided to architecture, concentrating on the generative characteristics of fractals.
This content provides an overview of fractal architecture, it presents methods to use fractals in the
design process and it proposes activities to design early stages. Thus, the fractal order is explored
through generative exercises that deal with concepts of scale, recursivity, self-similarity and
The study effort is to make a clear comprehension of fractal geometry as a shape grammar,
with scale transformations, which provides generative rules. When these experiments are applied at
design early stages, it feeds the students' shape vocabulary. It is known that a good design do not
come from a moment of enlightenment. The student identifies patterns, symmetries and design
resources while playing with shapes and scales. The idea is to allow the student to develop his own
shape vocabulary well before advancing the design definition.
We develop a content that relates fractal grammar and architectural design, which we
establish through pedagogical criteria and brought to the students through on-line virtual learning.
The hypertext activities are the creation of fractals guiding regulatory frames, and then to transform
the two dimensional objects to into a three dimensional objects. To do those exercises the student
uses: elements addition and/or subtraction, shape configuration and grouping and specially the
extrusion of fractal objects viewed in plan or section. In these procedures the student selects and
creates shapes, working on ambiguous models. Then they set a proportion and a utility to the object,
in a process called scale and function emergency.
The study of a fractal shape grammar is interesting from a pedagogical point of view when it
groups the contemporary architecture content, shape grammar exercises and computer-aided
architectural design technology. Those are areas of interest of the students involved in this research.
The study of generative systems, shape grammars and design rules is a trend in architecture schools.
Students are also interested in learning contents that are close to the reality of contemporary
architecture. Finally, we understand fractal geometry as one of the tools available for the design
professor which helps to instigate the creativity of the student.
12:10-12:30 Discussion
Morning session
Session III: Architecture, Systems Research and Computational Sciences
Gonçalo Furtado, moderator
10:00-10:10 Gonçalo Furtado, Session Introduction
Gonçalo M Furtado C L is graduated in Architecture (Oporto University, Portugal), Master in Architecture (UPC, Spain), and PhD in Theory and History of Architecture (UCL, England). He won prizes such as the “Florêncio de Carvalho Award” (1999), a “Highly Commended-paper” at the last World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, and scholarships from the FCT and the Luso-British Foundation.
Furtado teaches at Oporto University (Master and PhD Program) and at the master in Industrial Design of FEUP.
He was involved in the organization on many events, exhibitions and alike; and he acted as reviewer to eg the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture’s Colloquium in Helsinky (2003) and the International editorial board of “The Radical Designist” (2006-…).
Furtado gave lectures in Portugal, United Kingdom, United States of America, Spain, Brazil, Poland, Germany, Colombia, Austria and Mexico, Germany and Austria
He is the author or editor of books such as: “Arquitectura: Prótese do Corpo” (2002; eds. Furtado et alts); “Architecture and Information Society”,(2002; eds. Furtado and Braz); “Notes on the Space of Digital Technique” (2002) ; “Marcos Cruz: Unpredictable Flesh (2004); “Off Fourm: Postglobal City and Marginal Design Discourses” (2004; ed. Furtado and Hernandez); “Interferencias: Conformação, Implementação e Futuro da Cultura Digital” (2005); “The Construction of the Critical Project” (2005); “Architecture: Machine and Body” (2006; eds. Furtado e Braz); “Generator and Beyond: Encounters of Cedric Price and John Frazer” (Jan.2008) etc.
Recent publications included eg:
- “Envisioning an Evolving Environment-Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer: A Brief Account”, in: Roy Ascott, Wolfgang Fiel, Gerald Bast, Margarete Jahrmann (eds.), “New Realities. Being Syncretic, NewYork-Wien: SpringerWienNewYork, 2009, pp.118-122.
- “Gordon Pask (1928-1996): Seminal Experiments on Cybernetic Art and Design (From a Childhood Curiosity and Mobiles to the I.E.’s Symbiosis”), in: Álvaro Barbosa (ed.), "Artech 2008: IVth International Conference on Digital Arts", Porto: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2008, pp. 191-200.
- “Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture and the Envisioning of the ‘Informational Environment’”, in: J.Józefczyk, W.Thomas, M.Turowska (eds.), XIVth International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC: Prodeedings, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej / World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics, 2008, p.910-921,
- "Towards an Evolutionary Archiectural Aesthetics (Part A: Today’s techno-scientific interests and the earlier enabling of the emergent”, in: Furtado e Póvoas (eds.), “Contemporary Architectural Challenges”, Oporto: FAUP, 2008, p.15-18.
- "Cedric Price and Gordon Pask: The Japan Net Experiment (1986)", in: Robert Trapll (ed.), Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, EMCSR 2008, pp.138-143.
- "Cedric Price's Generator and the Frazers' System Research 1", in: Technoetic Arts (edited by Roy Ascott), Vol. 6, N.1, March-May 2008.
- “Brief notes on two infinite scales”, in: "Technoetic arts: A Journal of speculative research", v.5, N.2, Great Britain, 2007, pp.87-96.
This session is dedicated to exploring the exchanges between architecture and the fields of systems research and computational sciences, highlighting the relationships between architecture and mathematics.
Systems research goes back to the war period, and it is concerned with 'organization' from an approach of complexity. The history of the field recalls an expansion of attention up to the level of the planet with the Club of Rome's systemic approach to the global problem (e.g. De Rosbay, 1978) but this dealing with issues of complexity was also paralleled by the acknowledgement of 'uncertainty'.
Systems research embraced a wide field of application; and, as Cybernetics, it became influential throughout the post-war period. There was, undoubtedly, a later 'backlash' against the latter; however, as Scott has mentioned, its concepts permeated such areas as AI, Systems and Emergence Sciences. (Scott, ca.1996) Moreover, a 'second-order cybernetics' arose around the 1970s, acknowledging the presence of the observer in Systems, and leading to theoretical developments such as 'Autopoiesis’, ‘Conversation Theory’ etc. At the time, computation became ubiquitous, and its later connection with telecommunications led to cyberspace and to the Information Society in which we now live.
At an early date, systems research, cybernetics and computational sciences, went on to interfere in the fields of Art and Architecture. Early occurrences included the work of Schoffer, Pask, Jones, Alexander and Negroponte work, and they were fuelled by a desire to overcome the rigid architecture and planning of modernism, by representing the dynamics of time. Progressively, digital space and life also constituted an architectural challenge, at the levels of the city's building and design practice. The earliest approaches date back to the early 1990s, and advanced explorations were made by architects such as Novak (on ‘Transvergence’) and Frazer (on ‘Evolutionary Architecture’).
To a certain extent, the current digital architectural culture is rooted in cybernetics, and the systems approach enables a systemic focus of contemporary cities, and the ecological global problem. Today, Architecture's desire for a more evolving environment is leading to interest in the new sciences of Emergence and Complexity, which Jencks even associates to a ‘New Paradigm in Architecture’.
The session will consists of small presentations focusing important experiences related to architecture and mathematics. The main areas of interest are: systems research, second-order cybernetics, computational sciences, architectural morphogenesis and sustainability. (Presentation focused on topics such as complex systems, self-organization, emergence, topology, CAD-CAM, virtual environments and cyberspace, as well as on architects, designs and buildings which illustrate the relationship between architecture and mathematics will be welcome.) They are the roots sources of a future, effective built environment that could evolve.
Note: This text include some excerpts of Gonçalo Furtado’s article “Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture and the Envisioning of the I.E. (‘Informational Environment’), in: Kybernetes, V.38, N.7-8, 2009. One suggest a reading of it, as well as J.De Rosnay’s 'History of Cybernetics and Systems Science”, 1978 (and modified in 2000), in: F.Heylighen, C.Joslyn and V.Turchin (eds), Principia Cybernetica Web, Brussels (available at: and B.Scott’s “Obituary for Professor Gordon Pask”, in: The Independent, London, 1996.
10:10-10:40 Pau Solá-Morales, Information, Architecture, Complexity
Pau Solá-Morales
Born in Barcelona, Spain, in 1968
1997-2000 - Doctor of Design. Harvard Design School.
1996-97 - Master of Design (MDesS). Harvard Design School.
1986-1994 - Licensed in Architecture and Urban Design. ETSAB, UPC.
2006 - Escola d’Arquitectura de Reus. URV, Spain.
2004 - Accademia di Architettura, Mendrisio. USI, Switzerland.
2002-04 - Harvard Design School, Cambridge, MA. USA.
2006-2008 - Máster de Arquitecturas Genéticas. UIC, Barcelona, Spain.
2001-2004 - Universitad Internacional de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain.
2009 - “Generative or Genetic? Two approaches to design and planning”. Philotope magazine, n.7. (2009)
2008 - Contemporary Architectural Chalenges 2008: Conception, Production And Performance. Keynote speaker. FAUP, Porto, September 22-24, 2008.
2008 - Université Paris-Malaquais. Paris, France
2005 - “La Ciudad Organizada”. Capítulo/artículo en el libro Carme Fiol, (ed.): Barcelona Periferia Cubista. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2005.
2004 - “Genético versus generativo, o de la generación automática de formas”. First prize of the “IV AJAC Young Architect’s Prize. To be published (2005).
2003 - “A new data model for CAAD”. 1st DOM Conference, Ars Electronica Center, Linz (Austria). Coference particpant. To be published (2004).
The study of the relationship between Information, Architecture and Complexity can be accomplished through the study of patterns of relationships, opening up the field for the understanding of architecture as organization.
The study of Organization has not been part of the program of science until the discovery of systems of particles and the development of thermodynamics. The understanding of complex systems is parallel to the definition of two major concepts related to organization: on the one side, the concept of Entropy (S) is a measure of the order or disorder in the internal structure of systems of objects, and therefore of its internal complexity; on the other side, the notion of Information (loosely derived from the concept of entropy) expresses the internal organization of a communication system, or the internal order or disorder of a message. The relationship of Entropy to Information must not be underestimated, for it is the key to grasp the little details at play in the game of complex systems.
While the Universe and its constituents tend to a state of maximum entropy or disorder (following the 2nd law of Thermodynamics) there are local enclaves where there is a limited and temporary tendency for organization to increase. Complex Adaptive Systems, such as living organisms but not limited to them, are some of these enclaves: non-linear, dynamic and open, these systems exchange matter and energy (hence information) with their environment, acting as rudimentary information systems. While reacting to the uncertainties of their environment (noise), they increase their internal organization to absorb and respond to it: “order out of noise” in Atlan’s words. In so doing, they defy the 2nd law, creating organization instead of evolving towards a greater state of disorder.
Architecture (that is, the technological production of structures, from its inception to its construction) is also an act of creating order out of disorder, and maintaining it against all odds: a transformation of information into organization. Considered as a complex system, architecture represents the transformation of a certain state of the environment into a more organized one, using energy and raw materials, and the exchange of information with the environment.
Architecture, buildings and cities, has traditionally been seen as a static aggregation of objects, (objects above objects, objects next to objects), while its organization has usually been disregarded. First observed and proposed by Christopher Alexander, Patterns of Relationships are a way to view the built environment from an organizational perspective. Fully understanding this idea and all its consequences can be the first step towards an understanding of architecture as organization. Patterns offer the clue to identify organized structures and distinguish them from bare materials, as we are able to distinguish a cell from the molecules than compose or surround it.
Now widely used to cope with the complexity of information systems, Patterns of Relationships offer an affordable method to capture the organization of architectural objects, understand and decode their internal structure, and upgrade the study of the built environment to the new paradigm of complexity.
10:40-11:20 Lora Dikova, After the Paradigm of Contemporary Physics in Architecture: Spatial Possibilities and Variations
Lora Dikova
Master of Architecture, 2006
University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia-Bulgaria
Thesis: The design of the exhibition space
Master of Architecture, 2010
Miami University, USA
Member of the Union of Architects of Bulgaria
Teaching assistant, 2008-2010
Miami University
Course – History and Philosophy of Environmental Design
Official representative of the Union of Architects of Bulgaria to the International Union of Architects, 2007-to present
Architect, 206 – to present
Freelance practice
Architect Assistant, 2004-2005
Bisera Ribarova Ltd
Architect, 2005
Amfion Ltd
Project Manager, 2003-2004
Properties in Bulgaria Ltd
The Singing Bertha-Concert Hall Design Project at the Vizar – The European Architectural Awards of Bulgarian Architecture, 2007
The Exhibition Place – Multipurpose exhibition hall Design Project at Interarch 2006 – XI World architectural Triennial, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006 and the Outstanding thesis projects Exhibition, 2006.
Honours and Awards:
1st prize for commercial building design at the National Bulgarian Competition Archidea 2007.
Dimitar Boganov Academic Award for outstanding commercial building design Project, 2006.
Union of architects in Bulgaria, Award for commercial building design, 2006.
Highest graduation academic record award, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, 2006.
Skills and Qualifications:
Final stages in National Olympiads in Mathematics and Physics Piano player, Poetry writer.
Living in the age of scientific, technological and
digital revolution changes our attitude towards information. It
is inevitable to start approaching information not only as a
product of fashionable digital media behavior, but also as a
particular accumulation of facts and activities, transferable bits
of matter, which influence our environment. Architecture not
only exerts spatial influence on our environment, but also it
structures its processes. Acting as such, architecture is
involved into direct representation of informational flows via
organizing spatial systems. Therefore, in the digital era, design
gets more related to transforming different informational
modes into spatial structures.
Transformations of information provide rich
possibilities for conceptualizing space; such transformations
could be achieved by different methodologies. This paper uses
the concept of physical space in contemporary physics, namely
the self-organizational behavior of the space-time framework,
in order to explore various ways of coding information in
design. Analyzing String Theory and its follower M – theory,
the research derives a method for spatial organization of cause
and effect activities resulting in a unified approach towards
design methodology.
This paper explores the concept of movement in the
space-time framework, namely the movement in various
dimensions and in non-Euclidean geometry, in order to develop
a system for achieving a particular design control over
informational activities. Using the topology of space-time in
String Theory and M-theory, a topology produced as an
outcome from that particular movement behavior, the research
proposes a way to handle an informational status in the
environment spatially. Such a design approach, becoming
more and more necessary in the age of the digital, opens room
not only for mere spatial variations, but also for a direction
towards new design morphology; a morphology in which
architecture obtains new spatial value reaching beyond the
label of visionary design.
11:20-11:40 Suzanne Strum, The International Architectures of the SSA and Informational Designer Knud Lonberg-Holm
Suzanne Strum is an American architect, a graduate of Columbia University Graduate School for Architecture and Urban Planning in New York. She holds a Masters from the Metropolis Program in Architecture and Urban Culture, Foundation of the Polytechnique University of Catalonia and the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, where she is currently a professor as well as Head of Studies. She is a doctoral candidate at the ETSAB, UPC in the Department of Theory and Composition. She is a professor at the Elisava Design School in Barcelona and an adjunct for Texas A&M University´s architecture program in Barcelona. She has been a professor for many international programs in Barcelona, including Carleton University, Calgary University, Universidad Tecnologica de Monterrey, among others. She has been a researcher at the Mies van der Rohe Foundation. She is co-editor of Metropolis, GG and author of two books, Barcelona: A Guide to Recent Architecture, Elipsis, and Barcelona Architecture, Watermark press, as well as articles in Bauwelt and Scapes. In 2005 she was awarded a Graham Foundation grant.
This paper is concerned with Modernist information systems extending from the pre-war to postwar eras, via the little known Danish émigré architect Knud Lonberg Holm who considered himself an information architect already in the 1920´s. ie someone who organizes the patterns inherent in data, making the complex clear; who views the organization, retrieval and presentation of information as analogous to the problems in designing a building.
After arriving in the US in 1923, Lonberg-Holm expanded his connections to European vanguards, as he entered into a series of parallel professional affiliations in the US, serving as CIAM´s east coast delegate, and in 1932, joining Structural Study Associates: technocratic, anti-aesthetic architects surrounding Buckminster Fuller in the magazine Shelter: “A correlating medium for the forces of architecture”. With the motto: “To do the most with the least”, they encouraged harnessing the Forces Expressive of the Technical Age based on ephemeralization, ecology, and emergence. At the same time he became a staff member of the leading professional journal of the time, Architectural Record, with its family of publications including Sweets Catalog, an essential interface between architects, manufactures and contractors, a compendium of industrially evoluting building materials. In this context he urged city planning based on the organic functions of a community and its culturally based space organizing process. He called for the creation of an economically independent research institute to deal with problems of architecture in an industrial age, and he restructured Sweets Catalog, as an anonymous ideological project authoring a number of books on the design of information with Czech graphic designer Ladislav Sutnar.
He presented an alternative to Sweets to CIAM, a proposal for a dynamic, integrated research and information system dealing with all aspects of environmental controls that would allow for advanced productivity. “Planning for Productivity” 1940, was updated in 1953 as “Development Index: a proposed pattern for organizing and facilitating the flow of information needed by man to further in his own development with particular reference to the development of buildings, communities and other forms of environmental controls”, which offered correlations between cosmos, man and culture, closely aligned with Buckminster Fuller´s systems thinking and his vision of the comprehensive anticipatory designer as “a Harvester of potentials” outside beaurocratic systems, yet able to analyze and deploy technocracy’s products to serve the world’s needs. Lonberg Holm´s master switchboard for data flow was to be updated constantly in line with “new expansions in human knowledge”.
As a class of project that processes data and indexes knowledge, these proposals share an affinity with early modern “world” projects. As Information technologies were subject to the processes of scientific management, such projects aimed to centralize and standardize all knowledge in a single location or to unify norms for international use. The World Brain, World Encyclopedia, World Auxiliary Languages, the International System of Typographic Picture Education were put forth by such diverse figures as H.G. Wells, Paul Otlet,Otto Neurath, up to the 30´s. The Development Index might be situated between those World projects and the later more multimedia Geoscope by Fuller 1962, a floating informational globe, with constantly updated real time broadcasted data about the earth.
11:40-12:10 Maycon Sedrez, Alice Pereira, Fractal Architecture
CV 1:
Maycon Ricardo Sedrez
- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina UFSC – Brazil
Master in Architecture and Urban Planning, 2009.
- Universidade Regional de Blumenau FURB – Brazil
Architect and Urban Planner, 2002.
- Estúdio M2 Arquitetos – Blumenau – SC – Brazil
- Instituto Brasileiro de Design de Interiores IBDI – Blumenau – SC – Brazil
Professor – Computer-Aided Design
Workshop - SEDREZ, M. R. . Arquitetura Fractal. In: XXIV Semana da Matemática, 2009,
Blumenau. XXIV Semana da Matemática.
Article - SEDREZ, M. R. ; SANTIAGO, A. G. ; PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Paisagem fractal: uma análise
da conectividade na escala humana. In: Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Paisagismo em Escolas de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2008, Curitiba. 9 ENEPEA, 2008.
Article - BAIER, T. ; SEDREZ, M. R. . Uso de gráficos de funções matemáticas, construídos com
recurso computacional, na elaboração de projetos arquitetônicos: uma proposta pedagógica.. In:
XXX CNMAC - Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 2007,
Florianópolis. XXX CNMAC - Trabalhos e Resumos, 2007.
CV 2:
Alice T. Cybis Pereira
- Sheffield University – England
Doctor in Architecture, 1993.
- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS – Brazil
Architect and Urban Planner, 1982.
- Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, UFSC – Florianópolis – SC – Brazil
Book – PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem em diferentes contextos. Rio de Janeiro: Ciência Moderna, 2007.
Article - DALLA VECHIA, L. F. ; PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Utilização de ambiente virtual de aprendizagem em disciplinas de projeto arquitetônico. PARC - Pesquisa em Arquitetura e Construção, v. 1 n.3., p. 1-14, 2009.
Article - SEDREZ, M. R. ; SANTIAGO, A. G. ; PEREIRA, A. T. C. . Paisagem fractal: uma análise da conectividade na escala humana. In: Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Paisagismo em Escolas de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2008, Curitiba. 9 ENEPEA, 2008
This article deals with the fractal geometry applied in architecture. The fractals generative rules can be used to develop the student’ shape grammar. Students use that knowledge to increase their own
shape vocabulary in the architectural design early stages.
What have the fractals to offer to contemporary architecture? Since Moving Arrows, Eros
and other Errors, 1985’ Peter Eisenman project, some architects continually have used fractal
geometry as shape design instrument. Previously architects included aspects such as fractal
recursiveness, to take an example, in an intuitively way. Nowadays some studies have pointed
appropriate models to use the potential of fractals in architecture.
This study was realized with architecture students and tried to bring the fractal geometry to
the computer-aided architectural design - CAAD. We have elaborated a content called ‘Fractal
Shape’ and it was guided to architecture, concentrating on the generative characteristics of fractals.
This content provides an overview of fractal architecture, it presents methods to use fractals in the
design process and it proposes activities to design early stages. Thus, the fractal order is explored
through generative exercises that deal with concepts of scale, recursivity, self-similarity and
The study effort is to make a clear comprehension of fractal geometry as a shape grammar,
with scale transformations, which provides generative rules. When these experiments are applied at
design early stages, it feeds the students' shape vocabulary. It is known that a good design do not
come from a moment of enlightenment. The student identifies patterns, symmetries and design
resources while playing with shapes and scales. The idea is to allow the student to develop his own
shape vocabulary well before advancing the design definition.
We develop a content that relates fractal grammar and architectural design, which we
establish through pedagogical criteria and brought to the students through on-line virtual learning.
The hypertext activities are the creation of fractals guiding regulatory frames, and then to transform
the two dimensional objects to into a three dimensional objects. To do those exercises the student
uses: elements addition and/or subtraction, shape configuration and grouping and specially the
extrusion of fractal objects viewed in plan or section. In these procedures the student selects and
creates shapes, working on ambiguous models. Then they set a proportion and a utility to the object,
in a process called scale and function emergency.
The study of a fractal shape grammar is interesting from a pedagogical point of view when it
groups the contemporary architecture content, shape grammar exercises and computer-aided
architectural design technology. Those are areas of interest of the students involved in this research.
The study of generative systems, shape grammars and design rules is a trend in architecture schools.
Students are also interested in learning contents that are close to the reality of contemporary
architecture. Finally, we understand fractal geometry as one of the tools available for the design
professor which helps to instigate the creativity of the student.
12:10-12:30 Discussion
Rapid Prototyping Unit
Luis Caló, Lia Moreira, António Carvalho, Pedro Santos and Gonçalo Furtado,
“Estudo para a instalação de unidade de prototipagem rápida”,
in: “Artech 2010: Envisioning Digital Spaces: 5th International Conference on Digital Arts”,
Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho/Guimarães, 22 April 2010, 4.45-6.45 pm (Parallel session “Audio-visual and Multimedia design”).
“Estudo para a instalação de unidade de prototipagem rápida”,
in: “Artech 2010: Envisioning Digital Spaces: 5th International Conference on Digital Arts”,
Escola de Arquitectura da Universidade do Minho/Guimarães, 22 April 2010, 4.45-6.45 pm (Parallel session “Audio-visual and Multimedia design”).
Pask on Architecture in the 1980s and 1990s: The 'A of K' et alt
Gonçalo M Furtado C Lopes, “Professor Gordon Pask: Communication systems and media design in the 1960s and 80s”,
in: MeCCSA Conference Programme & Abstracts, London School of Economics, London, January 2010, p.58-59.
available in:, accessed 1-4-2010.
in: MeCCSA Conference Programme & Abstracts, London School of Economics, London, January 2010, p.58-59.
available in:, accessed 1-4-2010.
Architecture and Gender
“Housing and Feminism”, Mracia Cunha e Gonçalo Furtado, in: “Gender, Place and Space: An Interdisciplinary Conference”
University of Notre Dame, McKenna Hall/ USA, 25-27 March 2010.
Thursday, March 25
Poster Session
Márcia Cuhna, (co-author Gonçalo Furtado),Oporto University, Portugal
Man Ke, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jennifer Lang, Delgado Community College
Melinda Salazar, Western New Mexico University
University of Notre Dame, McKenna Hall/ USA, 25-27 March 2010.
Thursday, March 25
Poster Session
Márcia Cuhna, (co-author Gonçalo Furtado),Oporto University, Portugal
Man Ke, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jennifer Lang, Delgado Community College
Melinda Salazar, Western New Mexico University
Invited professor at ETSAB
Invited professor Gonçalo Furtado
Organization: Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica, ETSAB-UPC.
“Cedric Price and the vanguards' Radical-criticism”
by Gonçalo Furtado
24-3-2010 9.30 h
+ 25-3-2010 12.30h
Room CB.4
“The Digital challenge: Urban-domestic utopian imaginaries”
24-3-2010 20h
by Gonçalo Furtado
Master Laboratorio de la Vivienda del siglo XXI, Room CB.2
“La construcción del Proyecto crítico: The relationship between Design, Theory and Building throughout the XXth century”
by Gonçalo Furtado
Master Universitario de Composición Arquitectónica, Room Pi Calleja
25-3-2010 16.30h
Organization: Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica, ETSAB-UPC.
“Cedric Price and the vanguards' Radical-criticism”
by Gonçalo Furtado
24-3-2010 9.30 h
+ 25-3-2010 12.30h
Room CB.4
“The Digital challenge: Urban-domestic utopian imaginaries”
24-3-2010 20h
by Gonçalo Furtado
Master Laboratorio de la Vivienda del siglo XXI, Room CB.2
“La construcción del Proyecto crítico: The relationship between Design, Theory and Building throughout the XXth century”
by Gonçalo Furtado
Master Universitario de Composición Arquitectónica, Room Pi Calleja
25-3-2010 16.30h
Lecture "10 Points"
Lecture Gonçalo Furtado
"10 POINTS", Clemson University School of Architecture (111 Lee Hall), USA, 15 March 2010, 1.00 pm-2.00 pm
"10 POINTS", Clemson University School of Architecture (111 Lee Hall), USA, 15 March 2010, 1.00 pm-2.00 pm
Rapid Prototyping and Composite Materials
See @ IJUP, RUP, 19-2-2010 10.30h.
- L. Ferro , P. Flores, F. Martins, A. Chaves, A. Carvalho, L. Caló, L. Moreira, G. Furtado (supervisor), "Researching Rapid Prototyping in Architecture", in: IJUP 10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers, Porto: RUP, 2010, p.401.
- A.Chaves, G. Furtado, J. Lino, “Modelling architectural components in composite materials for Temporary shelter facilities”, in: IJUP 2010: 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers, Porto: RUP, 2010, p. 400.
- L. Ferro , P. Flores, F. Martins, A. Chaves, A. Carvalho, L. Caló, L. Moreira, G. Furtado (supervisor), "Researching Rapid Prototyping in Architecture", in: IJUP 10 – 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers, Porto: RUP, 2010, p.401.
- A.Chaves, G. Furtado, J. Lino, “Modelling architectural components in composite materials for Temporary shelter facilities”, in: IJUP 2010: 3rd Meeting of Young Researchers, Porto: RUP, 2010, p. 400.
Abrigos Temporários
Gonçalo Furtado L. (FAUP, investigador responsavel), Fernando J. Lino (Inegi/FEUP), André Chaves (MDI FEUP), "Modelação de componentes arquitectónicos em materiais compostos para instalações de abrigo temporário", Projecto Pluridisciplinar Nº97 - Relatório Intercalar), UP, Porto, Fevereiro 2010.
IJUP 2010
IJUP 2010
A1 - Architecture
622 The epidermal design: From experience to use 1 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Miguel Castro Albuquerque
462 Architecture and the Biologic: The relation between Gender and creation of Space 2 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Márcia Cunha
486 The value of memory in project´s practice - the importance of ruin in patrimonial interventions 3 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Ana Catarina Gomes Castro Monteiro
584 Bas-Belleville, A participation experience 4 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Margarida Oliveira
567 Nairobi: upgrading the slums 5 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Alda Ribeiro Coelho
A2 - Civil Engineering, Architecture
601 THERMAL REFURBISHMENT OF ROOFS IN OLD BUILDINGS - Assessment of solutions from a technical and economic standpoint Engenharia Submitted Oral Ana Gesta Santos, Arq.ª
210 Competitiveness of Portuguese constructers in the national and international market Engenharia Submitted Oral João Vaz
438 Operational control of cutting trees with chainsaws in the operation of primeval forest in the Amazon. Engenharia Submitted Oral Elton Luciano Correa Ribeiro
508 Modernist housing in Oporto: Some works by Januário Godinho História e Estudos culturais Submitted Oral Nuno Ferreira
559 Influence of Socioeconomic status on indoor thermal comfort: Case Study in Bairro da Bouça, Porto, Portugal Geografia e Sociologia Submitted Oral Teresa Menezes, Mário de Almeida, Helena Madureira
A1 - Architecture
622 The epidermal design: From experience to use 1 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Miguel Castro Albuquerque
462 Architecture and the Biologic: The relation between Gender and creation of Space 2 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Márcia Cunha
486 The value of memory in project´s practice - the importance of ruin in patrimonial interventions 3 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Ana Catarina Gomes Castro Monteiro
584 Bas-Belleville, A participation experience 4 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Margarida Oliveira
567 Nairobi: upgrading the slums 5 Arquitectura Submitted Oral Alda Ribeiro Coelho
A2 - Civil Engineering, Architecture
601 THERMAL REFURBISHMENT OF ROOFS IN OLD BUILDINGS - Assessment of solutions from a technical and economic standpoint Engenharia Submitted Oral Ana Gesta Santos, Arq.ª
210 Competitiveness of Portuguese constructers in the national and international market Engenharia Submitted Oral João Vaz
438 Operational control of cutting trees with chainsaws in the operation of primeval forest in the Amazon. Engenharia Submitted Oral Elton Luciano Correa Ribeiro
508 Modernist housing in Oporto: Some works by Januário Godinho História e Estudos culturais Submitted Oral Nuno Ferreira
559 Influence of Socioeconomic status on indoor thermal comfort: Case Study in Bairro da Bouça, Porto, Portugal Geografia e Sociologia Submitted Oral Teresa Menezes, Mário de Almeida, Helena Madureira
Transitoriedade e apolitica
Gonçalo Furtado, “Transitoriedade, Flexibilidade e Mobilidade: A necessidade de poderar a condição contemporanea e um resvalar para a a-politica”, in: Arq./a, Nº77, Janeiro/Fevereiro 2010, p.112-114.
Investigação intrdisciplinar
14.30-14.45 h - O Espçao Doméstico e a Domesticação do Corpo (Gonçalo Furtado e Márcia Cunha)
15.00-15.15 h - Joana Providência: Espaços da Coreografia do Corpo: 1989-2009 (Gonçalo Furtado e Marta Oliveira)
in: Segundo Seminário de investigação interdisciplinar
30 Janeiro 2010
Márcia Cunha e Gonçalo Furtado, "O Espaço Doméstico e a Domesticação do Corpo" (Abstract); in: Actas “Segundo seminario de investigação inter-disciplinar: O corpo em processo/Processos de trabalho”,INET-MD+Faculdade de Motricidade Humana + Universidade Católica do Porto, Janeiro 2010, p.5
(+ available in:
Marta Oliveira e Gonçalo Furtado , "Joana Providência: Espaços da coreografia do corpo (1989 - 2009)", in: Actas “Segundo seminario de investigação inter-disciplinar: O corpo em processo/Processos de trabalho”,INET-MD+Faculdade de Motricidade Humana + Universidade Católica do Porto, Janeiro 2010, p.6
(+ available in:
15.00-15.15 h - Joana Providência: Espaços da Coreografia do Corpo: 1989-2009 (Gonçalo Furtado e Marta Oliveira)
in: Segundo Seminário de investigação interdisciplinar
30 Janeiro 2010
Márcia Cunha e Gonçalo Furtado, "O Espaço Doméstico e a Domesticação do Corpo" (Abstract); in: Actas “Segundo seminario de investigação inter-disciplinar: O corpo em processo/Processos de trabalho”,INET-MD+Faculdade de Motricidade Humana + Universidade Católica do Porto, Janeiro 2010, p.5
(+ available in:
Marta Oliveira e Gonçalo Furtado , "Joana Providência: Espaços da coreografia do corpo (1989 - 2009)", in: Actas “Segundo seminario de investigação inter-disciplinar: O corpo em processo/Processos de trabalho”,INET-MD+Faculdade de Motricidade Humana + Universidade Católica do Porto, Janeiro 2010, p.6
(+ available in:
Prova de Doutoramento
Francisco Afonso Severino Regateiro, “Apoio á Organização de Edificios”
Instituto Superior Técnico, Auditório 4.2, 20 Janeiro 2010, 10h.
(Juri: Professores Joaquim Jorge, Teresa Heitor, João Bento, João Coelho, Maria Braz, Gonçalo Furtado)
Francisco Afonso Severino Regateiro, “Apoio á Organização de Edificios”
Instituto Superior Técnico, Auditório 4.2, 20 Janeiro 2010, 10h.
(Juri: Professores Joaquim Jorge, Teresa Heitor, João Bento, João Coelho, Maria Braz, Gonçalo Furtado)
Mies Van der Rohe
Xavier Costa (Curator, Fundacion Mies Van der Rohe, Barcelona),
“On Mies: Transparency and Mediatization” (Session of “Teoria I”)
FAUP (Auditório Biblioteca), 8 January 2010, 9h.
“On Mies: Transparency and Mediatization” (Session of “Teoria I”)
FAUP (Auditório Biblioteca), 8 January 2010, 9h.
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