"Gonçalo Furtado - Whatever the object of focus, there always seems to exist an interventionist input geared towards the debate on the role of architecture in society, a challenging comment on everyday cultural and spatial conventions (domestic, visual etc), and, very often, a subtle political problematizations. (I recall stuff that goes from the 1996 theatre “Moving target” and the 2006 fashion design piece “Meat dress”, to installations for Lille, Turkey and Joanesbourg, books such as “Back to the front, tourisms of war”, and architecture such as the WTC platform.). Do you see architecture as a political arena and/or act?
Elizabeth Diller - We believe that the institutional critic is still very much alive and as architects, we are inevitably engaged in an intense dialogue and critique, of institutions and their relationship to one another, of our relationship to institutions, of architecture as an institution. It is not possible for us to not be institutional critics; when looking at institutions, you come to understand that they are often dominated by people whose power is derived from money, and there is a disconnect with a specific cultural interest. So inevitably, institutions typically reflect those with power and money, by virtue of who builds them, what they say and present. And we cannot ignore the need to develop a framework that allows such institutions to survive – a framework that generates income as government subsidies for the arts recedes. As architects then, we must be absolutely vigilant about our institutions. In a manner, they become our responsibility; we must become advocates of their best interests. Certainly, architecture becomes a sort of stealthy political act – to be a part of institution for example, but not let them go the course they might otherwise take."
in: Gonçalo Furtado, "Performing the critical [Interview with Elizabeth Diller]", in: Arq./a, December 2008, pp.70-75
writings on architecture, design and cultural studies (incl. oporto school, portuguese architecture, critical project, drawings and photografphy, cedric price, gordon pask, and other stuff...)
IJUP 2009
"No IJUP09, esperamos a participação de estudantes de 1º e 2º ciclos da U.Porto (incluindo estudantes de mobilidade), estudantes de outras universidades portuguesas integrados em grupos da U.Porto ou integrados em grupos em que participam docentes/investigadores da U.Porto, financiados ou não pelo programa “Investigação na pré-graduação”. Prevemos, mais uma vez, a participação de estudantes da USP, da UNESP e de universidades norte-americanas. Apelamos também à participação activa de todos os grupos de I&D da U.Porto, deixando o desafio de transformarem este encontro numa oportunidade para melhor se dar a conhecer a diversidade e a qualidade da investigação que se faz na U.Porto.
O IJUP09 realizar-se-á entre 25 e 27 de Fevereiro de 2009 e terá lugar na Faculdade de Arquitectura." See: http://sicc.fe.up.pt/eventos/IJUP09
"No IJUP09, esperamos a participação de estudantes de 1º e 2º ciclos da U.Porto (incluindo estudantes de mobilidade), estudantes de outras universidades portuguesas integrados em grupos da U.Porto ou integrados em grupos em que participam docentes/investigadores da U.Porto, financiados ou não pelo programa “Investigação na pré-graduação”. Prevemos, mais uma vez, a participação de estudantes da USP, da UNESP e de universidades norte-americanas. Apelamos também à participação activa de todos os grupos de I&D da U.Porto, deixando o desafio de transformarem este encontro numa oportunidade para melhor se dar a conhecer a diversidade e a qualidade da investigação que se faz na U.Porto.
O IJUP09 realizar-se-á entre 25 e 27 de Fevereiro de 2009 e terá lugar na Faculdade de Arquitectura." See: http://sicc.fe.up.pt/eventos/IJUP09
"...Simulação Urbana para Participação Pública"
"...Simulação Urbana para Participação Pública"
FAUP, 27 Novembro 2008, 9.30h,
luis Gama Pereira
"Ferramenta de simulação urbana para apresentação pública"
Rui Braz (presidente do juri)
Gonçalo Furtado (arguente)
Pedro Leão (orientador)
FAUP, 27 Novembro 2008, 9.30h,
luis Gama Pereira
"Ferramenta de simulação urbana para apresentação pública"
Rui Braz (presidente do juri)
Gonçalo Furtado (arguente)
Pedro Leão (orientador)
"...Interface dinâmico com o mundo natural"
FAUP, 18 Novembro 2008, 9.30h,
Alexandre Filipe Braga Loureiro
"Uma abordagem da Arquitectura enquanto Interface dinâmico com o mundo Natural"
Rui Braz (presidente do juri)
Alberto Lage (arguente)
Gonçalo Furtado (orientador)
FAUP, 18 Novembro 2008, 9.30h,
Alexandre Filipe Braga Loureiro
"Uma abordagem da Arquitectura enquanto Interface dinâmico com o mundo Natural"
Rui Braz (presidente do juri)
Alberto Lage (arguente)
Gonçalo Furtado (orientador)
"(...) Goncalo has done me the honour of asking me to write this preface, write I will. I take a certain comfort in the knowledge that G himself will be finding this situation hysterical, whatever ethereal plane he currently occupies.
(...) I can only offer a unique view of the man. In doing so I will indulge my own theory that G and cybernetics were perfectly suited to each other. (...) Gonçalo’s research (...)published with my permission, provides a passionate overview’s of G’s life and his performance in the fields of cybernetics, architecture and the arts. "
(Amanda Heitler)
"(...) Goncalo has done me the honour of asking me to write this preface, write I will. I take a certain comfort in the knowledge that G himself will be finding this situation hysterical, whatever ethereal plane he currently occupies.
(...) I can only offer a unique view of the man. In doing so I will indulge my own theory that G and cybernetics were perfectly suited to each other. (...) Gonçalo’s research (...)published with my permission, provides a passionate overview’s of G’s life and his performance in the fields of cybernetics, architecture and the arts. "
(Amanda Heitler)
Aula pelo Prof Sérgio Fernandez
Interesses de Investigação
Gonçalo Furtado
Interesses de Investigação / Proposta de Temas para Dissertações de Mestrado 2008/2009
Pensamento e crítica arquitectónica, com especial ênfase no período Pós-moderno e Contemporâneo.
História da arquitectura do século XX,
com especial ênfase nas décadas de 60/70, e incluindo os sub-temas da
Produção arquitectónica; das Utopias urbanas e modos de habitar; e da Escola do Porto.
Modelação projectual e manufactura assistida por computador,
e a sua relação com as ciências da complexidade, da ‘emergência’ e da sustentabilidade.
Interesses de Investigação / Proposta de Temas para Dissertações de Mestrado 2008/2009
Pensamento e crítica arquitectónica, com especial ênfase no período Pós-moderno e Contemporâneo.
História da arquitectura do século XX,
com especial ênfase nas décadas de 60/70, e incluindo os sub-temas da
Produção arquitectónica; das Utopias urbanas e modos de habitar; e da Escola do Porto.
Modelação projectual e manufactura assistida por computador,
e a sua relação com as ciências da complexidade, da ‘emergência’ e da sustentabilidade.
"...Projecto, Modelação e Manufactura" (D. Moreira)
FAUP, 6 Novembro 2008, 12.30h
Diogo Aguiar Pinto Carvalho Moreira - "Circunstância Contemporânea: Projecto, Modelação e Manufactura"
Juri: Rui Braz (Presidente), Gonçalo Furtado (Orientador), José Miguel Rodrigues(Arguente)
FAUP, 6 Novembro 2008, 12.30h
Diogo Aguiar Pinto Carvalho Moreira - "Circunstância Contemporânea: Projecto, Modelação e Manufactura"
Juri: Rui Braz (Presidente), Gonçalo Furtado (Orientador), José Miguel Rodrigues(Arguente)
By Gonçalo Furtado
10 November 2008, 15.30-19.30h
“The History of Modern Architecture and the Postmodern Jump”
17 November, 15.30-19.30h
“The Three Urban Utopias: From Suburbia to Digital City"
By Gonçalo Furtado
10 November 2008, 15.30-19.30h
“The History of Modern Architecture and the Postmodern Jump”
17 November, 15.30-19.30h
“The Three Urban Utopias: From Suburbia to Digital City"
CR 09
G.Furtado, “Envisioning an Evolving Environment-Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer: A Brief Account”, in: W.Fiel, M.Jahrmann (eds.), “New Realities. Being Syncretic. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS”, Wien: University of Applied Arts, 2008, p.34.
G.Furtado, “Envisioning an Evolving Environment-Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer: A Brief Account”, in: Roy Ascott, Wolfgang Fiel, Gerald Bast (eds.), “New Realities. Being Syncretic. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS” [“The Planetary Collegium’s IX th International Research Conference: Consciousness Reframed”], NewYork-Wien: Springer, 2008 pp.(?).
G.Furtado, “Envisioning an Evolving Environment-Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer: A Brief Account”, in: W.Fiel, M.Jahrmann (eds.), “New Realities. Being Syncretic. BOOK OF ABSTRACTS”, Wien: University of Applied Arts, 2008, p.34.
G.Furtado, “Envisioning an Evolving Environment-Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer: A Brief Account”, in: Roy Ascott, Wolfgang Fiel, Gerald Bast (eds.), “New Realities. Being Syncretic. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS” [“The Planetary Collegium’s IX th International Research Conference: Consciousness Reframed”], NewYork-Wien: Springer, 2008 pp.(?).
"Da medida do Corpo ao espaço do Movimento" (M.Cano)
FAUP, 28 OUTUBRO 2008, 12.30h
Maria do Rosário Vaz Cano - "Da medida do Corpo ao espaço do Movimento"
Juri: Rui Braz (Presidente), Teresa Fonseca (Orientador), Gonçalo Furtado (Arguente)
FAUP, 28 OUTUBRO 2008, 12.30h
Maria do Rosário Vaz Cano - "Da medida do Corpo ao espaço do Movimento"
Juri: Rui Braz (Presidente), Teresa Fonseca (Orientador), Gonçalo Furtado (Arguente)
A nova cidade
"... Para uma Arquitectura Humana"
FAUP, 23 OUTUBRO 2008, 12.30h
Joana Maria Morais Silva - "Quatro Pontos para uma Arquitectura Humana"
Juri: Rui Braz (Presidente), Teresa Fonseca (Orientador), Gonçalo Furtado (Arguente)
FAUP, 23 OUTUBRO 2008, 12.30h
Joana Maria Morais Silva - "Quatro Pontos para uma Arquitectura Humana"
Juri: Rui Braz (Presidente), Teresa Fonseca (Orientador), Gonçalo Furtado (Arguente)
CAC08 Sessão de abertura
Sobre 'Detrás del lápiz' de Gonçalo Furtado
“He leído el libro 'Detrás del lápiz' y me ha parecido sumamente interesante. Estoy de acuerdo con los planteamientos de 'rastrear desde la teoría de la arquitectura las relaciones de dicha actividad con la política y la sociedad, reconstruyendo una cierta historiografía nueva'. Me perece realmente interesante este ‘recorrido que propone centrarse en la dimensión político-cultural de la arquitectura´. También concuerdo en hacer una interpretación positiva de la postmodernidad, al menos reconociendo una fase inicial que se debe estudiar, tal como hace Gonçalo Furtado, analizando la escritura de la modernidad y de la postmodernidad. Por lo que respecta a la caracterización rápida de los arquitectos y autores que se citan, me parece, generalmente, muy certera, ilustrativa y con gran capacidad de síntesis. En fin, un texto interesante, sugerente e impresindible, y que voy a añadir a la bibliografía de mi asignatura sobre 'Arquitectura y política'."
Josep Maria Montaner (Architect and Permanent professor in the Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB-UPC)
Josep Maria Montaner (Architect and Permanent professor in the Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona, ETSAB-UPC)
30.09 Debate FAUP 18.30
A Universidade e a Cidade – Francisco Barata, José Manuel Soares, Vladimiro Feliz, Ivo Santos, Ricardo Morgado
03.10 Debate FAUP 18.30
A Escola do Porto /? – Alcino Soutinho, Jorge Figueira, Gonçalo Furtado e Filipe Magalhães
01.11 conversainformal Café Ancora D’Ouro 17.00
O papel do estudante de Ensino Superior na cidade – Alexandre Alves Costa
15.10 debate FNAC 18.30
Porto: Transformações urbanas contemporâneas – Manuel Correia Fernandes, João T. Lopes
23.10 conferência Plano B 19.00
A nova cidade - Gonçalo Furtado
30.10 debate FNAC 18.30
Cidade e Privacidade – Hélder Pacheco, Luísa Neto e Luís Fernandes
05.11 conferência FNAC 18.30
O comércio e a cidade – J. A. Rio Fernandes
06.12 Conferência *******
Novas Centralidades – Álvaro Domingues
15.11 (data a confirmar) conferência CASA DA MÚSICA
Porto: cidade europeia – Elisa Ferreira
20.11 (data a confirmar) conversa com jovens CASA DA MÚSICA
Investimento Público e Dinâmicas Privadas – Fernando Teixeira dos Santos
27.11 tertúlia informal FAUP
A cidade Criativa – Carlos Martins
05.12 debate Majestic
Grande Porto : planeamento e irregularidades no território – Virgílio B. Pereira, J. P. Aguiar Branco e Manuel Fernandes Sá
06.12 debate Majestic
Grande Porto : ordenamento do território desde 74 – Nuno Portas, Daniel Bessa
21.12 debate-concerto FNAC
O que fazer num domingo à tarde? – André Tavares, Gonçalo Gonçalves, Gabriela Vaz
22.12 debate-concerto FNAC
Porto e Comunicação – Helena Lima, José Leite Pereira, Tiago A. Fernandes
23.12 conversa-concerto FNAC
O chão – J. Sousa Dias, Manuel A. Pina, Germano Silva
30.09 Debate FAUP 18.30
A Universidade e a Cidade – Francisco Barata, José Manuel Soares, Vladimiro Feliz, Ivo Santos, Ricardo Morgado
03.10 Debate FAUP 18.30
A Escola do Porto /? – Alcino Soutinho, Jorge Figueira, Gonçalo Furtado e Filipe Magalhães
01.11 conversainformal Café Ancora D’Ouro 17.00
O papel do estudante de Ensino Superior na cidade – Alexandre Alves Costa
15.10 debate FNAC 18.30
Porto: Transformações urbanas contemporâneas – Manuel Correia Fernandes, João T. Lopes
23.10 conferência Plano B 19.00
A nova cidade - Gonçalo Furtado
30.10 debate FNAC 18.30
Cidade e Privacidade – Hélder Pacheco, Luísa Neto e Luís Fernandes
05.11 conferência FNAC 18.30
O comércio e a cidade – J. A. Rio Fernandes
06.12 Conferência *******
Novas Centralidades – Álvaro Domingues
15.11 (data a confirmar) conferência CASA DA MÚSICA
Porto: cidade europeia – Elisa Ferreira
20.11 (data a confirmar) conversa com jovens CASA DA MÚSICA
Investimento Público e Dinâmicas Privadas – Fernando Teixeira dos Santos
27.11 tertúlia informal FAUP
A cidade Criativa – Carlos Martins
05.12 debate Majestic
Grande Porto : planeamento e irregularidades no território – Virgílio B. Pereira, J. P. Aguiar Branco e Manuel Fernandes Sá
06.12 debate Majestic
Grande Porto : ordenamento do território desde 74 – Nuno Portas, Daniel Bessa
21.12 debate-concerto FNAC
O que fazer num domingo à tarde? – André Tavares, Gonçalo Gonçalves, Gabriela Vaz
22.12 debate-concerto FNAC
Porto e Comunicação – Helena Lima, José Leite Pereira, Tiago A. Fernandes
23.12 conversa-concerto FNAC
O chão – J. Sousa Dias, Manuel A. Pina, Germano Silva
Paper on Pask and De Zeeuw’s IA
Title: Pask and DE Zeeuw’s Encounters at Amesterdam
[Excerpt of paper by Gonçalo Furtado - Universidade do Porto]
Abstract: "In the 1980s, pre-eminent British cybernetician Gordon Pask became involved in Professor Gerard de Zeeuw’s Dutch programme ‘Support, Survival and Culture’. In the early 1990s, their Interaction of Actors Theory ultimately evolved from the better-known Conversation Theory in response to the requirements for social action. These text merely outline a series of aspects related with that occurrence."
"In 1980 pre-eminent cybernetician Gordon Pask had left his long-held post as director of research of System Research Ltd. In the 1980s he became involved in the Dutch programme ‘Support, Survival and Culture’ which focused on social issues such as adult education and social-support systems. The program was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Andragology of the University of Amsterdam – Professor Gerard de Zeeuw – and it was his largest, funded by the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands. So called Androgology deals with the study of human action; and Pask personally dealt with social cybernetics, inter-personal and intro-personal interactions of actors, frequently through machines.
It was in this context that, together with Gerard de Zeeuw, Pask developed Interaction of Actors Theory (I.A.). A large draft, probably for a book titled Interaction of Actors, Theory and Some Applications, was dated 1992. I.A. was a play on words inverting the polemic term A.I., and in a letter to colleagues Pask clearly stated that: ‘In sharp contrast to the artificial intelligence often dubbed A.I., I have formulated a novel theory [...] as an[...] extension of my previous developed thought, still and always evolving, Conversation Theory [...].’ [Pask, untitled notes, ca.1990] In Pask’s words, Conversation Theory “[...] led to the “dynamical representation of concepts of participants and differences between participants, engaged in interpersonal or intrapersonal interaction often through computing machines. It soon became evident that, upon embarking upon studies of social support systems, at the [...] University of Amsterdam, considerable extension of the theories in question was needed, those Prof. Dr. de Zeeuw and I titled ‘Interaction of Actors’ or for brevity ‘I.A. theory’. They deal […] with mind creativity, thought, action, interaction and conversation.” [Pask, untitled notes, 1992] If, while developing C.T., he had identified conditions for sharing concepts, with I.A. he thus continued to develop an account of the conversational process while emphasizing a dynamic, creative, multiple interaction.
In this respect, some articles by authors close to Pask, namely by the I.A.’s co-author De Zeeuw, […] are helpful sources for immersion in this complex and later unfinished endeavour.
De Zeeuw's 2001 paper ‘Interaction of Actors Theory’ (published in Kybernetes N.7-8 edited by Glanville and Scott, and available at www.cict.demon.co.uk/interaction01.pdf), in turn, is extremely helpful in clarifying the theory’s intrinsic meaning for scientific research; being composed of several parts and containing references to the book’s draft manuscript. The first part consists of an introduction, and the second describes the ‘problem’ including an allusion to a redesign of science which acknowledges the user in the observational process. The third part explains the basis of I.A., and it indicates C.T.’s and I.A.’s common intention ‘[…] to include the ‘user’ in the process of research […]’; Pask distinguished between P and M individuals, and stated that, in I.A., P-individuals ‘[…] become part of a collective P-individual, which coordinates the actions of the M-individuals and is determined in conversation’. [De Zeeuw, 2001] The fourth part relates to the formulation of a research programme and discusses some of its consequences. To a large extent, I.A., as a ‘theory for research’ and ‘for the study of interactions’, extended the potentiality of science’s performance. The fifth, evaluating some examples, is followed by a conclusion which mentions that while advancing the development of I.A., Pask intended to deal with the difficulty of ‘improving on values’. [De Zeeuw, 2001] Zeeuw’s paper clarifies the meaning of I.A. and, in his words: ‘[…] how this theory intended to minimize the effects of use on scientific results, while maximizing the help of such results to improve on actions. This would facilitate empirical study of what changes user values, as well as the preferred design of (computer supported) support systems. Results include the material and communicative support of and collective and social activities.’ [De Zeeuw, 2001]]
By developing Interaction of Actors Theory, Pask answered for requirements of social intervention and the reality of multiple, simultaneous conversations. And at this point, one could say that to a certain extent Pask’s role in platforms like Amsterdam acknowledged the wide (civilizational) potential of his thought.
The last words goes to Professor De Zeeuw - the co-author of Interaction Theory – to emphasize what he pointed out to me in an impressive way: “Gordon wasn´t interested in (a discipline of) interactions. He was interested in (helping to) identify what knowledge is needed for people to change their actions (and behaviour), and hence what knowledge is needed to ‘improve on values’. Simply identifying interventions would lean much more on the control paradigm than was Gordon’s intention. He was well aware of the difficulty of acquiring knowledge that in its use would not ‘flatten’ individuals, and would ‘increase possibilities’ as Von Foerster would say.” [De Zeeuw, 2008]
Facing our contemporary Global World, an Interaction of Actors seems more important than ever."
[Excerpt of paper by Gonçalo Furtado - Universidade do Porto]
Abstract: "In the 1980s, pre-eminent British cybernetician Gordon Pask became involved in Professor Gerard de Zeeuw’s Dutch programme ‘Support, Survival and Culture’. In the early 1990s, their Interaction of Actors Theory ultimately evolved from the better-known Conversation Theory in response to the requirements for social action. These text merely outline a series of aspects related with that occurrence."
"In 1980 pre-eminent cybernetician Gordon Pask had left his long-held post as director of research of System Research Ltd. In the 1980s he became involved in the Dutch programme ‘Support, Survival and Culture’ which focused on social issues such as adult education and social-support systems. The program was led by the Dean of the Faculty of Andragology of the University of Amsterdam – Professor Gerard de Zeeuw – and it was his largest, funded by the Ministry of Education of the Netherlands. So called Androgology deals with the study of human action; and Pask personally dealt with social cybernetics, inter-personal and intro-personal interactions of actors, frequently through machines.
It was in this context that, together with Gerard de Zeeuw, Pask developed Interaction of Actors Theory (I.A.). A large draft, probably for a book titled Interaction of Actors, Theory and Some Applications, was dated 1992. I.A. was a play on words inverting the polemic term A.I., and in a letter to colleagues Pask clearly stated that: ‘In sharp contrast to the artificial intelligence often dubbed A.I., I have formulated a novel theory [...] as an[...] extension of my previous developed thought, still and always evolving, Conversation Theory [...].’ [Pask, untitled notes, ca.1990] In Pask’s words, Conversation Theory “[...] led to the “dynamical representation of concepts of participants and differences between participants, engaged in interpersonal or intrapersonal interaction often through computing machines. It soon became evident that, upon embarking upon studies of social support systems, at the [...] University of Amsterdam, considerable extension of the theories in question was needed, those Prof. Dr. de Zeeuw and I titled ‘Interaction of Actors’ or for brevity ‘I.A. theory’. They deal […] with mind creativity, thought, action, interaction and conversation.” [Pask, untitled notes, 1992] If, while developing C.T., he had identified conditions for sharing concepts, with I.A. he thus continued to develop an account of the conversational process while emphasizing a dynamic, creative, multiple interaction.
In this respect, some articles by authors close to Pask, namely by the I.A.’s co-author De Zeeuw, […] are helpful sources for immersion in this complex and later unfinished endeavour.
De Zeeuw's 2001 paper ‘Interaction of Actors Theory’ (published in Kybernetes N.7-8 edited by Glanville and Scott, and available at www.cict.demon.co.uk/interaction01.pdf), in turn, is extremely helpful in clarifying the theory’s intrinsic meaning for scientific research; being composed of several parts and containing references to the book’s draft manuscript. The first part consists of an introduction, and the second describes the ‘problem’ including an allusion to a redesign of science which acknowledges the user in the observational process. The third part explains the basis of I.A., and it indicates C.T.’s and I.A.’s common intention ‘[…] to include the ‘user’ in the process of research […]’; Pask distinguished between P and M individuals, and stated that, in I.A., P-individuals ‘[…] become part of a collective P-individual, which coordinates the actions of the M-individuals and is determined in conversation’. [De Zeeuw, 2001] The fourth part relates to the formulation of a research programme and discusses some of its consequences. To a large extent, I.A., as a ‘theory for research’ and ‘for the study of interactions’, extended the potentiality of science’s performance. The fifth, evaluating some examples, is followed by a conclusion which mentions that while advancing the development of I.A., Pask intended to deal with the difficulty of ‘improving on values’. [De Zeeuw, 2001] Zeeuw’s paper clarifies the meaning of I.A. and, in his words: ‘[…] how this theory intended to minimize the effects of use on scientific results, while maximizing the help of such results to improve on actions. This would facilitate empirical study of what changes user values, as well as the preferred design of (computer supported) support systems. Results include the material and communicative support of and collective and social activities.’ [De Zeeuw, 2001]]
By developing Interaction of Actors Theory, Pask answered for requirements of social intervention and the reality of multiple, simultaneous conversations. And at this point, one could say that to a certain extent Pask’s role in platforms like Amsterdam acknowledged the wide (civilizational) potential of his thought.
The last words goes to Professor De Zeeuw - the co-author of Interaction Theory – to emphasize what he pointed out to me in an impressive way: “Gordon wasn´t interested in (a discipline of) interactions. He was interested in (helping to) identify what knowledge is needed for people to change their actions (and behaviour), and hence what knowledge is needed to ‘improve on values’. Simply identifying interventions would lean much more on the control paradigm than was Gordon’s intention. He was well aware of the difficulty of acquiring knowledge that in its use would not ‘flatten’ individuals, and would ‘increase possibilities’ as Von Foerster would say.” [De Zeeuw, 2008]
Facing our contemporary Global World, an Interaction of Actors seems more important than ever."
Proceedings. 14 ICCS
Gonçalo Furtado, “Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture and the Envisioning of the ‘Informational Environment’”, in: J.Józefczyk, W.Thomas, M.Turowska (eds.), XIVth International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC: Prodeedings, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej / World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics, 2008, p.910-921
See also: Abstract
Gonçalo Furtado, “Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture and the Envisioning of the ‘Informational Environment’”, in: J.Józefczyk, D. Orski (eds.), “XIVth International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC: Book of Abstracts, Poland: World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics and Wroclaw University of Technology, 2008, p.25
See also: Abstract
Gonçalo Furtado, “Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture and the Envisioning of the ‘Informational Environment’”, in: J.Józefczyk, D. Orski (eds.), “XIVth International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of WOSC: Book of Abstracts, Poland: World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics and Wroclaw University of Technology, 2008, p.25
Lectures by Gonçalo Furtado
Barcelona, Spain
November - "Cedric Price's Ouvre: FP vs Generator + Magnet vs JN"
December - "Ciudad de los Fluxos: Designing and Inhabiting the digital"
Barcelona, Spain
November - "Cedric Price's Ouvre: FP vs Generator + Magnet vs JN"
December - "Ciudad de los Fluxos: Designing and Inhabiting the digital"

7,8 November 2008
Friday, 7 November 2008
Poster presentations #1
13:45 - 14:45
Affective-Driven Music Production: Selection and Transformation of Music
António Oliveira and Amílcar Cardoso
Ritmo de montaje vídeo – Memoria de una audición
José M. G. Silva
Virtually Brushing my Tooth
Cristina Sylla and Pedro Branco
CCRE digital platform for collaborative learning, public participation, architecture and arts
Pedro Neto, Andrea Vieira, Luís Pereira, and Lígia Maria Ribeiro
xTNZ, a three-dimensional evolutionary ecosystem
Rui Antunes and Frederic Leymarie
pDaniM: A Case Study around Interactive Processes for Expressive Music Generation in the Computer Animation Production Pipeline
João Cordeiro
Wearable Computing e Design de Moda
Dulclerci Sternadt Alexandre and António Miguel Monteiro
Ricardo Nascimento
Anatomias Urbanas
Sara Henriques, Jorge Cardoso, Helena Figueiredo
Invisível aos Olhos
Inês Petiz Pinho, Jorge Cardoso, Helena Figueiredo
Noon – A Secret Told by Objects
Tiago Martins, Christa Sommer, Laurent Mignonneau, and Nuno Correia
Installations (9:30-20:30)
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Poster presentations #2
13:45 - 14:45
Interaction in Digitally Augmented Opera
Raine Kajastila and Tapio Takala
The language of digital media in the theatre of Robert Lepage
María Elena Pérez Rodríguez
EME: a Wireless Music Controller for Real-time Music Interaction
O. Cornelis, M. Demey, and M. Leman
Cage en relectura y Calvino en revision
Eloi Puig Mestres
Gordon Pask (1928-1996): Seminal Experiments on Cybernetic Art and Design
Gonçalo M. Furtado
Através da sala escura: Uma aproximação entre a ala de cinema e o lugar do vjing
Gabriel Menotti
Body Tailored Space
Nancy Diniz
A Prototype for Visualizing Music Artist Networks
Bruno G. Costa, Fabien Gouyon, and Luís Sarmento
A Reflexive Audio Environment Using Genetic Algorithm
Scott Beveridge and Don Knox
The Informational Body as Creative Provocateu
Suzanne Thorpe
Mayil Iragu
Subalekha Udayasankar
Installations (9:30-20:30)
Gonçalo Furtado, “Gordon Pask (1928-1996): Seminal Experiments on Cybernetic Art and Design (From a Childhood Curiosity and Mobiles to the I.E.’s Symbiosis”, in: Álvaro Barbosa (ed.), "Artech 2008: IVth International Conference on Digital Arts", Porto: Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2008, pp. 191-200.
Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland,2008)
Session Chair: Alex Andrew
1. The history and influence of the Ratio Club
Owen Holland, Phil Husbands
2. Gordon Pask: exchanges between cybernetics and architecture and the envisioning of the ‘informational environment’ Gonçalo Furtado
3. The research of the young genius’s phenomenon
Anna Pakshina
4. The scientific predictions of Vladimir Odoevsky and web-technologies
Julia Pakshina
Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland,2008)
Session Chair: Alex Andrew
1. The history and influence of the Ratio Club
Owen Holland, Phil Husbands
2. Gordon Pask: exchanges between cybernetics and architecture and the envisioning of the ‘informational environment’ Gonçalo Furtado
3. The research of the young genius’s phenomenon
Anna Pakshina
4. The scientific predictions of Vladimir Odoevsky and web-technologies
Julia Pakshina
Publication: Cedric Price's Generator [...]
Towards an Evolving Architectural Aesthetics
FURTADO, Gonçalo. "Towards an Evolving Archiectural Aesthetics […]”, in: POVOAS, Rui, ET ALT(eds.), “Contemporary Architectural Challenges”, Oporto: FAUP, 2008.
Publicações: Desafios na Arquitectura
POVOAS, Rui, FURTADO, Gonçalo. “Desafios na Arquitectura”, in: Arq./a, Outubro 2008
See also: FURTADO, Gonçalo, PÓVOAS, Rui (eds.), in: “Contemporary Architectural Challenges”, Oporto: FAUP, 2008.
See also: FURTADO, Gonçalo, PÓVOAS, Rui (eds.), in: “Contemporary Architectural Challenges”, Oporto: FAUP, 2008.
Curated by Gonçalo Furtado and Rui Póvoas
"Between 1976 and 1979 the avant-garde architect Cedric Price got himself involved in an enigmatic project that came to be known as the “Generator”. The afore mentioned project, designed for the plantation of a North-American millionaire was intended to hold the ever flowing occurrence of new activities, desires and raising of ideas.
At that time, John’s and Julia Frazer’s computer investigation would provide a system designed to stimulate the regeneration of the complex and the project was thus to be acknowledged as the “first intelligent building”.
The present exhibition, under the curatorship of the professors Gonçalo Furtado e Rui Póvoas, brings for the first time to the public a set of drawings of the Generator project that are in trust of the Frazers. The selection, made by Gonçalo Furtado during his PhD research in the UK, was structured by both commissaries and was put into context with the help of contemporaneous bibliographic material.
Passing by the numerous items present in the exhibition, the visitor will understand the enormous effort of Cedric Price in the name of an impermanent architecture, open to the time flow and to the desires of its users, as well as the relevant contribution of John and Julia Frazer.
NOTE: The exhibition held in the FAUP's Museum will be opened to the public from the 22 September 2008; and before the return of all materials to the UK, Furtado - author of the book "Generator and Beyond" - will conduct a guided visit to the exhibition."
(in:Gonçalo Furtado and Rui Póvoas (eds.), "Cedric Price's Generator [...]", Oporto: FAUP, September 2008. (ISBN 978-972-9483-88-2)
MOSTRA CAD-CAM comissariada por J.P.Duarte
A participação de Gonçalo M. Furtado C. L. no "14th World Organization of Systems [...] International Colloquium", com o paper "Gordon Pask: Exchanges Between Cybernetics and Architecture", foi premiada com "highly Commended Paper".
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