
The city and the equipment: A perception of the city of Oporto

The City and the Equipments: A perception of the city of Porto Martins, Ricardo C., Faculdade de Arquitectura Lopes, Gonçalo M. F. C., Faculdade de Arquitectura Abstract The object of this study is the interaction that equipment buildings establish with cities. Namely, the relationship established between a multifunctional set of equipment buildings, with the specific urban development of the city of Porto, which is taken here as a case study. Being carried out in the scope of a Master's degree, more than any original discovery, we value the experience of different research methodologies, from bibliographic review to photographic record, from cartographic analysis to analytical design, from qualitative to quantitative research parameters, and from the urban scale to the architectural scale. In a first and second part, the urban evolution of the city of Porto is exposed, identifying periods that marked it, structured between before and after the twentieth century, and the identification of equipment, accompanied by the comparative analysis of graphic records (plans and cut) according to various parameters, such as the program, the architectural language and urban insertion. Methodologically, we resort to a bibliographical review of the main authors, such as José Oliveira, Bernardo Ferrão, or Vítor Oliveira (1st part) and Fátima Fernandes, Alexandre Costa or João Rapagão (2nd part). The selection of case studies considers selection criteria (representativeness/value), among others. Design is privileged as an instrument of analysis, both of the urban-territorial scale developments and of the architectural buildings. In the relationship equipment/city, we seek to understand, according to a defined set of parameters, the importance that each type (function and form) of equipment had in various stages of development of the city of Porto. The study aims to contribute to the discussion about the possibilities of simultaneous perception at various scales (urban/architectural), beyond practical approaches focused on uni-scalar representation and without overlapping spaces/time/life. In: Ricardo Martins e Gonçalo Furtado, “The city and the equipment: A perception of the city of Oporto”, In: AAVV, XV UPorto young researchers meeting. Book of abstracts, Porto: RUP, 2022, p458. ISBN 978-989-746-329-7.

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