

>Gonçalo M. Furtado C. Lopes
>“Generator and Beyond: Encounters of Cedric Price and John Frazer”
>Coimbra: Universidade Vasco da Gama (Semear Palavras), 2007 (forthcoming)

>-0.1. – Preface by Neil Spiller
>1.1 - Introduction: Encounters around Architecture and Systems
1.2. – Cedric Price: The maverick of British Architecture
1.3 - Experiments on impermanence
>2.1. - The Generator: A Responsive and Intelligent Architecture
>2.2. - Requiring Frazer’s Systems Research
>2.3. - Computational Proposals and Programs
> 2.4. - The Frazers’ Research and Techniques
2.5 - Generator Computer Programs, Models and Perspectives
>2.6. - Generator’s Acknowledgement as the First Intelligent Building
>2.7. - Further Research and Occurrences Concerning the Generator
>3.1. - Last Attempts: The Generator revisited
>3.2. - Beyond the Generator Experience

See also:
Gonçalo M. Furtado C. L., "Envisioning an Evolving Environment: The Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer", Oporto: Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, (Forthcoming)

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