
Course "Theory 1"_ Prof Gonçalo Furtado (Objectives and Program)

UC THEORY 1 Prof Gonçalo Furtado The objectives, skills and outcome of the learning process are: 1 - To make the student familiar with the subject of Architectural Theory, in its specificities as well as with the interactions it establishes with other fields (i.s. Design, History, Building, Planning) 2 - To make the student familiar with a sequence of theoretical movements, architectural languages and architecture' thinkers who left their mark in the developing of Architecture and in the field of Theory in particular. 3 - To develop general knowledge, critical capacity and personal interests that will support the student in his architectural practices and design experiences. "Theory 1" focuses on the theoretical developments of Architecture as a discipline, with special emphasis on the 20th century. Its contents include the followings subjects: 1 - Introduction 1.1 - Theory of Architecture I: Words and Constructions (Kruft etc) 1.2 - Theory of Architecture II: Prescribing and Questioning (Vitruvio, Alberti, Boullée, Le Duc, Semper et al) 2. 2.1 - Design and Modern Thought I: Genesis of a System (Fernandez etc) 2.2 - Design and Modern Thought II: "Revolution or Architecture?" (Corbusier et al) 2.3 - Portugal (1910-30s), Portugal (1930-40s). Theoretical debate. Protagonists, events, publications and relevant works. 2.4 - Theory of Modern Architecture 1: Instrumental Theory (Corbusier, Hitchcock, Johnson) 2.5 - Theory of Modern Architecture II: Modern Historiography (Pevsner, Kauffman, Giedion, Benevolo, Collins, Banham, Tafuri, Colquhoun, Goldaghen) 3. 3.1 - Design and Thought at the Post-War I: Reconstruction and Crisis (Team X, Jacobs, Mumford et al) 3.2 - Design and Thought at the Post-War II: New Goals (Zevi, Jones, Alexander et al) 3.3 - Theory and Architecture at the Post-War: Critic and Influences (Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamim et al) 3.6 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War II: Perception and Reception in Architecture (Panovski, Wittkower e Gombrich, Rogers, Heidegger, Bachelard, Norberg-Schulz et al) 3.5 - Portugal (1950s), Portugal (1960s). Theoretical debate. Protagonists, events, publications and relevant works. 3.6 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War III: Mediatization and Orientations (Benevolo, Banham, Colomina etc) 3.7 - Design and Thought at the Post-War III: Critical Activism (Drexel, Banham, Maki, Price, Friedman, Debord etc) 4. 4.1 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War IV: Language and Structure (Sausurre, Pierce, Aymonino, Grassi, Moneo, Rykwert, Rapopport et al) 4.2 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War: Structure and Shape (Rossi, Venturi, Rowe) 4.3 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War VI: Autonomy and Conventions (IAUS, Tafuri, Rudofsky) 5. 5.1 - Design and Thought in PostModernism I: Quoting and permeability (Jencks, Venturi, Krier, Moore, Portoghesi) 5.2 - Theory of PostModern Architecture I: Micro-narratives and Spectacle (Lyotard, etc) 5.3 - Design and Thought in PostModernism II: Confronting and Resisting (Frampton, Koolhaas, New Urbanism et al) 5.4 - Portugal (1970s), Portugal (1980s). Theoretical debate. Protagonists, events, publications and relevant works. 5.5 - Theory of PostModernism Architecture II: Interpretation and Exteriors (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze; Oppositions, Any, Assemblage) 5.6 - Design and Thought in PostModernism III: Tension and Transgression (Wigley, Eisenman, Tschumi) 6. 6.1 - Theory of Contemporary Architecture I: Transitoriness (Baudrilhard, Jameson, Virilio, Lipovetsky etc) 6.3 - Contemporaneous Design and Thought I: Desfragmentation (Lynn etc) 6.4 - Design and Thought in PostModernism II: Critical-Project (Furtado) 6.5 - Contemporaneous Design and Thought II: Challenges (Oporto School) 6.6 - Portugal (1910-30s), Portugal (1930-40s). Theoretical debate. Protagonists, events, publications and relevant works. 6.7 - Theory of Contemporary Architecture III: References (Solà-Morales, Landau, Batty et al) 6.8 - Contemporaneous Design and Thought III: Recent Experiments (Novak, Lynn, Spiller, Frazer etc) 7 7.1- Contemporaneous Design and Thought IV: Challenges and future (e.g. Sustainability, postcolonialism, gender, research, collaborative design-AI, etc.

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