
arquitectura e paisagem contemporânea

A paisagem urbana contemporânea revelou uma crise conceptual pela sua complexidade, heterogeneidade, indistinção urbano-rural e centro-periferias, cosntituindo-se como rede policentrica de fluxos materiais e imateriais. A cidade modernista racionalizada, abandonada a matriz fordista no posguerra, felxibilizou-se para a globalização. Paisagem e Arquitectura diluem-se numa unica multiescalaridade - A condição da arquitectura na paisagem urbana contemporânea não se posiciona tanto enquanto um dispositivo de comunicação, mas resvala para a efemeridade do acto de comunicação. Mais que um outdor, conforma-se como enclave-interace de interioridade coreografada, climatizada e sobre-controlada que suporte a evolução incerta do mercado e da vida. Um conglomerado de superficies espelhadas, escadas e pavimentos rolantes e uma hiperrealidade publicitária etc onde nos sujeitamos á eficácia dos fluxos.


Architecture and Information Society, 2001

Gonçalo Furtado e Rui Braz (eds.), Architecture and Information Society, Oporto: FAUP, 2001

model for exhibition at architectural association, 2004

Gonçalo Furtado e Pedro castelo, Model for exhibition at Architectural association, 2004


O Corpo enquadrado, 2002

O Corpo Enquadrado
Gonçalo Furtado e Pedro Gadanho
Fundação de Serralves, 2002

Curso Livre (1/5)de
"Estudos Contemporaneos": Corpo
Paulo Cunha e Silva (org.)

Architecture prosthesis of the body, 2000

Gonçalo Furtado, Ines Moreira e Ines Lima (eds.), Arquitectura protese do corpo", Porto: FAUP/HANGAR, 2000.

Brief - Proposal for a second PEI, December 2004


Bem …Universidades são espaços institucionais de reproducao, mas tambem podem ser espacos de experimentacao sem sair das condicoes do real?
Comecaremos por analisar em grupo um sector da Javeriana e indentificar as suas potenciais forças de trasnfromaçao produzindo cartogarfias, diagramas, registos… Sleccionemos em grupo aldo que nos diga algo, vivamos cada um experiencias á sua maneira e procuremos criar narrativas individuais. Depois sujeitemos esse espaço a redesenho (1:500-1:10) traduzindo tais narrativas individuais numa sequencia de experimentacoes materiais, novas possibilidades de flexibilidade e mutacao.
Atençao que a regra de ouro será esfroçarmo-nos por evitar assumpcoes que tenhamos pre-concebidas, e buscar eventos e posibilidades arquitectonicas banais e nao antes vistas de perferencia.
Ao trasnformar o edifico, expandindo e contraindo fronteiras, esperemos redescubrir nova potencialidade. Forcemos pois no edifcios exploraçoes materiais (modeling), de scalling (collage), de sequence (notation) e de balance (gravity).etc
O complexo universitario não será para nós senão um espaço de colonizaçao, poroso, para as nossas estrategias de abertura. Os arquitectos produziram estruturas espaciais criticas em zonas nao resolvidas, os designers instalacoes parasitos que enriqueçam o cuotidiano e os artistas confronatarao as zonas fragüéis com eventos experimentais.
No fim todas as intervençoes individuais deverao contribuir para uma colectiva, e materializavel na maquete, que mais que corropomper o espaço, permitam especular e gerar novas posibilidades que envolvam aspectos de mudanza e jogo, espaços complexos e indeterminaveis ao contrarios dos de facil categorizaçao que geralmente resultam da academia."

Proposal for a second PEI, December 2004

Gonçalo Furtado e CH

“INDETERMINACY DESIGN AND CRITICAL SPACE”é um workshop que se insere dentro de parámetros e objetivos de uma formação geral em Design e Arquitectura que permita projectar com consciencia critica na complexidade da contemporânea.
“INDETERMINACY DESIGN AND CRITICAL SPACE” é uma sequela mais prática do anterior Workshop, e evoluciona agora ‘a escala do “Artefacto” e o “Espaco Critico”
“INDETERMINACY DESIGN AND CRITICAL SPACE”, sonhará com realismo aquilo que poderia ser o complexo da Universidade Javeriana, descontruindo-o propor uma flexibilidade de usos.

As sessões TEÓRICAS do workshop baseiam-se no relacionamento do pensamento de Design, Arquitectura, Arte e a Critica Cultural. Os temas serão proximos de “A american utopian urban culture”, “Megastructural Design of indeterminancy”, “Design and Diagrams”.

Para além de objectivos especificos, os objectivos mais gerais do Workshop são:
- Debater como a prática do Design e Arquitectura comporta a ponderação de múltiplas dimensões culturais e o que é o Pos-colonialismo
- Fornecer bases para intervir projectualmente na compelxidade da cultura contemporanea debatendo as utopias urbanas de importámos da America do Norte
- Entender o que pode ser um ARTEFACTO-ESPACO CRITICO no fenómeno pós-moderna e os processos de relacionamento e significação que lhe são inerentes, intervindo visionariamente num edifcio que usamos quotidianamente percebendo arquitectónicamente que a trasnfromação da realidade é mais possivel do que parece
-- Experimentar as situações que possam permitir estes artefactos e esapcos no contexto cultural e americano sul-americano, permitindo especular de cómo os nossos “petit-recits” arquitetónicos tem capacidade de influenciar uma cultura mais ampla.
- Conhecer o imaginário cinematografico de Almodóvar e debater o facto de que as nossas intervençoes fazem parte (contribuindo ou estagnando) de uma “onda” mais ampla de toda uma comunidade.
- Experimentar nos artefactos dos desenhadores e nos espacos dos arquietctos os cocneitos de utopia, megaestrutura e ideterminacao associados a edificios flexiveis e mutantes com o tempo.

Megast, 1998?

Gonçalo Furtado and Miguel Serra, Megast., 1998

Exhibited at Maus Habitos in 2002

proposal for course, August 2005

Systems everywhere – Overcoming the urban collapse since post-war
Goncalo Furtado
Gonçalo Furtado graduated from FAUP-Portugal, ... . He also frequented the Institut of Advanced Architectural Studies in Venice and researched at the Architectural Association with a FLB grant. He teaches at FAUP-Portugal and often at the ESAD-Portugal and Elysava-Spain; gave lectures-critiques in England, Portugal, Spain, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, etc. He was a curator for such events as “MS Plug-in” at the EXD European Biennale of Design, “Off forum-Post global city…” at MetRoom-Barcelona, “Tracing Portugal” A.A., etc. He is the author of books such as “Notes on the space of the digital technique” (2001), “Marcos Cruz – unpredictable body” (2004), "Off forum, Post global city …" (2004), “The Construction of the critical project” (2005), etc.

This seminar reflects a current worldwide research interest, which approaches cities and planning culture with the lens provided by the new sciences of complexity.
One will debate how those quasi-philosophical systems challenge the culture of urban design by conceiving non-linear paradigms of emergence and self-organization; i.e., far-from equilibrium systems where provisional stable forms of organization continually and unpredictably emerged from a complexity of interacting components, fluctuations and inputs.
It also analyses the post-war emergence of a new epistemological condition in the culture of urban design and experience.

Throughout three sessions, we will expose how the new scientific domains, that began to emerge with the war effort, infiltrated urban discourse and have since then been associated with the course of urban practice and understanding of cities.
First, one will discuss the influence that the “control” and “feed-back” notions, originated in WW II Cybernetics, had on the understanding of the post-war metropolis. That is to say, to conceive complex identities, based on the knowledge of the role of time - uncertainty, which challenged the master Plan with new flexible regulatory styles of planning.
Second, one will discuss the reflexes that Cold war research had on the new urban conceptualization of the system’s dynamics as self-organizational. On the one hand by focusing cities as complexities of interconnected interactive components, and on the other hand by seeing Planning itself as an “observing system” that includes the observer-planner.
Finally, one outline the more contemporary urban research trends that took shape- from equilibrium systems theories of Caos, Fractals and Catastrophes, as a source of knowledge and inspiration, to the understanding of the post-metropolis global condition.

In summary, one will propose a critical historical reflection that could prove productive for today’s theoretical and design practice. One that points out that, in parallel to the more well-know structuralist and later post-structuralist architectural influences, the vocabulary raised on the new scientific discourse, has, since the post-war, played a significant role for today’s Urban discourse. In fact, after the seminal events of war, the Urban community continued to have an intimate relationship with science and technology, although no longer insinuating an idea of progress conducted by technology, but advancing precisely what would become to be known as a post-modern epistemological condition
Today, in face of the on-going dramatic urban events, the post-modern crisis and the post -structural philosophical impasses, the anti-hierarchical logic of the new sciences seems to be able to contribute to the contemporary urban debate with its endless process of continual auto-organization. A debate on the urban condition that should never be stuck.

Brasil, 2004

Architectural Diagnostics: Corpos, espaços e máquinas
Aula inaugural do curso de arquitetura e urbanismo - universidade caxias do sul,
7 abril 2004, 19.30h.

5 e 6 Outubro 2004
4 Sessoes

Sessao - Postindustrial Design.
Sessao - Behind the pencil / Architectural Avnatgarde Drawings (From Fuller to Price's Generator.
Session - Notes on the space of digital technqiue + Marcos Cruz: Unpredictable bodies.
Session - Spectacle and Thematization.


Siza, 2007

Uma viagem de estudo porreira com os novos alunos.
1- Convento da Serra do Pilar
2 - Sé
3 - Casa da Musica de rem Koolhas
4 - Casa de chá de Álvaro Siza.

Revisitar a casa de chá lembrou-me uma manhã inequecível em 2004 conversando com Álvaro Siza em sua casa.


Capsule 1996-97?

Gonçalo Furtado and Joao Saleiro, Capsule, 1996.

Lisbon, 2007

The international colloquium yesterday was ok. I lectured once more on Cedric Price's Generator and JN. It was great to reencounter
Alessandro Aurigi, Luis Borges Gouveia and to dinner with Douglas Schuler from The Evergreen State College.


Books by Gonçalo Furtado

>“Escola Universitária Vasco da Gama” is about to publish the
>book “Generator and Beyond: Encounters of Cedric Price and
>John Frazer

>Gonçalo M. Furtado C. Lopes
>“Generator and Beyond: Encounters of Cedric Price and John Frazer”
>Coimbra: Universidade Vasco da Gama, 2007 (forthcoming)

>-1.1. – Perface by Neil Spiller
>- Introduction: Encounters around Architecture and Systems Research
>1.1. - A shift: The 1960’s Breakthrough Attitude
>1.2. – Cedric Price: The maverick of British Architecture
>1.3. – The Seminality and Relevance of Price’s projects
>1.4 – Other Price’s Experiments on impermanence
>2.1. - The Generator Original Project Version: The Rise of the First
>Intelligent Building
>3.1. - Requiring Frazer’s Systems Research
>3.2 - Computational Proposals and Programs
>3.3 - The Frazers’ Research and Techniques
3.4. - Generator Computer Programs, Models and Perspectives
>3.5. - Generator’s Acknowledgement as the First Intelligent Building
>in the Early 1980s and Further Occurrences
>3.6. - Further Research and Occurrences Concerning the Generator
>4.1. - The Generator revisited
>4.2. - Beyond the Generator Experience

Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto will publish:
Gonçalo M. Furtado C. L., "Envisioning an Evolving Environment: The Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer".



Esta tesis proporciona una historia de transacciones entre la arquitectura y los campos de la cibernética, la investigación de sistemas y la computación. En particular, enfoca los encuentros de los profesionales británicos – Gordon Pask, Cedric Price y John Frazer – y proporciona una descripción de dos proyectos arquitectónicos de excelencia relacionados con sistemas de computación – Generator y Japan Net. También enaltece la relevancia arquitectónica de esos encuentros y la importancia de su legado contemporáneo – la génesis del paradigma sistémico y computacional en el proyecto arquitectónico y la promoción de un ambiente evolutivo. La tesis está basada sobretodo en la investigación del archivo personal de Gordon Pask (acogido por la Sra. Amanda Heitler) e los Cedric Price Archives (acogidos por el Canadian Centre for Architecture).

La tesis está dividida en tres partes: La primera parte se relaciona con los desarrollos iniciales involucrando cibernética y arquitectura. Tal incluye la carrera de Pask y el desarrollo de un “second-order cybernetics”, así como la postura seminal de Price y la promoción de una arquitectura impermanente abierta a la participación del usuario. La segunda parte proporciona una descripción completa del proyecto Generator de Price, enfoca las varias fases y los diversos pareceres del proyecto y enaltece el contributo de John y Julia Frazer como consultores de sistemas, llevando a este proyecto a ser reconocido como el primer edificio inteligente. La tercera parte incide sobre la emergencia del ambiente informacional y los reencuentros y concretizaciones posteriores de Pask, Price e Frazer. Tal incluye revisitas al proyecto Generator, una descripción completa de la propuesta a concurso Japan Net, así como indica ideas notables sobre instalaciones evolutivas y ensayos tanto de Frazer como de Pask.

Se nos hace evidente que la actual agenda arquitectónica, enfocada en el nuevo orden tecno-cultural de la Sociedad de la Información y en una estética de lo emergente, puede beneficiar de esas transacciones, encuentros y proyectos.

Gonçalo Furtado, Anteviendo un ambiente evolutivo – Los encuentros de Gordon Pask, Cedric Price y John Frazer (PhD, Orientado por Neil Spiller e Iain Borden), Bartlett-University College of London, 2007



Cette thèse raconte une histoire d'échanges entre l'architecture et les domaines de la cybernétique, systems research et informatique, qui correspond à la période de la dernière moitié du siècle passé. L'abordage se concentre plus précisément sur les rencontres des professionnels britanniques - Gordon Pask, Cedric Price et John Frazer - et fournit la description complète de deux projets d'architecture fondamentaux liés aux systèmes et informatique - Generator et Japan Net. La thèse souligne encore la pertinence de ces rencontres ainsi que leur héritage contemporain - la genèse du paradigme systémique et informatique dans le cadre du design architectonique et la promotion d'un environnement évolutif. La thèse s'appuie essentiellement sur recherche dans les archives personnelles de Gordon Pask (en possession de Amanda Heitler) et celles de Cedric Price (en possession du Canadian Centre for Architecture).

La thèse est organisée en trois parties. La première partie se penche sur les premiers développements impliquant cybernétique et architecture. On y tient compte de la carrière de Pask et du surgissement d'un second-order-cybernetics, ainsi que la posture visionnaire de Price et son infatigable promotion d'une architecture temporaire ouverte à la participation de son utilisateur. La seconde partie fournit la description complète du Generator de Price. L'on s'y concentre sur les diverses phases et consultances du projet, et l' on y souligne encore l'importance de John et Julia Frazer, dont la contribution en tant que consultants de systèmes résultat en ce que ce projet vint à être connu sous la désignation de premier bâtiment intelligent. La troisième partie se concentre sur le surgissement de l'environnement de l'information et les rencontres et réalisations postérieures de Pask, Price et Frazer. Ceci implique des retours au projet Generator, une complète description du projet en compétition Japan Net, ainsi que des idées importantes à propos des installations évolutives et dissertations aussi bien de Frazer que de Pask.

Il devient clair que l'actuelle agenda architectonique, concentrée sur le nouvel ordre techno-culturel de la Société de l'Information et une esthétique de l'émergence, peut bénéficier de ces transactions, rencontres et projets.

Gonçalo Furtado, Envisageant un environnement évolutif - Les rencontres de Gordon Pask, Cedric Price et John Frazer
(PhD dissertation, Sous orientation de Neil Spiller et Iain Borden
Bartlett School of Architecture), Bartlett - University College of London, 2007.



この論文はここ半世紀に亘る建築とサイバネティックス分野、リサ-チシステムとコンピュ-タ-間における交流の歴史についてである。特に英国のプロフェショナル達Gordon Pask、Cedric Price、 John Frazerの出会いに焦点を絞り、システムとコンピュ-タ-に関連した二つの優れた建築プロジェクト、GeneratorとJapan Netの話を紹介する。これらの人々の出会いによる建築学上の意義、また建築デザインにおいてのシステム及びコンピュ-タ-パラダイムの起源と発展中の環境促進という現代へのその影響の重要性を強調する。 この研究は主にGordon Pask個人のアーカイブ(Amanda Heitler氏によって維持)とCedric Price アーカイブス(the Canadian Centre for Architectureで維持)に基づくものである。
論文は3部構成になっている。第1部はサイバネティックスと建築に関する初期の進展についてであり、Paskのキャリアと第二次サイバネティックスの勃興、Priceの画期 的な姿勢と参加ユーザーに開かれた一時の建築への彼の弛みない貢献に触れる。第2部はPriceのGeneratorについてで、プロジェクトの様々な段階とコンサルティング業者に的を当てている。また最初のスマートビル(高度情報化建築物)と認められるこの計画を導いたシステムコンサルタント、John とJulia Frazerの貢献にも触れる。第3部は情報環境の勃興と後のPask、Price、Frazerの再会と彼らの業績についてである。Generatorプロジェクトへの再帰、The Japan Netコンペへのエントリ-、そして進化性のあるインスタレ-ションとFrazerとPask両者のエッセイついての傑出した考えをも取り上げる。

2007年3月 ロンドン

Gonçalo Furtado, Envisioning an Evolving Environment: The Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer, Bartlett - University College of London, 2007.


Abstract portugues para FJ / AP.

Antevendo um ambiente evolutivo – Os encontros de Gordon Pask, Cedric Price e John Frazer (Dissertação de doutoramento)
Gonçalo Miguel Furtado Cardoso Lopes. Orientado por Neil Spiller and Iain Borden
Bartlett School of Architecture - U.C.L. Faculty of the Built Environment, 2007

Esta tese providencia uma historia de transacoes entre arquitectura e os campos da cibernetica, investigacao de sistemas e computacao. Em particular, foca os encontros dos profissionais britanicos – Gordon Pask, Cedric Price e John Frazer – e providencia uma descricao de dois projectos arquitectonicos de excelencia relacionados com sistemas e computacao – Generator e Japan Net. Tambem enlatece a relevância arquitectónica desses encontros e a importância do seu legado contemporâneo – a genese do paradigma sistémico e computacional no projecto arquitetónico e a promoção de um ambiente evolutivo. A tese é baseada sobretudo em investigação do arquivo pessoal de Gordon Pask (acolhido pela Sra Amanda Heitler) e os Cedric Price Arquives (acolhidos pelo Canadian Centre for Architecture).
A tese esta dividida em três partes. A primeira parte parte relaciona-se com desenvolvimentos iniviais envolvendo cibernética e arquitectura. Tal inclui a carreira de Pask e o desenvolvimento de um second-order cybernetics, tal como a postura seminal de Price e a promoção de uma arquitectura impermanente aberta a participação do usuário. A segunda parte providencia uma descrição completa do projecto Generator de Price. Tal foca as várias fases e consultadorias do projecto, e enaltece a contribuição de John e Julia Frazer como coonsultores em sistemas, que levou este projecto a ser reconhecido como o primeiro edificio inteligent. A terceira parte foca a emergância do ambiente informacional e os reencontros e concretizações posteriores de Pask, Price e Frazer. Tal inclui revisitas ao projecto Generator, uma descrição completa da proposta a competição Japan Net, tal como indica ideia notáveis sobre instalações evolutivas e ensaios de tanto Frazer como Pask.
Torna-se claro que a actual agenda arquitectónica, focada na nova ordem tecno-cultural da Sociedade da Informação e uma estética do emergente pode beneficiar dessas transações, encontros e projectos.


Lecture (Canada), October 2007

Lecture to the University of Calgary's Canadian students
BCN Program, 31 october 2007
Gonçalo Furtado

From BD's “Cedric Price to Design ‘Social Structures’ in the United States” (1977) to Neil Spiller’s "...Critical Writings for the Digital Era" (2002).

Dinner with rafael and the canadian artist alexander pills.


remembering the light of my office, 2000-2004.

Acreditamos que o verdadeiro papel da arquitectura é partilhar possíveis formas de vida que seguem por debaixo das suas construções. A teoria tem um lugar central neste processo; assume para lá da mera tarefa modernista da legitimação da construção, uma hibridez que ambiciona transdisciplinaridade e uma acção mais política. A linguagem arquitectónica enquanto discurso em prática só pode resistir a ser um instrumento de reprodução do status quo se compreender que o arquitecto é pura exterioridade em que se inscreve o poder. Contornamos pois, conscientemente, qualquer totalitarização do sistema disciplinar mediante vigilância quanto a qualquer negociação. Ambicionamos contribuir na desconstrução da disciplina expondo exclusões que historicamente ficaram ocultas nas margens da instituição. Problematizamos a autoridade inscrita na identidade disciplinar actual ou nas encomendas projectuais.
Gonçalo Furtado, [manifesto], New York, 2002.

Lecture - Coimbra 2007

Cedric Price's Generator: The various design phases, consultancies involved and material produced
Gonçalo Furtado

“[M]odernist thinking was affected by the breakthrough attitude of the 1960s and 1970s. At the time, there were many parallel avant-garde practices, including Archigram and Yona Friedman; and they presented their work jointly with Cedric Price in the 1966 I.D.E.A.. … . This maverick of British avant-garde architecture was a tireless promoter of flexible impermanent architecture open to users’ participation, ... . Throughout his carreer, Price developed impactfull projects, such as the Aviary, Fun Palace, InterAction Centre and, later, Magnet. From 1976 onwards, Cedric Price worked on a project engaged with systems and computers - the Generator. This envisioned a flexible architectural complex on the Florida-Georgia border, consisting of a grid into which a crane would deliver cubical spatial modules and other components in various arrangements. This … [presentation] provides an ... account of the project, encompassing the various design phases and consultancies involved, and reveals Price’s exhaustive pursuit of an impermanent architecture open to users[‘ participation from 1976 to late 1979].”
(in: Gonçalo Furtado, “Envisioning and Evolving Environment: The Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer”, … (Research supported by FCT).
Acknowledgements: Neil Spiller, John and Julia Frazer, Howard Shubert, Amanda Heitler, Ranulph Glanville and Nic Bailey.


Researching on Pask with the help of Amanda's coffe, Richmond July 2005

Exhibition at Architectural Association

"Tracing Portugal", Exhibition curated by Gonçalo Furtado and Pedro Castelo, Architectural Association, London, 2004


1.- P.R.
The work of three contemporary practices. AUZProjekt, Atelier de Santos e Pedro Maurício Borges will come under the spotlight in the AA’s Front Members Room. Addressing the current directions of Architecture in Portugal and highlighting the continuities and ruptures of the architectonic production, the exhibition focuses on a new generation of architects and bring their work into a wider European context.
The exhibition is curated by Gonçalo Furtado and Pedro castelo and produced by the Exhibition Team of the Architectural Association with a support by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

2. - TP – AN EMERGENT ARCHITECTONICAL SCENE (Gonçalo Furtado e Pedro Castelo)

Portugal although being a peripheral country, marginalized by its geographical condition and by a political dictatorship prolonged till 1974 still accomplished the creation of some protagonists in the architectonical context, which crossed their school of modernism with local references (such as Viana de Lima,Távora, Siza, etc.)
During these decades the scenario of the architectonical production emanated from the two major urban poles: Lisbon and Porto.
- In the first emerged receptivity to a certain kind of post-modernism, propitiated by the scale of commissions and plurality of references.
- In the second, we verify a convergence that would be called as ‘School of Porto’, and which achieve a larger international recognition.

The differences diluted, with more approachability to the exterior, with the augment of architectural schools, and the own nature of intervention of the discipline in the country.
It is in this context that through the mediatic dimension of architecture is possible the visibility and identification of some young generations.
Those young generations are no longer defined by a lineage of schools, but by a net of cross-disciplinary references and contexts which origin a palette of differentiated individual practices.
- Moreover we would say that this generation is capable to be involved with the world of construction, being concerned with high rigour of constructional detailing. Nevertheless their practice is also enriched with a certain theoretical experimentation, internal to the project and by the will of its mediatic presence.
We should also mention that the search for these architectonical discourses is enriched beyond the design activity, with an effervescent interventionism that covers and promotes the cultural debate about the discipline.

The young generation could be represented by some significant protagonists, such as: Pedro Mauricio Borges, a.s* office, and AUZprojekt.
- Pedro Mauricio Borges, is a teacher in the school of Coimbra and was awarded the national prize for architecture, he manipulates a familiar formal repertoire, with a phenomenological and complex poetic.
- Pedro Costa and Célia Gomes, which settle the ‘atelier de santos’ in Lisbon after being awarded several times; they register certain contemporary affinities expressed in constructions with strong image and visibility.
- AUZprojekt, affirmed his practice since recent competitions, with his experimental and cross-disciplinary projects endowed with strong political attitude.

This set of designers will able the to build by means of an exhibition and respective publication, what is the Portuguese contemporary practice and the meaning of these works in a larger European context.

The three practices on show are representative of a strong and dynamic architectonical scene in Portugal where different influences converge into a diverse and fulfilled architectonical outcome.

In fact, with these 3 works the exhibition cover a range of architectonical positions towards the contemporary world, where their expressions and expectations have different gradients of acceptance and continuity, or revolutionary break through.

In the futuristic work of AUZ one can see the emergence for experience and novelty, forced to detach itself from traditional codes in order to discover new images and shapes; always circumscribed by an urban culture inherited naturally by the author’s cosmopolitan experience.

The two houses designed by Pedro Mauricio Borges are the example of a not overanxious attitude that expresses itself through reinterpretation of established forms and proposes continuity with the local existence. The excitement of its design relies on the vast repertoire of historical and local references, adding a modern abstractedness or pure angular geometry and clean finish to its forms.

Finally the Atelier de Santos (as*) brings what could be considered the mixture, or balance between the two later positions. Working in consolidated ground, their projects dialogue with the existing and accept it, while contrast and step back (or forward?) with a different language, scale and feeling. Their research looks for an expressive abstract form graphically rich and tectonically innovative.


Pedro Mauricio Borges
Project 1 - Project Fonseca Macedo
Project 2 - Project Pacheco de Melo

AS, Atelier de Santos
Project 3 - Project Residências Universitárias
Project 4 -Project Biblioteca

AUZ Projekt
Project 5 - Project S.U.F.

4. – INDEX of the publication (Proposal)

by Pedro Castelo and Goncalo Furtado
Rupture and continuity
Alvaro Siza interviewed by Goncalo Furtado

On body

CECL on body

Gonçalo Furtado, THE BODY IN THE SPACE OF CONTEMPORARY TECHNIQUE, in: CECL, N 33 Body, technique, subjectivities , Maria Lucília Marcos and António Fernando Cascais, (Orgs) Lisboa, June 2004

"The essay «The body in the space of contemporary technique» is an approach to several relevant features of the relation between Body and Space, in order to ponder the civilizational models implied by their representations.According to the idea of Interface, we cast our eyes to the Machine-technique in order to expose the intimate relationship established with the Body, reconfiguring it and mediating its connection to the «real».Nowadays, a socio-techno-cultural mutation, known as «Informational», was responsible for the emergence of a new space-time structure that not only reconfigures the public sphere, the city and architecture, but also advocates the substitution-obsolescence of the Body itself.In this context, it is a task for the professionals of Communication and Design to explore in a critical fashion the communicational space generated by Technique as a support of the existence of contemporary human Body in its real-virtual wandering, and also to conceive new political interfaces towards an «Expanded body»."

critical project

The Critical Project - Theory’s role on contemporary architecture’s practise
Gonçalo Furtado
(Translation by Raul Fernandes)

The discipline of Architecture is found strangled upon the reductive definition of “space organizing-building art”.
But let it be understood Architecture as projectual practise destined to the conceptualization-sharing of “life forms”, recentering Theory’s role while architectonical act by excellence, and the purpose of Construction as its explicit materialization.
Such will support the construction of Critical Projects that, on the oppressive context that confines the practise of contemporary Architecture, have the capability to problematize the discipline internally attempting to potentialize its future “projections”.

The foundation of these projects require from the beginning to ponder on the Theory-Practise relationship, questioning the Historical Archive of the Modernity-Post-Modernity transition.
And such task confronts itself with a prescriptive-like Tratadistic past that made the idea of Architecture converge on the idea of Construction, and a Modern Theorization that conditioned it’s validity on the mere Constructive applicability.

It seems to us today that in the socio-economical context that confines Construction, only the practise of the Critical Project may yet constitute a clue to the architectonical reflection-intervention. Refusing as much the Modern collective focus, as the false negotiations validated in constructive inscriptions, only the internal of theoretically problematized projects may resist the assaulted institutionalized system and assure the expansion of libertarian discourses for new “ways to live”.

In sum, beyond the contemporary pseudo-contextualizing or perverse-spectacular architectonical forms, a Critical Project, autonomous or constructively actualized, motorizes itself through theoretical questioning; of the construction world in which it operates, the physical expressions of the power structures, the neglecting initial Modern and Post-Modern construction effects, the socio-economical results already inscribed on the authority of the order-client.
On the context that confines the contemporary practise, such Projects are urged, drawn while culturally critical constructions, facing subjective readings and “other” stories that may in time repotentialize the social intervention of the disciplinary body. Heterogeneous speculations that resist all totalitarizations and inscribe marginalized perspectives by the institutionalized power, only wishing to trigger other projects to the discipline of Architecture while creation of “ways of living”.

G.F., 2004.

Projecto Crítico - O papel da Teoria na Prática da Arquitectura Contemporânea
Gonçalo Furtado

A disciplina da Arquitectura encontra-se estrangulada pela sua redutora definição como "arte de organizar-construir espaços".
Mas entenda-se Arquitectura como prática projectual destinada à conceptualização-partilha de "formas de vida", recentrando o papel da Teoria enquanto acto arquitectónico por excelência, e o propósito da Construção como sua explícita materialização.
Tal apoiará a construção de Projectos Críticos, que no opressivo contexto que confina a prática da Arquitectura contemporânea, possuam a capacidade de problematizar internamente a disciplina com vista a potenciar as suas futuras “projecções”.

A fundação destes Projectos requer desde logo ponderar a relação Teoria-Prática, questionando o Arquivo Histórico da transição Modernidade-Pós-Modernidade.
E Tal tarefa, confronta-se com um passado Tratadístico de índole prescritiva que fez convergir a ideia de Arquitectura na de Construção, e uma Teorização Moderna que condicionou a sua validade na mera aplicabilidade Construtiva.

Prece-nos hoje que no ontexto sócio-económico que confina a Construção, só a prática do Projecto Crítico pode ainda constituir um restício para a intervenção-reflexão arquitectónica. Recusando tanto o foco colectivo Moderno como as falsas negociações validadas em inscrições construtivas, só o interior de Projectos teoricamente problematizadores podem resistir ao assaltado sistema institucional e assegurar a expansão de discursos libertários para “novas formas de viver”.

Em suma, para lá das actuais formazitas arquitectónicas pseudo-contextualizantes ou preverso-espectaculares, um Projecto Crítico, autónomo ou construtivamente actualizado, motoriza-se pelo questionamento teórico: do mundo da construção em que opera, das expressões físicas das estruturas do poder, dos efeitos da negligente construção Moderna e Pós-Moderna Incial, e dos resultados sócio-económicos já isncritos na autoridade da encomenda-cliente.
No contexto que confina a prática contemporãnea, urgem-se tais Projectos, desenhados enquanto construções culturalmente críticas, mediante leituras subjectivas e “outras” histórias que possam a montante repotenciar a intevenção social do corpo disciplinar. Especulações herterógeneas que resistam a todas totalarizações e inscrevam perspectivas marginalizadas pelo poder institucionalizado, apenas desejando despoletar outros projectos para a disciplina da Arquitectura enquanto criação de “formas de viver”.

G.F., 2004

Proyecto Crítico - el papel de la Teoría en la Práctica de la Arquitectura Contemporánea
Gonçalo Furtado
(Translation by Arménio Sabença)

La disciplina de la Arquitectura se encuentra estrangulada por su reductora definición como “arte de organizar-construir espacios”.
Mientras, entiéndase Arquitectura como práctica proyectual destinada a la conceptualización-compartimiento de “formas de vida”, recentrando el papel da la Teoría como acto arquitectónico por excelencia, y el propósito de la Construcción como su explícita materialización.
Tal apoyará la construcción de Proyectos Críticos, que en el opresivo contexto que confina la práctica de la Arquitectura contemporánea, posean la capacidad de problematizar internamente la disciplina con el objetivo de potenciar sus futuras “proyecciones”.

La fundación de estos Proyectos requiere desde luego ponderar la relación Teoría-Práctica, cuestionando el Archivo Histórico de la transición Modernidad-Postmodernidad.
Y lal tarea se confronta con un pasado Tratadístico de índole prescriptiva, que ha hecho convergir la idea de Arquitectura en la de Construcción, y una Teorización Moderna que condicionó su validez en la mera aplicabilidad Constructiva.

Parece que en el contexto socioeconómico que confina la Construcción, sólo la práctica del Proyecto Crítico puede aún constituir un resquicio para la intervención-reflexión arquitectónica. Rechazando tanto el foco colectivo Moderno como las falsas negociaciones validadas en inscripciones constructivas, sólo el interior de Proyectos teóricamente problematizadores pueden resistir al asaltado sistema institucional y asegurar la expansión de discursos libertarios para “nuevas formas de vivir”.

En suma, más allá de las actuales formitas arquitectónicas pseudo-contextualizantes o perverso-espectaculares, un Proyecto Crítico, autónomo o constructivamente actualizado, se motoriza por el cuestionamiento teórico: del mundo de la construcción en el que opera, de las expresiones físicas de las estructuras del poder, de los efectos de la negligente construcción Moderna y Postmoderna inicial, y de los resultados socioeconómicos ya inscritos en la autoridad del encargo-cliente.
En el contexto que confina la práctica contemporánea urgen tales Proyectos, diseñados como construcciones culturalmente críticas, mediante lecturas subjetivas y “otras” historias que puedan de paso repotenciar la intervención social del cuerpo disciplinario. Especulaciones heterogéneas que resistan a todas las totalitarizaciones y que inscriban perspectivas marginalizadas por el poder institucionalizado, apenas deseando desencadenar otros proyectos para la disciplina de la Arquitectura como creación de “formas de vivir”.

G.F., 2004.

Project Critique - le rôle de la Théorie dans la pratique de l’Architecture Contemporaine
Gonçalo Furtado

La matière de l’Architecture se trouve étouffée par sa définition réductrice comme « art d’organiser - construire des espaces ».
Mais comprenons l’architecture, comme pratique projective destinée à la conceptualisation-partage de « formes de vie », en repositionnant le rôle de la Théorie , en tant qu’action architectonique par excellence, et la finalité de la construction de Projets Critiques, dans l’oppressif contexte qui la limite la praxis de l’architecture contemporaine, et qui possède la capacité de problématiser internement la discipline de l’architecture en vue de potentialiser ses « futurs projections. »

La fondation de ces projets exige dès le début le fait de reconsidérer la relation Théorie-Practique, en questionnant l’archive historique de la transition Modernité-Post-Modernité.
Et une telle tâche, se confronte avec un passé Protocolaire de caractère prescriptif qui a fait converger l’idée d’architecture dans celle de la construction, et d’une théorisation moderne qui a conditionné sa validité dans la simple applicabilité constructive.

Il nous paraît aujourd’hui que dans le contexte socio- économique qui confine la Construction, seulement la pratique du Projet Critique peut encore constituer un dernier fragment pour l’intervention- réflexion architectonique. Refusant tant le focus collectif moderne comme les fausses négociations validées dans des inscriptions constructives, seulement l’intérieur de Projets théoriquement problematisateurs peuvent résister au exposé système institutionnel et assurer l’expansion de discours libertaires pour de « nouvelles formes de vivre. »

En résumé, au delà des actuelles « petites formes » architectoniques pseudo- contextualisantes ou perverso -spectaculaires, un Projet Critique, autonome ou constructivement actualisé, se motorise par le questionnement théorique : du monde de la construction où il opère, des expressions physiques des structures du pouvoir, des effets de la négligente construction Moderne et Post-Moderne initial, et des résultas socio- économiques déjà inscrits dans l’autorité commande-client.
Dans le contexte qui confine la pratique contemporaine, il est important de les Projets, dessinés comme des constructions culturelles critiques, à partir de lectures subjectives et d’« autres » histoires qui puissent a montante relever l’intervention sociale du corps disciplinaire. Spéculations hétérogènes qui résistent à toutes les totalisations et inscrivent des perspectives marginalisées par le pouvoir institutionnalisé, juste souhaitant déchaîner d’autres projets pour la discipline de l’Architecture en tant que création de « forme de vivre ».

G.F., 2004.

Gonçalo Furtado - The Digital Society/Technics
(resume of a lecture in RPI - NY)

"As we face the "digital revolution", it seems necessary to undertake critical reflection which will consider the appropriation of the recent technological paradigm by architecture. in the ambit of this lecture, i will attempt to show how the concept of the "digital machine" was generated in the underground of western thinking, and how this device has become a mediating entity in our relationship with the real world. i will argue that the presence of this "digital machine" implies profound interference in the discipline of architecture (from the stage of the project, through construction and urban design) and will support a post-modern programme of hybridisation with the "machine", able to provide theoretical assistance for the construction of a new space of human interaction as well as of new ways of perception and being."

Unpredictable bodies, 2004

Marcos Cruz marcos and marjan architects: Unpredictable flesh, Oporto: Mimesis, 2004
by Gonçalo Furtado

Perface by Peter Cook

NY, 3-8-2005. Visiting "Cedric Price The Fun Palace" exhibition at Columbia University

Conversations with yona friedman, Paris 2004

publicado em Revista Arq./a (lisboa)2004

espaço urbano e cibercultura, Mexico 2005

V Bienal Iberoamericana de la Comunicación:
Balance del primer lustro de un nuevo siglo de comunicaciones digitales
El Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Estado de México, Septiembre 2005


Cidades digitais II: Considerações sobre Planeamento e Urbanismo face à S.I.
(#V2 - espaço urbano e cibercultura)
Gonçalo Furtado – Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto )

1. – Introdução – “Cristalização” de algumas ideias provisórias

Se alguma noção caracteriza a segunda metade do século transacto é o prefixo “pós” e a “transitoriedade” que ele próprio encerra.
Após a descrença num progresso moderno motorizado pela metáfora da maquinaria industrial, só a ritualização da “mobilidade” em qualquer dimensão civilizacional pode deter um restício de legitimidade.
A cultura pós-moderno avançou novos pensamentos híbridos a-hierárquicos; a economia produtiva agilizou-se para o contexto pós-industrial global, a ciência concebeu ideias e tecnologias para superar o abalo da lógica causa-efeito, etc, etc.
Tal consciência, de inviabilidade de conceptualizar a “incerteza” continua a pautar realidade contemporânea da informação digital e do pós-biológico; do infinitamente grande ao infinitamente pequeno.
Com base no referido, eu avançarei estas considerações sobre “espaço urbano e cibercultura” apenas como mais uma cristalização provisória de ideias que dinamicamente vem evoluindo desde 1999.
Tais ideias relacionam-se com:
- a configuração de um sociedade da infromação que comporta interferências culturais e ressonâncias espaciais
- a presença das redes no espaço urbano-arquitectónico e sua vivência
- o desafio do interface e a concepção de relações do corpo com o espaço tecnológico
- a dinâmica auto-organizativa do meta-território e seu modelo futuro.

Megast., 1998?

Gonçalo Furtado and Miguel Serra, Megast., 1998?

Exhibited at Maus Habitos in 2002



"Notes towards a definition of theory
1. Theory must operate as a dynamic process. We ought therefore to recognise that theory is more properly a mode of thinking.
4. Theory must operate as a mode of critical enquiry that seeks to interrogate and challenge the given-ness of the given. It is therefore not a mode of justification, but a mode of problematisation... ."

Neil Leach, “Notes Towards a definition of theory” (Perface), in: Gonçalo Furtado, Behind the Pencil: The construction of the Critical Project, Bogota: PEI, 2005, pp.4-5

Postwar's critic imagery - 2005

"[I]n the post-war period ... others, more powerful, emerged, like the Situationists or Cedric Price who remained marked by a ... mechanic imaginery ... . Among the most important cartographies of the postwar's Critic imagery, we could find the Gilman collection, which contain visionary drawings from the 1957-1978 period [See: Terence Riley, Introduction, in: Terence Riley (ed.), The Changing of the Avant-garde: Visionary Architectural Drawings from the Howard Gilman Collection, New York: MoMA, 2002] ... the contents of this collection were exhibited and published under the significant title ´The Changing of the Avant-garde'. ...[I]f one observes the core of Mega-structuralist drawings in the MoMA Archive, one may recognize ... the notion of flexibility ... on Price's flexible University drawings ....
The way we see it, in the precise socio-economic context in which contemporary construction moves, the practice of Critical Project seems to be the remaining place of architectural reflection. The ultimate contemporary."
(in: Gonçalo Furtado, Behind the Pencil: The construction of the Critical Project, Bogota: PEI, 2005,pp. 28, 30, 33 and 45.)

Texts to be analysed by the students


Gonçalo Furtado, "Envisioning an Evolving Environment - The Encounters of Gordon Pask, Cedric Price and John Frazer" (Report suported FCT), FAUP, February 2007.


Gonçalo Furtado, Behind the Pencil: The construction of the Critical Project, Bogota: PEI, 2005.
"The present text aims to contribute to the debate about the enclosure that the Architecture-institution has been assuming in its more mainstream modern and post-modern versions. It concludes by proposing the possibility of a Critical project that mediates theory and construction, and contemplates the role that the former may assume in the projectual practice of post-modern architecture - a motor that permanently problematises the projectual potencial and secures a discipline´s self-critical dynamic. To achieve that, an overview of the XX century can be made by [aiming] to highlight the necessary shift from a Theory of 'prescription' to building practice to a dynamic selfcriticism of the architectural system itself. A Narrative which could begin with the Modern complexities where Theory operated towards legitimizing a generic design and a constructive practice, then leading to the post-modern desbelief and mistrust that, since the culture of criticism of the 60s, questioned the purpose of the architectural practice, focusing the conceptualization of ways of inhabiting that it inscribes." (p. cover)


Lecture in Mexico, 2005

Nova espacialidades hibridas para a comunicacao do corpo-protese (abstract of paper presented in Centro Tecnologico de Monterrey - Mexico, 2005)
Goncalo Furtado

A presente comunicacao destina-se a ser apresentada no painel … coordenado por Andre Lemos…

A comunicacao propoe analizar a conformacao de um novo paradigma urbano-comunicacional movida pelos impactos das Novas TIC (redes alambricas e inalambricas, artefactos moveis, softwares e protocologos, etc), cujo resultado e’ tanto fisico como expeireincial.

Especial atencao sera’ dada ‘a fase contemporanea que denominam por “second order cyberculture”, onde se comeca a tornar tangivel a realidade de uma “cyber-cidade” relacionada com a mobilidade e globalizacao, de “cyber-arquitecturas” ligadas a espacos inteligentes e RV, de cyber-vidas socio-culturais hibridas entre a virtualidade-fisicidad, e de um “cyber-corpo” ampliado por proteses tecnologicas mas tambem pela biotecnlogia.

Avancaremos, reflectindo radicalmnente sobre um cenário futuro, simultamente aliciante e cruel, em que teremos o corpo hibridado, os espaços virtualizados, e qualquer interfaces prostetico diluido enquanto medicao bio-tecnologica.
Argumentaremos que as novas TIC se tornaram numa entidade mediadora da nossa relacao com o mundo real e como corolario defenderemos um programa pós-moderno de hibridação co elas capaz de fornecer uma matriz de conceitos que suporte a construção do novo espaço de interacção humana e das novas formas de habitar (percepcoa e ser) que esse suscita.